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Of Pot and Awesome Roasts

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  • Of Pot and Awesome Roasts

    So, just got back from an... interesting experience at the chain buffet tonight.

    My family'd staked a seat out in a rather high-traffic area, and about halfway through our meal, a kid (somewhere between 15-20) walks by, and a little plastic baggie falls out of his jacket. I notice it, as does my mother, and we express a bit of concern that it gets picked up by either the right people, or its owner, before it gets swooped up by a curious child and causes a whole ton of problems. Fortunately, it's retrieved by a manager-type.

    So my old man gets back to the table, and we fill him in on what happened, and I take an educated guess that it might be some of the ol' M.J. I figure if the kid wants to get baked, it's his business.

    Later on, after the former owner walks out the door, I finally figure it'd be safe to ask about it, and start working up the courage to talk to the manager about it, knowing I'd assure him I was not the former owner seeking its return, and just sate my curiosity. Turns out that while I was away getting another plate of food, the server at the table was getting concerned, and had actually talked with my old man about it. Seems it was the guy's first day, actually does smoke medical marijuana (which the manager apparently knows about), and was positively freaking out that the manager thought it was him. He figured that even though he'd made it clear to the manager that he wouldn't bring his medicine with him, he'd get blamed and canned for something that wasn't even his fault.

    I told the manager exactly what I knew, which was pretty much everything, and we got stuff straightened out.

    Heard later it actually was a dimebag of the wacky tobacky... had I known that upfront, it may never have made it to the manager's possession to even become a problem... heh.