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Bring your own book! (long)

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  • Bring your own book! (long)

    I'm the pianist for the children's baptisms at church.

    Background They are held at the stake level and are take place on the first Saturday of the month and last about an hour and fifteen minutes. If we have more that 3 kids being baptised then the service is split halfway through. We have the opening song, talks, and special musical numbers all together as a large group and then half the group goes into the baptism room and when they're done they come back to the chapel for the closing message and song and the other group goes into the baptism room and stays in there for the same things. The group that stays in the baptism room generally finishes later than the chapel group.

    Originally, we were supposed to share the duties among pianists from all the wards but they kept flaking out on the program director (PD from here out) and he finally asked me to do it each month because I "was the only one who ever showed up when asked."

    I have no problem with this but what I do have a problem with is the song leaders. They change from month to month, basically whoever the PD asks each time. Now, I have learned (from hard experience ) that the only music books left out are the hymn books. Not the Children's Songbook. So I make sure that I bring mine every time. These song leaders however, NEVER bring their own book. I used to think it was because they were just pulled out of the audience right then and there but then I noticed that their name was printed up in the program. I also happen to know that the PD prints these up on the Thursday before the baptism. Therefore, these people have at least 2 days warning, probably more because I have to have the song selections in to him by Tuesday.

    Somehow, though these people think that it's my responsibility to either have a book for them or help them find one and I get all sorts of deer-in-the-headlight reactions and "what am I supposed to do now" questions. Newsflash: it's not my problem. In November, I was just kind of tired of the whole situation and as I walked out of the door at home, snagged my mom's copy which just happened to be lying on the piano. I figured I would try it and see if it worked with me bringing an extra copy. Well, guess what? yeah, my plan failed.

    It was one of the split programs and the lady that was leading the song comes back to the piano as the 2nd group is leaving and grabs my spare book again. I gently 'remind' her that it's mine, not the church's but she pleads and begs and tells me that the other group won't be long and they realllllly need the book. So, I reluctantly let her take it. I ended up waiting for 20 minutes (!) after my group had finished. Plus, as everyone leaves the baptism room I count no fewer than six other songbooks that people had brought with them. Not only that, this lady was one of the last people out of the room because she stayed and gabbed with everyone. She hands me the book and I quickly stuff it in my music bag and leave. Last month I was looking for my mom's copy and couldn't find it. What I did find was the building's copy. Yep, I had been handed the wrong book, also, it has been so long now that when we went back to return the building copy, Mom's copy was nowhere to be found. So, I am never bringing another book. They'll have to figure something else out.

    At this month's baptism I'm up at the piano playing out of the hymn book and the song leader for the day comes up to me and asks if I have the Children's Songbook. I tell her no. To her credit, she didn't expect me to solve the problem this time but went about finding one herself. She somehow lucked out and found someone with a key to the library and they go off to get what they need. After a few minutes, I switch to the Children's Songbook. One of the guys looks at it and the following conversations happened:

    Guy: Oh, there is a songbook in here...
    Me: yes, it's mine. (keeps playing)
    Guy: Do we need two then?
    Me: I guess if she wants one to lead from, yes. (Really? it's kind of obvious, do you have to ask. )

    a few minutes later the song leader comes back--

    Song leader: (looks at Children's Songbook on the piano) You have a songbook!
    Me (ignores her and keeps playing): *thinks* yes, for ME. To play out of. I can't play if you take my book. Duh!

    Then, just before the program starts a lady from the audience comes up and says "I'm doing the special musical number but I forgot my book. Can I use yours?" So I let her but for crying out loud. Your the "entertainment" and you still managed to leave your book home? Gah!!!
    Last edited by flybye023; 03-28-2010, 02:34 AM.
    My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best I can.---Cary Grant

  • #2
    Have you asked PD to tell each volunteer they'll be responsible for bringing their own songbook? He's probably not even aware of the problem. If music is always pulled from the same songbook, people probably expect the music to be readily available, just like the standard hymns. Certainly doesn't ease your frustration or handle repeat offenders though.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      Your stake does baptisms at a stake level? :? How strange---family's military so I've been in a LOT of different stakes; never seen that happen. Is yours very small?

      Also, I'm surprised more of these people don't have their own books. It's practically a COMMANDMENT for people to play the piano in our church lol.


