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Two Sucky Employees within 30 minutes

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  • Two Sucky Employees within 30 minutes

    So last week, one of our vendors shipped us another stores order and they called me and said they'd send me a bill of lading so it could be shipped back. I assumed this meant they were taking care of it since it WAS their mistake. A few days later, I get a call from this guy asking if we've received the bill of lading yet. I said yes and then he asked me if they had been shipped out yet. I answered that no, they hadn't. Then he asked me to get them shipped out. I was confused and said I would as soon as the carrier came to pick them up. He asked if I had called them. I said no. Then he told me who to call and said if I could get it done as soon as possible, it would be nice. I was instantly frustrated as I did not have time to be dealing with this BS- I was swamped with my paperwork PLUS the other assistants paperwork (she was on vacation). So, I put it off until this week. I realized the carrier the vendor uses does not come out to where we are and called the same guy to let him know that. He just laughed and said, "That's who we used and it got to you." I explained to him that we were in the middle of no where and he said, "Well, you need to find out who delivered it and call them to come pick it up." I was furious at this point. They are the ones who messed up, they should be taking care of this!!!!!!!!!! So I said, ok and hung up. I called the carrier we use who brought it and he asked me to fax a copy of the bill of lading to him. Well, apparently his driver was in the warehouse and he called her to tell her about the pick up. She came into my office and said, "Someone just called about a pick up. What do I need to pick up?" I told her what it was and she said, "Well is it even ready??" I told her I didn't know. Then I went into the back to ask one of the warehouse boys if it was ready and he wasn't sure what I was talking about so this lady interrupted me and said, "Well, I'm not going to wait around. We'll just pick them up tomorrow." I said whatever, go ahead and she left. I am SO mad I am on the verge of tears. I don't get why people need to be so rude. If I didn't care, I would have called the vendor back and given him a major @ss chewing and told him to fix his mess ups himself.
    "Most lies about blondes are false."
    - Cincinnati Times-Star, headline
    "If you love your job, you haven't worked a day in your life." --Tommy Lasorda

  • #2
    Well, I can sort of see the driver's point: she doesn't know the background, so to her it must seem like you called her boss to pick up an extra shipment that isn't even ready. She probably has her own share of sucky customers that expect her to just jump whenever they need something urgently.

    Your vendor, however, needs to be sat straight. That is unacceptable behavior, and I'd already be on the phone with his boss were I in your position. Better yet, send a report that you don't appreciate their employees sending you the wrong shipments, then wasting YOUR time in clearing up THEIR mistake.

    And last but not least, methinks you need to stand up for yourself; letting that vendor walk all over you like that only encourages that kind of behavior.
    You gotta polish a memory like a stone. Chip off the parts that remind you it was just a game. Work it until it's indistinguishable from any other memory.

