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Oh dear, I erupted

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  • Oh dear, I erupted

    This is maybe a little off topic but since everyone paid to attend, I suppose we were all customers in a sense.

    My daughter's annual Christmas concert was last night. As expected the place was packed with proud mums and dads. We have the usual round of the schools great and good doing their little welcome speeches and then on to the entertainment.

    First up was the school orchestra, kid behind us starts crying (2 or 3 years), parents ignore him. He howled for about 10 minutes and they just sat there, no attempts to quiet him or anything. Then comes on the choir of which my daughter is a member. Out comes the camcorder! I moved over to the side of the hall to get a good shot of the stage and to make sure that I wasn't blocking the people behind me from seeing the kids. So the kids start singing and the older woman and her, I assume daughter, sitting just to my right start having a conversation. I'm not talking about whispering, they were practically shouting to hear each other over the children. I glanced over at my husband a few feet away and his face was like thunder. I bite my tongue for a few minutes and they just keep getting louder. All the other parents were giving them glares, sighs etc but no one said anything.

    I'm afraid I lost my temper just after my daughter's solo. She's been poorly and her throat has been very sore so she was a bit croaky. Not that this is a problem, they are kids for heaven's sake, you don't expect ruddy Whitney Houston at a school concert. But this woman started to criticise my daughters singing, saying she didn't think she was much good etc etc. I leaned over, tapped her on the shoulder and what follows is pretty much verbatium....I forgot to turn the camcorder off.

    "That is my daughter you are talking about. She is 11 years old. She has also been ill, if you think you can do any better, get your fat sorry ass up on the stage and try. You are an ill mannered ill bred sorry excuse of a human being and if you don't shut the f**k up I will personally drag you from this hall and make you sing f**king soprano!"

    All this was said very quietly just at her ear. I think I scared her!

  • #2
    Hell, you scared me, and I'm just reading the story!


    • #3
      Bravo! Bravo!
      Age and wisdom don't necessarily go together. Some people just become stupid with more authority.

      "Who put the goat in there? The yellow goat I ate."


      • #4
        Good! I hope the nasty cow wet her pants!


        • #5
          Good for you for sticking up for your daughter. I hope this stupid cow learned her lesson: one should never make snarky comments about performers in a school production- you could be sitting right next to their parents!


          • #6
            Nice job mom! Hope that sorry cow learned to shut the hell up for next time.


            • #7
              sheer evil *rubs her hands with glee* and i love it!

              about time that hag learned to use a bit of manners in public, if she needed to chat so badly, take the crap outside and lay off the kids!
              look! it's ghengis khan!
              Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


              • #8
                I LOVE IT!!!

                I wish you had been with me at the Nutcraker two weeks ago. I paid $50 for my seat, $25 for my son, and $25 for my daughter (who ended up being sick and couldn't go). The whole time, a grandma and her kid (about 7-8) sat on one side of us, TALKING IN NORMAL TONES THE WHOLE FARKING TIME!!! Then Grandma let kid shake her reigndeer animal with BELLS ON IT also. I said SHHHH numerous times, which was ignored. Some people...can't live with 'em, can't shoot 'em. Grandma was wearing sweats, the ballet...hello?!?! I was in a skirt/boots/sweater, son was in shirt and tie, nice slacks. You do have to wonder...


                • #9
                  Bwa ha ha! I should hope that she stayed quiet after that. Priceless. Too bad you didn't have a camcorder, too, so you could tape this.


                  • #10
                    shelly2jn - You are my hero!

                    I'd have gladly paid the price of two tickets just to witness that! How 'bout sharing the video on You Tube?
                    Retail Haiku:
                    Depression sets in.
                    The hellhole is calling me ~
                    I don't want to go.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Retail Associate View Post
                      shelly2jI'd have gladly paid the price of two tickets just to witness that! How 'bout sharing the video on You Tube?
                      I second that. I'd love to see it!
                      No good news is good bad news


                      • #12
                        Awww I wish I had thought of doing that!! I edited the disc right away, I didn't want my daughter to hear the ould bitch slagging off her singing.


                        • #13
                          Hmm, why didn't you just ask the woman to be quiet the first time she was aggravating? Swearing all over the place at the school concert only marks you out as the parent other parents will avoid in future !
                          A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
                          - Dave Barry


                          • #14
                            I jumped to my daughter's defense. I wasn't swearing at her because she was talking, I swore at her because she insulted my 11 year old daughter. I hasten to add that I spoke to her very quietly and did not draw attention to myself or her. I'm afraid that when you mess with my kids, you draw my wrath. I won't apologise for that because I feel that it was the right thing to do.


                            • #15

                              When you encounter rude people, sometimes the only thing they understand is rudeness in return.
                              At least Adam and Steve don't have to worry about leaving the toilet seat up

