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Van Woman With A Deathwish...

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  • Van Woman With A Deathwish...

    On what planet is this ok to do?!!?!

    I used to think it couldn't get any worse than at my old apartment in Skid Row....people would pull up on the side of the street and honk until their friends came out and got in the car, or whatever they were doing.

    I just moments ago witnessed something so annoying and so anger-inducing that I am actually hoping that for once idiot neighbor Sheriff will come running outside with his ancient cordless phone speed dialing the police.

    I was out for a smoke and my post workout protein shake when this white van pulled many people who are confused as to which building is which (there are 5 in this part), it slowly approached and the woman driving it was looking for the building numbers.

    She pulled up into the spot next to my car....and blared on her horn a good long toot and a short one. Then another long one after about 15 seconds.

    Then she put it in reverse and turned around and went to the next building over and found an empty spot....and did the same thing. No response, no one came out.

    She puts it in reverse again, and turns it around to face the building across from that one, pulls into an empty spot, and does the same thing again (except longer toots). No one came out.

    Does she have a cell phone? I don't know. She wasn't using one to maybe, I don't know, CALL the person she was picking up.

    She then puts it in reverse and drives towards the building Sheriff lives in (across from mine). She repeats the same long angry toots AGAIN.....again, no one comes out.

    She then backs up AGAIN and moves to the last building (on the other side of the pool) and toots AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN, obviously no one came.

    I'm sitting there (it's really windy so I'm just sitting on the floor of the porch trying to keep the ashtray from blowing away) just wanting to rip the horn out of the van and beat that woman senseless with it......she finally *it seems* gives up, backs up and exits via the secondary inlet/outlet.

    Then I see her stupid van pull up on the street by the mailboxes (which are in front of Sheriff's building and in my line of sight) and she parks it and toots that damn horn I swear almost 10 freaking times, waits about a minute, then toots it yet another 10 freaking times.

    I'm amazed at this point that Sheriff hasn't came running outside with phone in tow to call the cops. I finally breathe a sigh of relief as that stupid van FINALLY pulls away and gets out of my line of view (so she'd either be going left or right at the stop sign and she'd given up or was at the wrong place).

    JUST as I get back inside and am about to start posting this, I hear that god damn horn tooting away AGAIN. This time, she's just parked in the MIDDLE of all 5 buildings. No phone, just her blaring on that damn horn.

    I start posting this as I hear her toot toot again, I go peek out the window and see her toot ONE more time as she pulls onto the street, then about a minute or two later, she finally leaves for good.'s been a bit and I think she's gone. Swear to gosh, I'm going to bed soon and if I hear a horn blaring ONE more time.....there will be a woman waddling around with a horn shoved up her ass.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

  • #2
    Oh, I HATE when people do that. Get off your lazy butt and knock on the freakin' door! Sometimes I wish I had a stash of rotten tomatoes to lob at the people next door that do that.

    Of course, I may have been tempted to go down to her, because who knows, maybe she was honking for me, and - Oops! Sorry for spilling my protein shake on you.


    • #3
      they use to do that in my apartment complex - the one in virginia. the car-horn doorbell

      only thing lazier were the parents who'd park their cars at the parking lot entrance to pick up the kids from the school bus... um, it's a 2 minute walk... wtf?

      thankfully it's quiet here, ish. next door neighbors are a bit noisy, but they've been quiet the last couple of weeks.


      • #4
        Reminds me of the old drunk upstairs neighbor we had some years ago in our old apartment (before we moved to another part of the borough). He had his drinking buddies over to visit him very often, but sometimes he didn't feel like having company, and therefore disengaged his doorbell.

        That didn't give his drinking buddies a hint with a clue-by-four, so they could spend several minutes just standing on the street and YELLING for the guy to let them in - this happened at any time of the day, or night for that matter (especially nights).
        Mr. Zel had a job where he had to get up at 4am, and he was to put it mildly NOT amused.
        A theory states that if anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for, it will be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.

        Another theory states that this has already happened.


        • #5
          Every so often I get people who are so math illiterate they can't distinguish different numbers and will ring my buzzer.


          • #6
            Ugh. Around here it's referred to as a "ghetto doorbell," and we get that all the time at our complex. Thankfully, most people only honk once or twice and then just wait for whoever they're picking up.

            My brother declared that if he ever had a daughter and a guy tried that while picking her up, he'd forbid him from ever visiting the house, again.

            As for your horny woman, Blas, I'd have called security once she moved to act 2.

            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


            • #7
              Quoth PepperElf View Post
              only thing lazier were the parents who'd park their cars at the parking lot entrance to pick up the kids from the school bus... um, it's a 2 minute walk... wtf?
              Sounds like my place. And the way the entrance is set up, sometimes it effectively blocks it.

              There's also the people that drive to the dumpster with the trash bag on the trunk. Seriously, it takes more work and time to do that than walk your lazy ass over there.
              It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


              • #8
                We don't have any type here (save for that idiot Sheriff).

                If the landlord or maintenance folk had been around, you can bet they would have chased her down and told her to never come back.

                But no, she had to come on the ONE morning none of them were around, or they had already left.
                You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                • #9
                  Quoth Pagan View Post

                  There's also the people that drive to the dumpster with the trash bag on the trunk. Seriously, it takes more work and time to do that than walk your lazy ass over there.
                  No kidding! I know someone who will drive the mailbox.....really??? You can't walk over there?
                  Great YouTube channel check it out!


                  • #10
                    What would cops have done though...she didn't do anything illegal, did she?


                    • #11
                      First, they'd check her out to see why she's driving around a single parking lot and repeatedly honking her horn, and then they'd tell her not to do that since it's disturbing the peace, which is ticketable.

                      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                      • #12
                        Isn't it arguable what constitutes disturbing the peace? I mean, I thought you had to be in a verbal altercation or violating the decibel level.


                        • #13
                          And a van horn isn't violating the decibel level, how?


                          • #14
                            Quoth Hobbs View Post
                            I mean, I thought you had to be in a verbal altercation or violating the decibel level.
                            A horn is loud for a reason. most are well over 100dB, which is above the noise threshold for most areas. Regardless, a horn, by Texas state law:

                            (c) A motor vehicle operator shall use a horn to provide audible warning only when necessary to insure safe operation.
                            Coworker: Distro of choice?
                            Me: Gentoo.
                            Coworker: Ahh. A Masochist. I thought so.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Chromatix View Post
                              And a van horn isn't violating the decibel level, how?
                              I dunno. How high do these things get?

                              Midori, why are u quoting Texas law?

