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Absolutely abyssmal customer service at our bank (long and ranty)

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  • Absolutely abyssmal customer service at our bank (long and ranty)

    Regarding our home mortgage.

    We went to our bank back in January when we first decided we wanted to buy a house. This was before we had even started looking at properties, let alone picking one out. They were able to give us an approval letter (not pre-approval, an actual approval letter) almost immediately for up to a certain amount of money, and they told us that when we selected a property, to call them back and they could adjust the loan amount to match the price of the house.

    So, we picked a house about 4 1/2 weeks ago, and submitted a contract to the sellers. At the same time, we called our bank and told them we had selected a property. They wouldn't do anything until the contract was actually signed by both parties (at this point, the sellers had not signed it yet.) Okay, fine.

    A week and a few negotiations later, and we were under contract, signed by both us and the sellers. So we call the bank back and give them the details. We were (and still are...maybe...) scheduled to close on Monday, April 5th. At the time we contacted the bank, this was about 22-23 days away from closing. They told us that our closing date was too soon, that it needed to be at least 30 days out from the time we told them we were under contract.

    Would've been nice if you could've mentioned that when we initially told you that we were getting ready to go under contract. They said that they would put a rush on the loan process and hopefully still have everything ready by April 5th. Fine.

    The title company requested a contact person for our bank. We asked the bank for a name and number for the title company, they refused to give us one until they had gotten some documents back from us. WTF? I don't even remember what the documents were anymore, but we got them and signed them and sent them back to the bank, along with contact info for the title company so the bank could contact them directly. A week later, the title company is hounding us because the bank still has not contacted them. We contacted the bank...oh, whoops, here's some more documents that they need us to fill out before they'll give us a contact name for the title company. Finally, we get a name and number to the title company.

    The bank contacts the title company and asks for more documents from them, which the title company tells us they faxed. This was about 2 weeks ago. This will be important later.

    Meanwhile, the bank needs documentation from my parents, since my parents wanted to give us some money for the downpayment. So, my parents jump through the hoops, get them the receipts they need, and write a letter stating that the money is a gift and not intended to be paid back. They fax it all to the bank, with all the info that the bank told us they needed. The bank gets it, but tells us that the letter doesn't contain enough info. Sure, it had everything in it that they initially told us they needed, but now they need MORE info that they didn't tell us about initially. So my parents revise the letter and re-fax it. Bank gets it, but claims that they need a special gift letter form attached to it. Something that -- you guessed it -- they didn't give us or tell us about the first two times around. So, we get that form, get it to my parents, they fill it out, and send the whole lot for the third time to the bank. All of this took place over the course of about a week, because our contact person doesn't always answer her phone and is bad about returning our messages.

    My parents faxed everything last week Wednesday. At that time, according to our contact person, that was the last piece of information they needed, and after they received that fax, we'd be good to go. We didn't hear anything from the bank on Thursday, so on Friday we called them to confirm that they'd received the fax. We called multiple times throughout the day and never got a hold of our contact person. We left messages, but she didn't call us back Friday.

    Monday rolls around. Morning comes and goes and we still don't hear anything, so early afternoon we call our contact person again. No answer, another message left. She finally calls back at about 4:30pm, only to tell us that not only does she not have the fax from my parents (she claims it's their fault because they must not have put the loan# on the forms they sent -- nevermind that the gift letter form that she finally gave us last week has the loan# printed right on it) but that she also doesn't have the stuff they requested from the title company two weeks ago, which the title company had confirmed to us that they sent. So, we get my parents (who are pretty fed up by this time, this is the fourth time they've had to fax these documents) to re-fax everything and call the title company to find out what's going on with them.

    Tuesday morning we get confirmation from both my parents and the title company that they re-faxed everything. We call our contact person to get confirmation that she received it all. By the way, did I mention that she's on vacation Thursday and Friday this week, so we need to have everything ready to go on Wednesday? We call, and call, and call, several times throughout the day. Finally at 4:45 she answers our call, only to tell us that she wouldn't talk to us that day because she was in an important meeting, and that she would call us back the next morning (Wednesday morning, today.)

    So, this morning comes and goes, no word from our contact person. We call her before lunch, no answer. She calls back a short time later stating that she needs a copy of a deposit slip from my husband; he had taken a large amount of money out of his checking account at one bank about 3 weeks ago and put it into the checking account at the bank that we're getting our mortgage through, and now they want a copy of that receipt. Once again, I wonder why this was not requested sooner, since the transfer was done 3 weeks ago and they have had ample time to ask us for this, knowing that we are supposed to close in a few days.

    Our bank person assures us that this is the LAST piece of info that we need. We get it to her, she receives it. Looks like we're good to go, right?


