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Raisin muffins

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  • Raisin muffins

    My dad asked my mom to buy him bran muffins, so my mom went to Angelo's, which is a cool Italian deli and market if any of you have never been there. My mom found a box of muffins that looked like they might be bran, they were brown and had raisins in them, but the label said "assorted muffins". So mom asked a girl what kind of muffins they were. The girl didn't know, and went to find somebody. She came back with a teenage guy who looked at the muffins and said "They're raisin muffins." (rest of conversation in script format)
    Mom: "i know they have raisins, but what kind of muffins are they?"
    Employee: "Raisin muffins."
    Mom: "I can see the raisins, but what is in the muffin around the raisins?"
    Employee: *blank stare*
    Mom: Is it banana, or carrot, or bran...?
    Employee: Oh yeah, they're raisin muffins with bran!

    She bought the muffins, and my dad pronounced them to be bran. Mom suggested I post this story here, although it's more funny than sucky. I'm not sure if he was having a stupid moment (or was naturally not that bright), or if he was just determined to hang on to his "raisin muffin" thing. Oh well.
    It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision.
    -Helen Keller

    I got this av from Court Records, made by Croik!