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Movie Theater Sightings Major Suck

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  • Movie Theater Sightings Major Suck

    Mom and I went to see 'How to Train Your Dragon' in 3D today.
    There were only a few people in front of us in the ticket line but it took almost ten minutes to get our tickets. A woman decided to argue with the girl selling tickets about the cost of the 3D admission. The theater was showing the movie in 2D for $7 and 3D for $9 for adults. The woman didn't want to pay the 'outrageous' $2 fee to see it in 3D, but didn't want to see it in 2D because that was for 'common people.' She ended up leaving without tickets.

    Mom said she wanted popcorn since she won't be able to eat it after her gastric bypass surgery. So we head over and wait in the line to get some. She orders the 2 medium drink/1 large popcorn combo so we can share. Before getting the total, the girl did the upsale of getting candy to go with it. Mom said no, but the girl asked again. Mom said she was diabetic and that the popcorn was more than enough. The girl said, "So, you can still buy some for later." Mom told her no that she just wanted the popcorn combo. The girl gave us the total and poured the drinks while we paid. She then fixed the popcorn bag and sat it down on the counter for us to take it. The only problem was she didn't open the bag all the way when she filled it. Mom fixed it and the popcorn level went from mostly full to a good four inches from the top. The girl asked us if we wanted it 'topped off.' Mom got a little snarky with her saying, "Of course I want it full. I just spent $12.75 on popcorn and drinks. I expect them to be full." The girl rolled her eyes and filled the bag. Mom went to the guest services area to complain, but was told the manager wasn't in so she left her number with the guy there.

    We then went to wait in the line for the ticket taker/usher. He looked at our tickets and told us that they weren't seating yet. So we move off to the side. The couple in line behind us were seeing the same movie (3D version)- they were in front of us in the ticket line so we heard which one they were going to. They gave him their tickets, he tore the tickets, and gave them their glasses and ticket stubs. Mom said hold up, we are going to the 3D showing also. The usher looked at us, took our tickets, read it again, sighed, tore it, handed me the glasses and stubs, and waved us in.

    On the way in to the theater, I was stopped by the security guard. He wanted to check my bag to "make sure I wasn't bringing in something." Mom asks if he wants to check her bag and he told her no. I just want to see the movie, so I consent to a bag search. I open the main part and pull out my GPS, camera, and keys. He asks what the GPS was and I tell him. He made me turn it on and then verify that I was the owner- Note, Mom bought it so I programed it for her name, but she doesn't use it. He gave me crap about not being Mom until Mom told him it was hers but I was the one using it. He made me turn on my camera, asking me why I have it. I told him I am a photographer and I brought it with me today so I could take photos at the lake. He made me flip through the photos. He shone a flash light into the purse and then makes me open the rest of the pockets. The small one on the front revealing my chap stick and a couple of sore throat losenges. He asked if the losenges were candy. I told him no and what they were for. He said he didn't believe me and I would have to throw them away. Mom told him they were throat losenges and that I needed them in case my throat started hurting again. I just got over a cold coupled with acute bronchitis. He said I could keep them after that. The large front pouch contained money and various cards- which he made me go through. He asked me why I was seeing a kid's movie without a kid. I told him it was none of his business, but if he must know I am a fan of Chris Sanders, the director. Finally he let me in the theater.

    It was half full so we ended up sitting in the main floor row- the theater is raised stadium style- towards the side. There were the normal sucks throught the movie- people kicking the seats, people walking in front of us, and talking. There was a birthday party group that came in as the previews were running and they sat in the pit in front of us. The first couple of times the dragons breathed fire, the kids would scream bloody murder. It got real old real fast. They screamed like that a few other times during the movie, but I don't want to give anything away.

    When the movie ended, Mom had to rush off to the restroom, but I stayed to watch the credits for the dragon drawings. It gets so that I'm the last one in the theater, so I get up to leave and see the security guard next to the exit. I grab my trash and stuff before making my way to the exit. The security guard stops me and demands to see my camera. I told him I didn't even take it out of my purse. He said he didn't care, that he wanted to see it. So I toss the trash and show him the pictures on my camera. He said to go, but to give him the 3D glasses instead of keeping them. I told him I had no intention of keeping them since I could read the sign at the theater entrance to turn them in at the end of the show. I gave him the glasses and left.

    I've sent a letter to corporate about the experience but I highly doubt they will do anything. Mom said we won't go to that theater again.

    On the way across the entrance to the theater, there was a group of grown women loudly talking about the ending of the movie. Major spoilers for the people in line for the tickets.

