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Sad and Disturbing 911

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  • Sad and Disturbing 911

    I heard this story about 10 years ago, from my (now) ex-wife. She had gone to work for a company that supplied the address database used by many 911 centers here in the US.

    I'm serious when I say that this is both sad and disturbing. Many people who went to work for this company quit after hearing this story because they couldn't handle the stress of ever making a mistake.

    Before the advent of address databases tied to 911 centers, 911 operators had to find out from the caller where the caller was located. Phone calls to 911 are recorded, and this recording was used during training to emphasize the importance of getting the information correct. If the information was incorrect, or incomplete, then the scenario that happened in this recording could happen again.

    The recordings used for these training classes are both good and bad scenarios, to remind people of the good they do, while keeping them aware of the bad consequences should they fail in some way.

    Enough back story. If you haven't left by now, you're annoyed at the lack of the story of the recording. If you're still here, this is your final chance to back away.

    I'm summarizing and paraphrasing a bit, since I did not hear the recording myself. I can only repeat what I was told.


    The recording picks up with the usual "Please state the nature of your emergency." The voice that answers is the sound of a terrified young child. "Please help me. He's got a gun and my parents are hurting and he's looking for me." In the background the voice of a man can be heard screaming and cursing as he searches the house. The operator tries to get any information from the child about where he is, but the child is unable to give much useful information. Things like "I'm under the sink in my kitchen". A little bit into the call, and the man's voice is louder, the sound of a door being thrown open, and then the sound of a gunshot.


    That, basically, is the recording that she had to listen to during her training. The story behind the recording is some sort of neighbor dispute that escalated. The neighbor came over and killed everybody, child included. I do not know if he committed suicide afterwards or not.

    I hear about people abusing 911, and can't help but remember that story. Anybody who abuses it should have to listen to that recording, and then read a list of the other emergencies that came in while they were being asshats.

  • #2
    It's things like this that make me want to dropkick anybody who abuses the 911 system for things like dangerous cheeseburgers!


    • #3
      Quoth eltf177 View Post
      It's things like this that make me want to dropkick anybody who abuses the 911 system for things like dangerous cheeseburgers!
      Or like one Darwin Award candidate in my county did not too long ago, use 911 to ask for medical help for his pet that had gotten into his stash of drugs.

      There's all kinds of abuses out there and they're probably in every area imaginable that has 911 services. And it takes a special kind of person to be able to work at such a call center and be able to mentally handle all kinds of calls without breaking down.

      My heart goes out to all 911 dispatchers. You are a true credit to humanity.
      Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


      • #4
        I visited a family member working at a 911 call center once. It was kind of neat, a big dark room with all these computers and people taking calls and all that. But while we were looking at his work station, the woman behind us was taking a call, and asking over and over agian, "Is he still in the house?... Can you make sure that he isn't in the house?... I understand, but do you know if he's still in the house?"

        Yikes, just imagining what might be going on there was scary enough. Every once in a while I debate trying to get a job at a 911 call center, cause it pays pretty damn well. And then I remember the kind of calls I'd be dealing with...
        Last edited by Meganjo23; 03-26-2010, 07:51 PM. Reason: Spleling. =)


        • #5
          I had to transcribe some 911 calls recently, and I just don't know how the dispatchers do it. I know I wouldn't be able to, but the men and women who do are incredible individuals.


          • #6
            A friend of mine works as a 911 dispatcher and I have to give him tons of credit. I still don't know how he's remained sane after doing it for 10 years.
            "If your day is filled with firefighting, you need to start taking the matches away from the toddlers…” - HM


            • #7
              I'm thinking I might want to do that, if the hours I could take are available. I've wandered around in the basement of the Internet long enough that nothing shocks me anymore.
              Long days, short nights, a bottle of NOS makes it all right.

              Canadians Unite !


              • #8
                Did I miss something? I didn't see anything I would consider a mistake on the 911 operator's part. The child may have been too young to know what his address was or too terrified to think of giving it.

