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Watch where you're going!

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  • Watch where you're going!

    Someone explain this to me, cause I don't understand her logic.

    I was just at Sam's picking up some stuff. Heading down the main aisle, I can see the end of a cart start coming out towards me. Most of the time, the person pushing will see that there's someone coming and will stop. Did this happen? Would I be here if it had?

    She keeps coming, I'm on her left, she's looking to the right. I angle away from her, and she keeps coming, I keep angling. I finally, loudly, say "Hey!" to get her attention. She finally stops with a very fake sounding "Oh I'm sorry." I said, "This is why you need to look where you're going."

    Now comes the best part. She claimed that she was. I asked her how, if she was looking where she was going, which is where I was, how did she almost hit me? Cue the fish-out-of-water mouth flapping.
    It's floating wicker propelled by fire!

  • #2

    Thanks for calling her out. You did the world a favor.


    • #3
      Her logic is as follows: "Of course I was watching where I was going! I don't make stupid mistakes like that, because I'm a wonderful person. Clearly this must have been your fault because you are not me, and thus, not wonderful."
      » Horse Words «·» Roleplaying Stuff «


      • #4
        SC: "Of course I was watching where I was going! I was going right, so I was watching that way! How dare you sneak up on me from the left!"
        "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
        - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


        • #5
          I treat aisles in stores like roads. I always stop at the end before pulling out into the cross aisle. I keep to the right. I pull over to the right when stopping rather than leave the cart in the middle of the aisles. If there's a big crowd, like around the meat displays, I'll put the cart out of the way, push my way through all their carts, grab what I need and get back to my cart.


          • #6
            Quoth Jack7957 View Post
            I treat aisles in stores like roads. I always stop at the end before pulling out into the cross aisle. I keep to the right. I pull over to the right when stopping rather than leave the cart in the middle of the aisles. If there's a big crowd, like around the meat displays, I'll put the cart out of the way, push my way through all their carts, grab what I need and get back to my cart.
            But as with driving..its usually others peoples carts/actions you need to worry about when you're this careful ( i am too btw.)


            • #7
              I have actually witnessed a customer, so involved in a cell phone call, actually run out of store and push their cart into a wall.

