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what goes around comes around

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  • what goes around comes around

    my best friend has worked in the same store for about 20 years. she worked in almost every area of the store

    well when she was a cashier and CSM there was always this same customer that would come in and just look for her.This SC would yell at my friend about everything and belittle her. it got so bad that SC was baned from our store. SC even followed my friend to her house

    well my friend was at a drive-thru and looked in and there was SC doing the same to the cashier. my friend told the employee that this lady does the same at her store.

    well fast forwared 5 years and my friend saw this lady at another store in a wheel chair. i know its wrong but my friend felt some short of relief.

    note i am not a bad person and would never wish that on anyone.

  • #2
    Honestly, as bad as people can get, I don't think I would get any sense of satisfaction from seeing them mentally crippled.

    There's reasonable pwnage, such as getting escorted from a store by the police, or buying the wrong item when complaining about the price and having to suck up losing a few bucks. Those are enjoyable and funny as heck. However, being in a wheelchair? Not so much. I don't see the satisfaction here, I guess.
    Ultimate Ginger Extraordinaire.


    • #3
      I understand how your friend felt. Although I don't wish bad things on people like that, I do believe in karma. What you give is what you get in return. But I do have some thoughts on people like that. When I see someone who is always being a jerk and giving grief to people, I feel bad for them. It makes me wonder what is so bad in their lives or what made them like that, to be so bitter and spiteful.

      That said, I like to mentally turn the tables on them. I work in the pharmacy which is a very stressful and fast paced environment. For the first few days I remember I would go home and just want to cry at times. But then I changed my attitude. If someone gets mad and wants to be a jerk, I don't care. They are not going to ruin my day. I'm having a good day and if they want to get upset they are only going to ruin their own day.

      My favorite thing to do is smile and say "Have a wonderful rest of the day!" to the ones who get the nastiest.

      As far as the lady in the wheelchair, I wonder how that happened. I'm wondering if she went off on someone who decided not take it and assaulted her or something. Or maybe the stress of always being so angry took it's toll on her body.


      • #4
        I have similar ways if dealing with SCs; when someone is being an asshat I think to myself, "Oh my God! What a bitch! Quick Magenta, throw the switch!", then my problem is not laughing in their faces.

        When I see someone ranting and raving I just think, that's the sort of person who has a heart attack or bursts a blood vessel at a young age.


        • #5
          Quoth AnaKhouri View Post
          When I see someone ranting and raving I just think, that's the sort of person who has a heart attack or bursts a blood vessel at a young age.
          That's why I'd try not to get upset when former co-irker J was being, well, himself. If he wanted to flip out over stupid things, and give himself a heart attack before he turned 30...I was only too happy to oblige. In fact, I'd find creative ways to mess with him
          Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


          • #6
            Quoth AnaKhouri View Post
            "Oh my God! What a bitch! Quick Magenta, throw the switch!"
            Cookies for Rocky Horror reference!
            "I call murder on that!"


            • #7
              I just tell myself that the SC is going to die alone and unhappy, and that always makes me smile, which seems to really mess with their heads.
              Labor boards have info on local laws for free
              HR believes the first person in the door
              Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
              Document everything
              CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


              • #8
                Quoth RxBoy View Post
                That said, I like to mentally turn the tables on them.
                Possibly a better route is to remember that you're not the one needing the prescriptions.