                I read that as a tragedy that probably couldn't have been averted, given the people involved.
                Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                • #9
                  Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
                  Did I miss something? I didn't see anything I would consider a mistake on the 911 operator's part. The child may have been too young to know what his address was or too terrified to think of giving it.

                  I read that as a tragedy that probably couldn't have been averted, given the people involved.
                  I think it was more a jab at the people who are crappy excuses for human beings and abuse the 911 system. Giving the example that there are people out there who REALLY need the service, yet so many people use it every day just to complain about their soda being the wrong flavor.

                  That, I believe, is what the OP was getting at.
                  "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"


                  • #10
                    Quoth Red_Dazes View Post
                    I think it was more a jab at the people who are crappy excuses for human beings and abuse the 911 system. Giving the example that there are people out there who REALLY need the service, yet so many people use it every day just to complain about their soda being the wrong flavor.

                    That, I believe, is what the OP was getting at.
                    What I took away from it was "You WILL be ear-witness to a tragedy if you stay in this job long enough."

                    As hard as I may across on this forum, I don't think I could ever do that job.
                    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                    • #11

                      Man. That's sick and sad. I hope that bastard didn't kill himself so he could be treated like the piece of shit he is in prison.

                      I also regret doing all those fake 911 calls when I was a kid. I had to talk to a high ranking officer who told me why it was bad. I still remember thinking it was so funny to me at the time.

                      Military Spouse Support.
                      Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


                      • #12
                        Quoth Pedersen View Post
                        Anybody who abuses it should have to listen to that recording, and then read a list of the other emergencies that came in while they were being asshats.
                        The thing that truly makes me want to kick those people in the head and gonads whilst weeping for humanity, is that those asshats who abuse the system are so wrapped up in thinking that "the world is all about ME" wouldn't be affected one bit by those calls, they would still be saying, "Yeah? So what? Me me whine whine me me me my stupid trivial non-emergency complaint is more important that person's life Me me me me ME".
                        Don't wanna; not gonna.


                        • #13
                          Quoth taurinejunkie View Post
                          I've wandered around in the basement of the Internet long enough that nothing shocks me anymore.

                          don't bet on that-I've seen an Iraq war veteran with shrapnel still in his body from an IED-break down after getting off a call with an abused child...
                          Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


                          • #14
                            Quoth 42_42_42 View Post
                            The thing that truly makes me want to kick those people in the head and gonads whilst weeping for humanity, is that those asshats who abuse the system are so wrapped up in thinking that "the world is all about ME" wouldn't be affected one bit by those calls, they would still be saying, "Yeah? So what? Me me whine whine me me me my stupid trivial non-emergency complaint is more important that person's life Me me me me ME".
                            Quoted for truth.

                            This threat reminds me of an episode of the ended TV show Third Watch, where an asshat blocks the entrance to a firehouse with his car. The firefighters end up demolishing the car, but the delay results in a fatality. When the asshat returns for his car, one of the fighters tries to berate him with the tragedy, but asshat's attitude is exactly what you describe. Doesn't give a shit about anyone dying, but throws a hissyfit about his wrecked car.

                            It's a good thing these self-absorbed wankers haven't (yet) decided to form a political lobby group, otherwise they would have howled at Third Watch for daring to paint them in a bad light.
                            Last edited by Talon; 03-27-2010, 08:23 PM.
                            Happiness is the exercise of vital powers along lines of excellence in a life affording you scope.


                            • #15
                              Quoth BlaqueKatt View Post
                              don't bet on that-I've seen an Iraq war veteran with shrapnel still in his body from an IED-break down after getting off a call with an abused child...
                              The thing is, we NEED emergency (911, 999, 000, whatever) operators with heart. What's needed is the ability to cope during the emergency and have the break down afterwards; destress, then get up and do it all again.

                              But I agree with everyone else in this thread. Thank god for them.
                              Seshat's self-help guide:
                              1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
                              2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
                              3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
                              4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

                              "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.

