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That's NOT funny -- WARNING: Possibly disturbing

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  • #16
    Quoth RetailWorkhorse View Post

    Permission to join you, Tithera! I can provide a FLAME THROWER the masses the light.
    I will bring the matches and gasoline.

    Rape is not a joke. It's not funny... and that man should have been punched in the face with some form of large metal spike.

    Just reading it make me want to puke. People are sick.
    "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"


    • #17
      I have several friends who have been raped (some, repeatedly). Almost every female I know has experienced, at the very LEAST, some form of sexual harassment. And I'll never forget the time when an older lady in a sociology class I was taking stood up and talked about a friend and herself. She is lucky to be alive (her friend was, sadly, not as fortunate).

      I'm sure all of them would love to find this waste of flesh and tell him just how funny they thought their attackers were.

      Ladies - and guys - anyone who makes a joke like that is telling you how they REALLY feel about women and rape. Dump them - they aren't worth the time it takes to spit.
      ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~


      • #18
        Quoth Tithera View Post
        Dear people of the world,
        If you find rape, moelestation, or any form thereof funny, please join me in the Mohave (sp?) Dessert for what we shall call, "Burning Men." Instead of burning a giant man of wood, we're just gonna pile you all in the center of a giant fire ring and hand you all containers of lighter fluid and matches. Smoking is encouraged while in the ring, as is drinking, for the ash and fumes should be enough to keep you all lit for a good 3 days or so.
        Thank you and I hope to see you there. Don't worry, if you miss it, we'll keep having it until people finally learn to either: keep their comments to themselves, or stop raping and pillaging in general.

        Yours truly,

        Quoth Amethyst Hunter View Post
        Ladies - and guys - anyone who makes a joke like that is telling you how they REALLY feel about women and rape. Dump them - they aren't worth the time it takes to spit.
        Agreed. Nobody needs a misogynistic bully in their lives. Would that we could purge the world of such evil.
        I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
        My LiveJournal
        A page we can all agree with!


        • #19
          here are some things you just don't joke about.


          • #20

            I find alot of stuff funny. Just about everything. I've know people who've been raped. I've known people that been molested. I know molesters. I've known a rapist. I was forced to suck my babysitters dick and hang a hanger shoved up my ass when I was a kid in my first fort that he built for me because my dad never would. Even after that, I still sucked his dick in that fort until he had to leave. I was too happy to have that tree fort. I even loved how he told me he loved me. And when your desperte for that, yeah, you do stuff you regret in later years, but you got no-one to blame but yourself. (Not that people who get rape are to be blamed, but when you do stuff willenly, then yeah, you can't blame that sonofabitch as much you'd want too).

            Yet, I still find several things funny. The world is a hateful, sick, spiteful place, where no-one can ever get what they want. It seems like the world conspires to destroy you, or make it so that you can't ever get what you want.

            So yeah. Put me in that pit. Cause there are some jokes out there that I find funny, and some do involved rape.

            So burn me.
            Military Spouse Support.
            Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


            • #21
              My younger sister lost her virginity at 13 when her (then) boyfriend raped her.

              IMHO, anyone who rapes someone else should have the offending member and associated bits cut off with a very dull knife and NO sedation. Then we can toss them on the aforementioned bonfire of justice.
              Don't wanna; not gonna.


              • #22
                Quoth 42_42_42 View Post
                My younger sister lost her virginity at 13 when her (then) boyfriend raped her.

                IMHO, anyone who rapes someone else should have the offending member and associated bits cut off with a very dull knife and NO sedation. Then we can toss them on the aforementioned bonfire of justice.
                Goes both ways. Woman can rape men. That organ has a mind of its own and goes by sensitivy. Despite what they might want, men can be raped by woman too.
                Military Spouse Support.
                Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


                • #23
                  that's why when i often speak of rape victims i do not mention gender.
                  either gender can be raped by both the opposite or same gender

                  if anything i think the male victims often get the worst of the jokes over it
                  these days there's a lot of help groups out there that encourage woman to report and fight back and offer healing... but the male victims are, in my opinion, still left in the cold without support.


                  • #24
                    im in the same boat as plaidmad on this one. i am a victim of it, but i can also joke about it. partially because it's a defense mechanism, sure. but also because you can differentiate between a joke and seriousness when it is someone you know.
                    the op didnt know the guy talking, but heck, even random jerk #5 could have been a victim himself one time.
                    not everyone who makes bad jokes is a wanna-be rapist guys. just like us telling customers to go jump off a building doesnt make us suicide assisters.

                    Hobby Twitter.


                    • #25
                      Quoth siead_lietrathua View Post
                      partially because it's a defense mechanism, sure. but also because you can differentiate between a joke and seriousness when it is someone you know.
                      I'll agree, I have heard a lot of jokes about cancer and dying since I was diagnosed and have told some too. I have also heard some jokes about rape which I thought funny.
                      I still wouldn't tell a cancer joke in the local grocers shop. Some of the people there may not find it funny and why offend people you don't even know?


                      • #26
                        Quoth Mikkel View Post
                        I still wouldn't tell a cancer joke in the local grocers shop. Some of the people there may not find it funny and why offend people you don't even know?
                        QFT. It's not so much the fact that someone made a joke like that that ticks me off. It's the fact that he made it in a public place and expected people to not think he was being a jerk.

                        I think the other reason that I find this joke so offensive is that there are some people for whom that would not be a joke. I know we all worry when we see statistics that say "x% of people think that rape is sometimes the victim's fault" and examine our mindsets to see what sort of phrasings would make us answer "yes" to a question that asked if rape was ever the victim's fault. Then, of course, we get around to reading the study and discover that, no, the question asked was "is rape ever the victim's fault?"

                        We were having a long discussion about various religious/moral issues over e-mail, prompted in part by one guy giving the line about veiling being in part for women's safety. (I'm not going to call him sucky, because he was just going from what he had been taught, and when we explained the statistics to him he got very thoughtful, and if he didn't agree he at least didn't argue). About 20-30 e-mails later, this one guy decided to be a jerk and came out with "hey, you guys all forgot about the fact that it's for a woman's safety." And it wasn't in as ambiguous a way as what I just posted. I just hope that the other woman in that discussion hadn't been a rape victim.


                        • #27
                          Closed at request of OP
                          A PSA, if I may, as well as another.

