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Disappointed with Jimmy John's

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  • Disappointed with Jimmy John's

    A couple hours ago while at work I decided to order Jimmy John's for my supper. For those not familiar it's a sandwich shop similar to Subway, except their subs are 8 inches, and they promise "super speedy delivery."

    I called them up and placed my order. The guy taking my order managed to mess up my debit card number twice. Not a big deal, I corrected him, and got my order placed and processed. Then I waited about 30-45 minutes but my sandwich was never delivered. The last time I ordered from them my order arrived in 10 minutes.

    So I called them up and explained the situation. They said my order was undeliverable due to an incorrect phone number. The phone number they read off wasn't even correct, and certainly not the one I gave them over the phone.

    They also didn't even attempt to deliver my food. I sit right in front of the main doors where I told them to go in and no one ever showed up there. Plus I was looking at the cameras for all the other entrances to the building and no one showed up there either.

    Whoever I talked to did nothing to rectify the situation just said they could attempt to redeliver it. Never offered an apology or anything.

    Normally this wouldn't bug me, and I'd just have them redeliver, but this was just the cherry on top of an already bad night. So I just cancelled the order.

  • #2
    Watch your bank statement and make sure they really did cancel the order and credit your account. Perhaps you could send a note to corporate with your complaint.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      There is a pending charge listed from them. I called and spoke with a Manager just to verify that it has been cancelled, and to ask when I can see the money back in my account. Apparently it was shift change, but they took down my name and number. If I don't hear from them tonight, I will call again first thing in the morning. I already sent in a note to corporate too.


      • #4
        If the charge stays at "Pending" that means that there was a charge set up to go through, but it was never actually sent, which is fairly standard.

        When the "Pending" gets off your statement is actually determined by your bank, not the credit card processor or company who placed the initial charge, and most banks will just tell you to wait it out if you call and try to get it worked through.

        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


        • #5
          A Pending or Preauth charge should drop from your account on the date listed, usually a future date.


          • #6
            Well I sent in a note to corporate about the situation. Store manager called a couple days later, apologized for the mishap, and said the entire situation should've been handled differently and said my next order is free. Still don't plan on ordering from them for awhile though.

            The charge eventually dropped from my debit card but it took awhile.