      • #4
        If it's all right to ask, what sort of church are you in? None of the ones I've seen baptisms in has involved the children singing, though at the ones baptizing infants some of them did cry.

        I'm just curious about this sort of thing.
        Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed.


        • #5
          I think it's a little bit odd that they don't have one stashed in the piano bench. I don't think I ever had that problem though it seems those books are al over the place at my stake center.

          The only gripe I ever had about playing for a baptism was the one that started more than 30 minutes late. I played prelude the whole time. My back is starting to hurt now just thinking about it.


          • #6
            I've never heard of batisms being done at the stake level either. The ones I remember as a missionary were done at the ward level. If this the same church I'm thinking of, it's not hard to get your own copy of the Children's Songbook. They're dirt cheap trhough distribution centers.
            To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


            • #7
              @ bainsidhe: you'll think I'm an idiot but that never even occurred to me. . One thing I have thought of is since the church owns the copyright to those songs, they're pretty lenient with how we copy them. As long as it's for church or home use we can make copies. So that's another option.

              @ Marszenka and others: Ours is actually a rather large stake. Baptisms were done at the ward level when I was a kid and again when I was a little older but it's been stake level for years now.

              @ HYHYBT: We baptise our kids at age 8. I could use the hymnbook but I feel that this is really their special day so I try to use songs that they actually know. Plus there are more songs in the Children's Songbook that directly relate to baptism. The hymns are a little more subtle.

              @ Aut: I usually play prelude, interlude and postlude. I probably average 20 minutes of playing each baptism, sometimes more and yes, my back starts getting cramped by the end.

              As for copies lying around...I don't know, we just don't. I know each ward Primary has their own copy but it's locked up in their Primary closet and the library has a copy or two but it is also locked and usually no one at the baptism has a key. (That's what I find strange. There's usually a couple of bishops and members of the Stake Presidency there but no one ever has a key to the library .
              Last edited by flybye023; 03-28-2010, 03:39 PM.
              My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best I can.---Cary Grant


              • #8
                Quoth flybye023 View Post
                ...couple of bishops and members of the Stake Presidency...
                There's the problem: It's being managed by the brethren! Let the sistern do it, so it gets done right!

                (inside joke: members are referred to as 'Brother' and 'Sister', so the collective terms are...)
                I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
                Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
                Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


                • #9
                  Not being familiar with how your hymnals work, are there copies in the pews (I'm going to look stupid if you use chairs instead)? And do you have different versions for different parts? My husband's church only has two versions of the hymnal - the choir and congregation copies are the same, and the musicians can, at a pinch, play out of that copy, the binding would be as much of a problem because it has all 4 parts as well as chords. My church, however, has different choir and congregation copies (again, the choir copy works decently for most musicians), so the musicians are all used to bringing their own (singers and accompanists both).


                  • #10
                    We have two official songbooks. One is the Hymns, the other is the Children's Songbook (yes, those actually are the titles ). The hymns are kept in the pews and used in the main service each Sunday. Generally, no outside music is allowed and special music numbers have to be approved.

                    The Children's Songbook is only used by the children in their Sunday school, so there's really not a reason for it to be in the chapel. I think people have tried to keep a copy of the children's book in the chapel piano bench but, people being what they are, the book often wanders/disappears so people quit trying.
                    My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best I can.---Cary Grant


                    • #11
                      Quoth flybye023 View Post
                      We have two official songbooks. One is the Hymns, the other is the Children's Songbook (yes, those actually are the titles ).
                      Better than Hymnal


                      • #12
                        Churches have their own special suckiness. Heh. I should post some of the tales from my time with the Altar Guild.
                        "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann

                        My pony dolls:


                        • #13
                          I think baptisms at the stake level are the norm now. Hubby says its church policy. I guess it was in place 4.5 years ago when our eldest was baptised, I just didn't realize it because he was the only kid being baptised that month. Same thing for our second 2.5 years ago (though I did know about it then.)

                          An idea: Maybe you could put a book cover on your book and it would deter others from thinking it was stake property. I noticed that my DD had put one of stretchy book covers I bought her at the start of school on a binder and it fits well.


                          • #14
                            out of curiosity, what is "stake level"?


                            • #15
                              Well, the only church I know to compare to would be the Catholic church so a diocese would be about what a stake is.

                              A ward is a congregation and several wards make up a stake.
                              My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best I can.---Cary Grant