    The movie was excellent though. Easily the best movie I have seen in years. I can't wait to get this on DVD (or blue ray). I hope they will release it in 3D for home viewing.

  • #2
    That security guard was a real a-hole. I wouldn't have let him search my purse, I'd have asked him if he was a cop, and if so where his warrant was. I would have complained to, but it's like you said, they won't do anything about it. It's so dumb that theaters are always looking for ways to bring in more customers, but they wouldn't lose any in the first place if they'd just crack down on asshats like the guard and the morons who talk and text and scream in the theater,
    wouldn't lube work better in a f***ing machine?
    Yes, that’s right. It’s a pair of gold foil headphones. Gold foil. Finally, headphones just as awful as your taste in music.


    • #3
      The boyfriend and I are going to see that movie later this week.

      Thankfully, our local theater that does 3D showings is really relaxed, so we don't have to deal with a lot of suckiness from the staff. And when we went to see Alice, there were only 4 other people there, so we didn't have to deal with audience suckiness, either.

      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


      • #4
        Geeze did you go to a movie theater in the middle of the West Bank or something? I would definitely write a letter to corporate.


        • #5
          sorry, but i was watching one of those 3d movies without my glasses to see what the distortions were like. it would come out crap on a camera. doesnt the guard pay attention to scamming arts *evil grin*
          dislaimer: btw, kidding, not ment as any encouragement to bootleggers and whatnots.

          Hobby Twitter.


          • #6
            I have come across a sucky security guard, he wanted to see inside my bag as i was going into a public building.I had no problem with this, but he wanted to take out EVERYTHING and look at it.

            I had just bought a box of tampons which was in there, he took it out and asked me what it was.Then opened it and took out an individual tampon and looked at it for a bit.

            Luckily I do not embarrass easily over thing like that but it must have been deliberate.Who does not know what a tampon is?
            Customer "why did you answer the phone if you can't help me?"


            • #7
              I think Mr. Security Guard *cough*TWAT*cough* went overboard and waaay overstepped his authority. I'd have spoken to a manager. I doubt he was allowed to do all that. Sounds like he's aspiring to becoming a frigging FBI agent.

              I hate security like that; gives everyone else in my profession a bad name!

              The theater where I live doesn't stop you even if they do catch you taking pics/filming a movie. Too much paperwork for them!

              Can't wait to see that movie!
              "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


              • #8
                I didn't know that movie was in theaters already. Anyways...if they are going to search bags aren't they supposed to have signs up stating that they do bag searches?


                • #9
                  What an invasion of privacy! And sorry, but I don't believe for a minute that no manager was around. At the very least, there was someone in duty in charge. I think it's terrible when someone makes a scene and has a fit, but this is a place I'd consider doing it.
                  A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                  • #10
                    Sounds to me like that particular theater's looking for a lawsuit. If you were leaving that guard had NO right to detain you and search you without probable cause, especially if you leaving the premise. I would have said no to ANY detainment and search and would have threatened them with a lawsuit if they didnt let me go.


                    • #11
                      Oh, I have to see "Dragon". It's got two of my favorite people in it....well, their voices anyway.

                      BTW, since it's rated PG-13, it's not really a kids movie. Anyway, there's no upper age limit. Jackass.

                      Quoth TelephoneAngel View Post
                      Luckily I do not embarrass easily over thing like that but it must have been deliberate.Who does not know what a tampon is?
                      There's a crass comment about him and his luck with women in there somewhere, but my head hurts to much to find it....
                      It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                      • #12
                        I still haven't recieved a reply from the manager or corporate. The guard wasn't checking every bag. I could see checking for stuff if my purse was huge, but it is small. Seriously, all I can fit in the main part is my camera, GPS, and the keys. I'm not going to that theater again. Good thing they aren't the only one in town.
                        How to Train Your Dragon is rated PG.


                        • #13
                          Quoth AriGriffin View Post
                          He asked me why I was seeing a kid's movie without a kid.
                          You weren't; your mom was seeing a kid's movie with her kid.
                          "IT stands away, interrupting himself from the incessant hammering of the kittens…"


                          • #14
                            Quoth AriGriffin View Post
                            I still haven't recieved a reply from the manager or corporate.
                            Send them a follow up with the link to this thread in it. See if they respond to their antics being spread on the web.
                            The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                            "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                            Hoc spatio locantur.


                            • #15
                              If you wanted to make a case of it, you could say the "security guard" was casing your purse, and now you're afraid he might steal your camera or GPS. He could have gotten your address from your ID during that search.

