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Vandalism Fail - WARNING Offensive

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  • #16
    I've had international students who I find much more difficult to deal with than that ones from my culture. I'm not sure if it's that there's some behaviours which are borderline in one culture and completely unreasonable in mine, or if it's that they just happen to be complete jerks, or if it's just a misunderstanding because of cultural differences. It's just that that particular culture and I seem to have a harder time getting along.

    However, I also know people from a similar cultural background (I am enough of a generic Caucasian Canadian that I can't always differentiate as much as I ought) who I have no problems with. I suspect it might be that I'm trying to be very aware of cultural differences, and so don't tell people from other cultures off as much as I do people from my own.

    All of that was a very long way to say "just because someone's foreign it doesn't necessarily follow that they're any better than the natives".


    • #17
      Quoth Tithera View Post
      Actually had to clobber someone with my books at school when I mentioned he was muslim and this guy came up and started yelling and shit about how I hate america and how he's a terrorist, blah blah blah. Guy grabbed me and I put all my force behind my stack of books and gave him a black eye. Bonus: Secruity ignored his attempts at getting me arrested and took him off for attempted assault and disturbing the peace. Ah, justice.
      Ironic is that it's the guy's attitude that's unamerican. The founding fathers escaped England so they could practice their religion freely.
      To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


      • #18
        Quoth Mr Hero View Post
        Ironic is that it's the guy's attitude that's unamerican. The founding fathers escaped England so they could practice their religion freely.
        A lot of the people who came over actually wanted to be way more uptight than they were allowed back home. They didn't want religious freedom for everybody, just the ones that believed the same things they did.

        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


        • #19
          We need to watch this kind of activity. This is exactly how the Nazis started in post-WWI Germany. By what government there was turning a blind eye to the open prejudice against the Jews. By letting it go unchecked, the Nazis were able to not only get away with it but to escalate it rapidly. And look at the result. I see the same thing could happen here if we don't come down on these bigots!
          I will not be pushed, stamped, filed, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own. --#6


          • #20
            it's things like that ((and other posts on this thread)) that actually make me sad to be an American. I love my country, but quite frankly people like that make me want to move to Europe. Not that racism isn't rampant everywhere.

            I remember one day a year ago when I was on the bus some Muslim gentlemen got on at one of the stops and these dicks behind me started saying stuff about how "terrorists shouldn't be allowed to ride the bus" and "how dare they bother us good Americans." Etc. I took great pleasure in telling them that recently the government had been arresting more white American born citizens for acts of terrorism than Arabs/Muslims. They stuttered over their words for a moment or two before relocating to the back of the bus. *sigh* one small victory.
            "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"


            • #21
              Quoth protege View Post

              Not far from me, someone painted "Whits Only," and "Nigers suck" on an overpass. Every time I drive through there, I can't help but laugh. Not about the obviously racist messages...but because the dipshit who posted that can't even spell his slurs. I mean, if you're going to be an ignorant asshole, at least get the fucking words right
              Well I will agree that Nigerian scammers suck ...
              EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


              • #22
                Just to remind everyone - I live in Canada.


                • #23
                  Quoth MadMike View Post
                  What was that line from Porky's? Something like "You're too stupid to even be a good bigot!" Seems to fit here.

                  Right after 9/11, I remember reading in the news about incidents of vandalism being committed against people whose only crime was being of middle-eastern descent. The scary part is, some of this was happening in my area.

                  Want a real WTF moment... it happened in Seattle... the city that votes "Red" and Green most of the time.

                  And by Red I don't mean Republican.


                  • #24
                    Quoth HYHYBT View Post
                    "If you're trying to reach Beelzebub, he's in Grand Rapids." --Peter Sagal, "Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!"
                    Love that show!

                    Quoth protege View Post
                    Not far from me, someone painted "Whits Only," and "Nigers suck" on an overpass.
                    If you take it literally, it really doesn't make sense. "Whit" is something small, like an iota and the last time I checked, there's only one Niger.

                    Quoth morgana View Post
                    I'm the sort of person who'd climb up on the overpass and write the above.
                    Or a can of red paint and correct it!

                    Quoth bunnyboy View Post
                    Want a real WTF moment... it happened in Seattle... the city that votes "Red" and Green most of the time.

                    And by Red I don't mean Republican.
                    The vote for a Canadian comedy show?
                    It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                    • #25
                      Quoth Pagan View Post
                      The vote for a Canadian comedy show?

                      Oh we'd do that, the folks who know who it is would probably vote for him anyways...

                      But no I mean we're pretty much one of the liberal areas of Washington, but we had someone drive their car into a Moasque right after 9/11.

                      I don't think I've felt more shame for my hometown any other time.


                      • #26
                        Quoth protege View Post

                        Not far from me, someone painted "Whits Only," and "Nigers suck" on an overpass. Every time I drive through there, I can't help but laugh. Not about the obviously racist messages...but because the dipshit who posted that can't even spell his slurs. I mean, if you're going to be an ignorant asshole, at least get the fucking words right
                        Some years ago there was a female dean of students at one of the local highschools, who was reputed to be a hard nose. She was not popular with some of the students. Let's call her Dean Jones (not her real name). One day I saw the following graffiti spray painted on the building. The words in brackets [ ] were crossed out.

                        DEAN JONES IS A LIZZY

                        DEAN JONES IS A NIGER BITCH

                        DEAN JONES IS A [HORE] [WORE] HOUR

                        By the way, I met her a year or so later and was surprised to see that she was, in fact, white.
                        Women can do anything men can.
                        But we don't because lots of it's disgusting.


                        • #27
                          Quoth protege View Post

                          Not far from me, someone painted "Whits Only," and "Nigers suck" on an overpass. Every time I drive through there, I can't help but laugh. Not about the obviously racist messages...but because the dipshit who posted that can't even spell his slurs. I mean, if you're going to be an ignorant asshole, at least get the fucking words right
                          Is it wrong my mind went straight to them painting "Romani ite domum" all over every overpass?

