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Collection Agency Suck

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  • Collection Agency Suck

    I had a visit to an oral surgeon back in August. In December I get a letter from a collection agency telling me that the billing dept. for the group my surgeon belongs to can't find my address, and could I please send payment. (Never mind that the surgeon's group has no trouble finding my address when they want to send me junk mail.)

    Since there are no late fees involved, and the agency has told me I'm not actually in hot water yet, I obligingly send in my payment. They cash it three days later.

    January: I start getting mysterious phone calls asking me to call some random number about "my account." I ignore them, smelling a Phishing scam. I then get a letter in the mail wondering why I haven't paid yet. Grr... I call them up, explain that I did pay, and that the check cleared. They ask for a fax of the check. I comply.

    February: I get another letter in the mail. Same deal. I call them up. I'm told that they do indeed have my fax on file, but the fact that my payment has been made hasn't cleared the billing dept. of the doctor's office yet. I ask why this is my problem, since I've already proved to them that I paid. What they should be doing is telling the billing dept. to go away, since proof has already been provided that I paid.

    I call the billing dept. for the doctor's office. They state that the payment cleared two days before my call. No explanation as to what took so freaking long.
