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Medical Centre double sighting.

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  • Medical Centre double sighting.

    Sighting the first………

    I’m waiting for my appointment with the Dr and this woman comes up to the counter and starts arguing with the receptionist. I couldn’t hear what the woman was saying, but I could clearly hear the receptionist’s responses. It went a little something like this….

    Woman: *mumble, mumble, mumble*
    Receptionist: I’m sorry but Dr Smith* (name changed to protect the innocent) is not seeing any more patients today. He is full up.
    W: *mumble, mumble, mumble*
    R: Yes, but you had an appointment this morning and you left without telling us. We called your name 5 or 6 times and you never showed.
    W: *mumble, mumble, mumble*
    R: I’m sorry, but we cant fit you in today with him. You can wait to see another doctor or I can give you an appointment tomorrow
    W: slightly louder *mumble, mumble, mumble*
    R: I am listening to you, your not listening to me. I cant “squeeze you in” it is not fair to his other patients who are waiting. If you would like to take a seat I will speak to the Dr and see if there is any way he can fit you in.
    W: Stands in the middle of the corridor blocking patients and Doctors.
    R: Please go and sit down! You are blocking the corridor.
    W: See Dr emerge from room with a patient and ambushes him in the hall way.
    R: (who was serving the next patient) Excuse me a moment.
    Leaves the reception desk goes up to the lady accosting the doctor
    R: I told you I would talk to the Dr. You do not talk to the Dr, you talk to me, and I talk to the DR. Go and sit down like you were told.

    I didn’t hear the details of what transpired, but the woman was back at the desk within a few minutes and was arranging an appointment with another doctor. Then, after going thru all that, she then decided she wants to add her 2 kids to the same appointment. How the receptionist didn’t strangle her, I’ll never know

    Sighting the second………

    This one occurred almost simultaneously with the first so my respect for the receptionist goes even higher.

    2 women come in to pick up a script for one of their mothers. Apparently, no arrangement has been made for this so the receptionist has to clear it with the Dr (luckily not the same Dr as the first story)

    R: Please take a seat and I will ask the Dr when she is finished with her current patient.

    2 women continue to stand at the counter blocking other patients.

    R: Please go and sit down, you are blocking the counter

    They move 6 feet to the head of the corridor (coincidentally right next to the woman in story one)

    R: Will you all please go and sit down, you are blocking the corridor

    They finally move away from the corridor, but then harass the receptionist every couple of minutes about “how much longer will it be?” and doing that impatient Deep Sigh thing and checking their watch.

    Dr finally comes out and they get their precious script.

    I dont know how the receptionist keeps her cool with SC's like that. For gods sake people, the Dr's are busy, they will get to you eventually. If you ailment or script is so life threatening - go to the emergency room!!

    Bonus sighting..........

    This was a few weeks before the above stories.

    Monday mornings are Hell at the local Dr's even with 7 doctors on staff the waiting room is standing room only monday mornings. I (like a good little person) had made an appointment for 9.30am. I arrived at 9.25 and at 9.35 was called in.

    This did not sit well with some people who had been waiting since 8am (cause picking up the phone to make an appointment is beyond them) and comments of "I was here first" and "I've been waiting a hour, how come she gets to go before me?" are heard. The receptionists, god bless her, is heard to reply "Because she made an appointment and didnt just wander in expecting to be seen straight away"

    You could have heard a pin drop to that one
    "When did you get a gold plated toilet?"
    "We don't have a gold plated toilet"
    "Oh dear, I think I just peed in your Tuba"

    -Jasper Fforde

  • #2
    Quoth raw456 View Post
    The receptionist, god bless her, is heard to reply "Because she made an appointment and didnt just wander in expecting to be seen straight away"

    You could have heard a pin drop to that one
    A dozen roses, stat!


    • #3
      I would be too too tempted to add "Instant Lobotomy" to the prescrptions. So glad I'm not in health care.
      I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
      Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
      Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


      • #4
        Every single one of those have happened to me. Only difference is that the appointments are for animals instead of people. Today I had a client who demanded that I squeeze her dog in for vaccines that were due a month ago. When I told her we only squeeze emergencies she actually told me that the overdue shots were an emergency.


        • #5
          Quoth Sunsetsky View Post
          Every single one of those have happened to me. Only difference is that the appointments are for animals instead of people. Today I had a client who demanded that I squeeze her dog in for vaccines that were due a month ago. When I told her we only squeeze emergencies she actually told me that the overdue shots were an emergency.
          I've been harrassed at the vets too for being seen before someone else because I had an appointment and they didnt. there was one time another owner started arguing about the delay becuase an emergency came in (dog had been hit by car) and they had to wait longer. The concept of life threatening injuries versus getting your dogs nails clipped was lost on this guy. I felt so sorry for his dog
          "When did you get a gold plated toilet?"
          "We don't have a gold plated toilet"
          "Oh dear, I think I just peed in your Tuba"

          -Jasper Fforde

