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Patience Grasshopper

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  • Patience Grasshopper

    I was in one of the local game stores the other day, picking up four or five games. (I had just traded in some 14 games that I no longer played.) Now, anyone that's shopped at game stores that do trade ins, know full well that it can take a while to find the game. Even so, it's a nicer experience than Wal-Mart or Target, since the employees usually know a good deal more about the games than the big box places. So, there I was, waiting for the employee to get my games when this little kid (bout 8 or so) wanders into the store.

    The kid mills about for a good minute or two, (no more) before he walks right up to the counter and shoves in under my arm as I reached up to pick up something. Without waiting, he says something to the effect of "Do you have some such game?" The employee looks up at him for a second, then back to the games he's getting for me, and says politely "Can it wait just a second, I'm almost done here?" This seems to satisfy the kid, who turns and looks back at the DS games. (He had been there for that minute or so.)

    Bout the time the employee says this, some guy snatches the boy's arm and says something to the effect of "come on, we're leaving!" Then turning to the employee he adds something to the effect of asking who the manager is, saying he wants to complain. So the employee stood his ground and told him that HE was the manager, and added that if he wanted to wait all of a minute or two longer, that he'd help the kid then. He added (and I laughed some at this) that the boy had pushed a customer that he (meaning me) out of the way and that was rude. The implication being that he must have learned it somewhere.

    This pissed the guy off and he started to tromp out, but at the door he paused trying to get in the last word. He snarkily said "You need to hire more people!" To which I grinned at the manager and said to the guy "They're Hiring!" he seemed to ignore me, and being snarky that day myself; I asked the manager (who was a friend) for an application.

    I checked out not long after that, maybe a few seconds or so, and started walking out of the store, app in hand. That guy was waiting, and made some comment to me like "what did you say?" to which I extended the application. When he asked (grunted really) what that was, I said "Since you thought they needed to hire more help, I got you an application. You seemed to think you could do a better job, so why not prove it?" He cussed me as he threw the application away, but by then I really didn't care.

    as a side note: I now hate my Vaio. That is all.
    Last edited by repsac; 04-03-2010, 05:28 AM. Reason: fighting with a laptop.
    Learn wisdom by the follies of others.

  • #2
    Pwnage! high fives to you and manager!

