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Idiocy at the Hospital.

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  • Idiocy at the Hospital.

    Recently, my father took a tumble. Since he's on Coumadin (it's a really strong blood thinner) we had to pack him up to the hospital for a bit to run some tests.

    While there, I happened to hang around the ER admissions. It wasn't really choice mind you, I had to sign for his papers and what not; so I was kinda stuck there. That's when I got to see two rather amusing incidents. One, a totally sucky customer/patient, the other a sucky assed nurse.

    The patient happened first:

    As I'm sitting waiting, this lady comes in. She has this slightly stoned look going, and looks nervous to beat anything. Naturally, she's told to take a seat and they'll triage her, but the lady won't have anything of it. Walking over to the Triage door, she tries to open it, and then bangs on the window. "I need my MEDS!" she whines. This draws out the nurse, to which she repeats. "I need my meds!" The Triage nurse gives her a rather strange look, and then in a very polite, if tired tone asks her if she's been admitted. The lady says no, so the Triage nurse turns to leave. Sucky Patient doesn't let her get far. "I need my meds. My doctor wouldn't fill it and I want YOU to fill it." The nurse blinks at this and looks at me. It's a look I've seen before. The "help me" look, given even when you know the person recieving it can't help. "What medication is that?" the nurse asks. "Xanax." (A rather STRONG sedative and narcotic) "You have to talk to your doctor about that." the nurse says. With the SP whining/demanding. "NO. He wouldn't fill it. I want you to fill it." What happens next is a long bout of whining, and the nurse trying to get the woman to understand that if her doctor wouldn't fill the medication, the ER doctor isn't likely to either. Finally, with her nerves shot, the nurse looks right at the lady. "Listen. I'm not going to fill it. The doctor won't fill it. So you're out of luck. Now leave me alone." With that Triage left. The SP hovered around for a little while longer, with eventually security had to escort her out after she tried to buy another patient's medications off them.

    You can't fix Stupid:

    The nurse that I had the problem with, on the other hand, is a perfect example of someone who needs to think before they speak. As the doctor (who got a laugh out of this said) "You can't fix stupid..." Well, this was a wonderful case of stupidity. I almost wondered how she became a nurse in the first place.

    The ER was FULL. Slap full. Every room was taken and we, my father and I, ended up sitting in the "Consultation" room on the couch. That's the room they go to if your family members have died, cancer, or are pregnant. That couch isn't the best in the world, but it's better than nothing I suppose.

    My father needed some water, so I headed out to get it and as I returned, I was "accosted" by one of these nurses. The lady comes right up to me, presses her hand in my chest. "You can't go in there." she says, pointing in the direction of the consultation room from whence I had just come. "Only family members are allowed in. If you don't leave I'm calling the police." HUH? WTF Is going on here? Looking at the woman a moment, I tried not to stare and blubber. "Uh, that's my dad." I said, to which she replied tersely. "And if that's true, then I'm Miss December." About this time, my dad pipes up. "Got my water DY?" I nod, hand it over and then smile at the girl. "I loved the pictoral." I said and went inside.

    Later, talking with the doctor, I find out that the girl was new. VERY new. She'd been told that there weren't supposed to be patients in the consultation room, but someone had failed to tell her to make sure it's a patient's family before telling them off.
    Learn wisdom by the follies of others.

  • #2
    heh. =)

    Last year I went to urgent care for what was a fairly minor problem (but it didn't feel minor at the time). Since I don't have any med insurance, and I didn't want to be turned away (in case it turned out to be something major) I went to the hospital downtown.

    While waiting for my turn in the "examaning room" (a large room compartmentalized into a dozen rooms by the clever use of what I swear were my grandmother's shower curtains) I got to over hear this gem of a conversation:

    Dr.: So, why are you here?

    Patient: I have a parasite in my ear

    Dr: reeaaly? let me have a look in your ear

    P: ow, ow, ow

    Dr: You have to hold still!

    Dr: Have you been sticking Q-tips in your ear?


    Dr: Have you been sticking your FINGER in your ear?

    P: Yeah, I've been trying to pull the parasite out

    Dr: STOP putting your FINGER in your ear.