    At 8pm tonight, we get a call from someone else at the bank, stating that they have a problem with the fact that our lease amount changed for a few months last year. When I moved in with my husband last May, his lease was just expiring, and we decided not to sign another lease and instead go month-to-month, in anticipation of buying a house soon. After about 3-4 months, we decided we weren't quite ready to buy a house, so we signed another lease. So, for about 3-4 months, when we were paying month-to-month rent, our rent was about $50-70 higher since they give you a discount if you sign a lease. I don't know why the bank is taking issue with this, and I especially don't know why they waited until now to tell us about it, since, once again, none of this was a secret. Now they need documentation from our apartment office manager stating why our lease went up for a few months, which hopefully she can get to the bank by tomorrow.

    I am so, so sick of this run-around BULLSHIT they have been putting us through! I absolutely do not understand why they couldn't just send us all the documents they needed filled out, said "here's what we need, get it signed by the correct people and get it back to us by the week before you want to close." It would have been so much easier than this "Here's a document you need to sign" then 2 days later "Oh we got that document but it didn't have all the information filled out correctly" then a week later "Oh we got that document but we didn't give you page 2 of it so here's some more you need to fill out" and on and on and on.

    I really want to complain to someone, but I don't know who or how. The bank's website does not list an email address or physical address to contact them at, or a phone number for customer service issues. I'm not really good at complaining over the phone, either, and I wouldn't know who in the company to contact even if I was. I really wish we could back out of this and get another bank, but it's a little late at this point.

  • #2
    Oh My god...I HAVE a headache and all I did was read it.

    I dont have any advice for you. Youre right about being kinda late. I wish you luck and I hope it all goes through and youre the proud owners of a home realllly soon.


    • #3
      Quoth Amina516 View Post
      Oh My god...I HAVE a headache and all I did was read it.

      I dont have any advice for you. Youre right about being kinda late. I wish you luck and I hope it all goes through and youre the proud owners of a home realllly soon.
      Ditto. I'm sorry, but I'm sure your house will be worth it!


      • #4
        Hmmm, maybe after the loan is completed and the house bought you can re-mortgage your house with a different bank?
        The High Priest is an Illusion!


        • #5
          Hubs and I are going through a similar rigamarole with our refinancing paperwork. We signed the preliminary paperwork I want to say early-mid February. A few days later, the bank called wanting a copy of my diploma to prove I had been in school the first year and a half we were married. Then they wanted copies of my certifications to prove I took and passed my boards. Then a signed letter stating I worked at the library between graduation and being hired at <hospital>. Then the offer letter from <hospital> when they hired me back in January. Then my last two paystubs. And the latest "last thing we need" is the average number of hours I work. Newsflash, <bank>: I'm PRN as noted on the offer letter I already sent you. I don't have a set number of hours per week. Supposedly we're supposed to have the appointment to finalize everything Monday. Which was pushed back from end of last week, which was pushed back from the end of the previous week. I swear if this thing doesn't close soon, I'm going to strangle something.
          Last edited by jedimaster91; 04-01-2010, 02:52 AM.
          I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


          • #6
            Quoth ArcticChicken View Post
            Hmmm, maybe after the loan is completed and the house bought you can re-mortgage your house with a different bank?
            That probably won't be necessary, SOP is for them to turn around and sell it to some other bank almost immediately. I've owned a house five years and am on my fourth mortgagor so far; the first one held it for maybe a day or two before selling it on so the next one.


            • #7
              This sounds suspiciously like Chase or Capital One...


              • #8
                Quoth bean View Post
                This sounds suspiciously like Chase or Capital One...
                It's not either of those, but it is another huge national bank. Very impersonal. Everything so far has been done over the phone, and our contact person has been pretty terrible about communicating with us, as you may have noticed.

                Quoth Shalom
                That probably won't be necessary, SOP is for them to turn around and sell it to some other bank almost immediately. I've owned a house five years and am on my fourth mortgagor so far; the first one held it for maybe a day or two before selling it on so the next one.
                So...what? We get our mortgage through this bank, and they can just turn around and give it to another bank without so much as a by your leave from us? I really dislike the bank we're working with now, but I don't want our finances messed with without our knowledge or approval. Can you tell me more about this?

                And regarding headaches, I've had one all day and it got a lot worse after that phone call tonight. It didn't help that our one cat was being a bitch; she usually starts whining for dinner between 6:30-7 but we don't feed her till around 8 or after, since if we feed her too early, she'll wake us up super-early the next morning. So after my husband got off the phone with the bank, I went to feed the cat. While I was getting her food ready, she was whining at my feet, and our other cat came to investigate, and whiny cat attacked him -- completely with hissing and growling and spitting and swatting and biting. I don't know why she went after him like that, but I was upset in the first place, so I started yelling at her and squirting her with the squirt bottle, and it just got worse. She was hissing and growling and screaming at me and our other cat, and my husband finally had to grab her (amid her biting and swatting at him) and toss her in the bedroom to cool off for a few minutes. I just broke down and started crying and screaming obscenities about the bank at that point. We have new neighbors right below us...they probably think they've got crazy apartment mates now.


                • #9
                  Sounds like some of the crap we had to go through when we bought our house. My favorite was they didn't bother to verify my husbands job until the day we were to close. The only problem with that was he had just quit because he had a better paying one, but didn't start for a week.

                  Our mortgage was sold almost immediately. The only effect it had was we received a certified letter in the mail from WF saying they had our mortgage, and to send the checks to them or to pay at any branch on a date starting the next month (about 45 days away).


                  • #10
                    Quoth MaggieTheCat View Post
                    So...what? We get our mortgage through this bank, and they can just turn around and give it to another bank without so much as a by your leave from us? I really dislike the bank we're working with now, but I don't want our finances messed with without our knowledge or approval. Can you tell me more about this?
                    Yes, it happens all the time. It's pretty much SOP for most banks to take mortgages and sell it to another company. It's how they make money.

                    BTW, I don't normally say this, but name and shame for the bank you're working with. Though if it's who I think it is, I'm honestly not surprised. If you didn't have so much time invested at this point, I'd suggest looking for another company to do the financing.
                    Random conversation:
                    Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
                    DDD: Cuz it's cool

                    So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.


                    • #11
                      And now a theme song from Cheryl Wheeler: We're The Bank

                      We're the Bank. We're not your friend. We want those records
                      And we want them sent this afternoon
                      Or your gross expenses will balloon
                      And you'll only have yourself to thank
                      Write "attention clerk", 'cause it's the way we work
                      And we're the bank

                      We're the bank, get a grip, get in line
                      And in triplicate we'll need for sure
                      Everything you've ever signed before
                      As to cost we haven't mentioned yet to you
                      You can bet on one thing,
                      You'll be at the closing when we do

                      Your tax returns are ours to keep, with what you earn
                      Until the final sleep, and even then
                      We've assured ourselves, at your expense,
                      Crossing t's and dotting all the i's
                      To be paid in full within a day or two
                      Of your demise

                      And we will call, a million times, for bills and forms
                      That you will never find, and we'll insist
                      That without these we cannot progress
                      When we have these documents in hand
                      We'll assess time lost and probably raise your cost
                      By several grand

                      We are the bank, with walls of stone, and heads of steel
                      And though in ads we're shown to smile and nod
                      This is PR if there ever was
                      So just forget that warm and friendly bit
                      Because I swear by god, it's a complete and utter
                      Crock of shit

                      (P) February 2, 1999

                      Edit: Hidden track on the album "Sylvia Hotel"
                      Last edited by dalesys; 04-01-2010, 01:48 PM.
                      I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
                      Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
                      Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


                      • #12
                        Short update:

                        When the bank called last night, they asked for our apartment office's fax number so they could fax whatever forms they need filled out to them. We gave them the fax number and they said they were going to fax the forms immediately. Of course, when my husband walked down to the apartment office this morning to get some more paperwork that the bank needs, and confirm that the office got the paperwork that the bank supposedly faxed last night, the office doesn't have it. And the branch of the bank that we're dealing with now is in California, so we have to wait a few hours for them to open before we can call them.

                        Also, our car battery is dead.

                        By the way, it's Bank of America.


                        • #13
                          I don't know if this will help in time, but look up the info on your state's banking regulator and file a complaint. BoA's already got a pretty bad reputation for their customer service, but maybe your state commision can put a light a fire under their ass.
                          The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                          "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                          Hoc spatio locantur.


                          • #14
                            Quoth MaggieTheCat View Post
                            So...what? We get our mortgage through this bank, and they can just turn around and give it to another bank without so much as a by your leave from us? I really dislike the bank we're working with now, but I don't want our finances messed with without our knowledge or approval. Can you tell me more about this?
                            Dont' worry about this aspect, at least. Here's the thing about a mortgage: It's a contract (with lots and lots of legalese). If another creditor does buy the mortgage, they are obligated to uphold the same terms as you originally agreed to. They can try to pressure you into signing new terms (though I've never heard of them doing so), but the reality is that you don't have to agree to them.

                            IOW, whoever buys the mortgage buys it with the knowledge that they are legally obliged to uphold the same contract terms as the company that originally signed with you.

                            Your finances are as secure as they were before. No more, no less.


                            • #15
                              I think anyone who owns a house has horror stories about the mortgage process. The worst part is they get you half way in and it's not practical to change to another company so you just have to fight your way through it.

                              When I bought my house the mortgage guy "forgot" to get the survey which delayed the closing and left us with no place to live for a week...

                              The amazing part is that all this hell and tears and stress will be forgotten a half hour after the closing when yall are alone in YOUR new house. Hang in there!! You will make it through this.