    Dr: Look, I have to tell you that I have several degrees in biology [or something that sounded very impressive] and I can tell you right now that you do not have parasites. There is no way you could have gotten a parasite like what you are describing

    P: Ok, um, well, maybe a spider bit me and laid eggs in my ear? My girlfriend got bit by a spider last week...

    Dr: *cough* There is NO spider that would lay eggs in your ear

    Dr: So, are you taking any drugs?

    P: um, well, yeah

    Dr: What are you taking?

    P: um, cocaine, speed, and alcohol. (there might have been a few others)

    Dr: I see...look cocaine can cause [medical term I can't remember] which causes you too feel like you have something crawling under your skin

    (At this point my husband is trying to get me to be quiet. I practicaly had to stuff my hand in my mouth I was laughin so hard and trying not to make any noise doing it.

    I KNOW this conversation. I've had it repeatedly with some, lets say less than favorable acquaintences and every time it cracks me up.
    And it usually goes something like this:

    " OMG I know you think you have parasites or bugs unders your skin. LAY OFF the drugs. NO I'm not Kidding. NO the doctor isn't lying to you. OMG stop picking at your skin! OK. Fine. Go far far away from me now" )

    P and his GF start making noises that sound like "wow? realy? who knew? is that realy true? I don't think so..."

    P: No, no, that can't be it...see look! The parasites are in my skin, look look, I can squeeze my skin and a worms little white head pokes out, but when I go to grab it, it pops back in.

    [eeww I know it's just an hallucination but that's just disgusting and I start choking trying not to laugh]

    Dr: STOP pinching your skin. You don't have parasites. I don't know what you're seeing, it could be dust motes, could be lint...

    P's GF: It's not dust motes, I have the same parasites!! How can we both be seeing the same thing?

    Dr to PGF: Are you also taking Cocaine?

    GF: yes. but how can we both be seeing the same thing?

    DR: (explains in detail the effects of cocaine)

    P&GF still refuse to believe.

    Dr: Look, I can assure you that neither of you have parasites. I can give you a cream that will kill all the parasites known to man.(sigh)
    In the meantime, would you like to talk to anyone about your drug use?

    P&GF yes yes! give us the cream, no we don't want to talk to anyone.

    Dr: Ok, here's your perscription...Lay off the drugs ok?

    Then another Dr came in, poked my arm a couple of times and within 2 minutes I had my perscription and was out the door.

    On the way out I saw P & GF at the pharmacy...Not sure what the Dr. perscribed them, but I'm betting it was Kenalog creme.


    • #3
      Quoth Maevis View Post
      heh. =)

      Dr: Have you been sticking your FINGER in your ear?
      I hear a stern mother-like tone of voice, with the whole "Stop picking at it!" attitude, and it is making me giggle.

      Off-topic, But I did have a spider in my ear once. Thought it was water that would not come out. Went to pop the bubble with a q-tip, and out pops a spider. Went to the doctor later and said that she does not know how I got it out with a q-tip.

      Last edited by amphrite; 12-25-2006, 12:28 AM. Reason: insert own off-topic ramblings


      • #4
        Isnt there some "disease" that is being debated about that also does thats called Morgellan's? Where supposedly there are small white worms living in the skin.


        • #5
          Quoth Rahmota View Post
          Isnt there some "disease" that is being debated about that also does thats called Morgellan's? Where supposedly there are small white worms living in the skin.
          Well, yeah, that may be so, but there's also a disease called Hypochondria, where one THINKS one is sick but isn't. (Okay, I know you knew about it.) But cocaine can increase delusions, paranoia, and hypochondria. It also causes skin to feel itchy. (Crystal methyl amphetamine is even worse with skin.) And delusions of snakes, worms, and parasites are a common one when either overdosed or drying out from serious addiction. At least the idiot was honest to a doctor about his usage.

          (Don't ask how I know, I'll probably lie about it.)
          I will not be pushed, stamped, filed, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own. --#6


          • #6
            Quoth repsac View Post
            "What medication is that?" the nurse asks. "Xanax." (A rather STRONG sedative and narcotic)
            Actually, Xanax is most widely prescribed for anxiety and panic disorders. While it is habit-forming, it's not out of the question that a person with an anxiety or panic issue could present as "nervous to beat anything" when faced with the prospect of running out of pills. Not that this justifies the behavior, but it could put it into perspective.

            I'm sorry to hear about your father's injury, and I hope he's doing better.
            Not all who wander are lost.


            • #7
              Sorry to hear of your Dad's accident. I trust he's OK.

              The nurse blinks at this and looks at me. It's a look I've seen before. The "help me" look, given even when you know the person recieving it can't help.
              Odd that nurse looked at you as if she was out of her element. One would think she would be used to patients coming in trying to score meds. From what I understand, it happens a lot.

              The lady comes right up to me, presses her hand in my chest. "You can't go in there." she says, pointing in the direction of the consultation room from whence I had just come. "Only family members are allowed in. If you don't leave I'm calling the police." HUH? WTF Is going on here? Looking at the woman a moment, I tried not to stare and blubber. "Uh, that's my dad." I said, to which she replied tersely. "And if that's true, then I'm Miss December."
              Wow. Talk about a short fuse. She laid hands on you, and then threatened to call the cops immediately without even checking to verify if you were a family member first.
              I would imagine, since she, herself said that only family members were allowed in, even if she was told not to let people in, she would be aware of the fact that there were patients around with family members, and wouldn't have jumped the gun so fast.
              And to make a comment like that after you told her you were, indeed a family member, when, again, she was the one who said only family members were allowed???

              You really must have come across to her as dishonest or something, for her to have her guns drawn on you from the beginning like that.

              You said it was the room where they take people to give them bad news. Man. What if that was the case, and she treated you like that at a moment when you were grieving?

              Sounds most unprofessional.
              Was this entire hospital staffed by nurses who got their papers from a correspondence course or something?
              Last edited by Ree; 12-27-2006, 11:17 PM.
              Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


              • #8
                Quoth Ree View Post
                Sounds most unprofessional.
                Was this entire hospital staffed by nurses who got their papers from a correspondence course or something?
                Sadly, many local hospitals are like that. Quite a few employees simply hate their job and don't care about how people get treated. These jerks have a serious entitlement problem and take things out on the patients.

                As much as I pick on West Virginia, I will say this--if you go to one of their medical facilities, it's the total opposite. These people enjoy what they do, and it shows.
                Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                • #9
                  When my mum had her breast lumps removed the nurses were useless (now most nurses work very hard and I respect them totally but these particular nurses...) we were both upset. She was going through a cancer scare and both our nerves were frayed, the day of the operation I had 6 hours of university exams so it wasnt the easyest of days for either of us! I arrived to pick her up and was shown into her "room"

                  I didnt want to sit down in my mums curtained off room, despite the nurse insisting that I should, because it would be better for my mum (my mum was fine with me standing) I told her I would sit when a nurse or doctor came in but I was more comfortable standing when no one else was in there but I would keep out of the way. She didnt like that....Ive been in and out of hospital most of my life, I know to let the staff do their jobs and keep out of the way, but all my mum was doing was waking one else was going to be in the stupid room!

                  When I went out to get my water bottle from the car, she wouldnt let me back into the ward..... then didnt tell my mum that I wasnt allowed to come back!!! So my mum is freaking out wondering what the hells going on, Im not allowed back in and the nurse is to freaking lazy to let her patient know! Im supposed to grab my mums clothes and suitcases etc to carry to the car while shes being discharged...but I cant...they wont let me in, they wont get her stuff for me!

                  This is in a private hospital to, its not like they had 600 patients, they had 4 ...4!

                  Then she has the nerve to ask me if theres something wrong when I sit in the waiting room silently seething "have I done anything to upset you?".... what do you think lady! then told me "your mums had a hard day" well gee ya think...breast lumps removed possbily cancerours..and its not a walk in the park, well blow me down!

                  So the last straw is when the ward doors open and my mum slowly comes out with a nurse holding the door and my mum CARRYING ALL OF HER BAGS!!!!!

                  Thats right! my mum who has just had breast surgery who can barely move is being made to carry her suitcase out while the able bodied nurse stands around and starts telling me about her medication and she wonders why I pushed past her and grabbed her bags, then told her off! (The nurse not my mum) She stood there acting totally innocent and dumbfounded! I have never been so angry.

                  My bloods boiling now just thinking about it.
                  Last edited by Kiwi; 12-28-2006, 05:45 AM.
                  I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone

