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bitchy panhandler/scammer lady

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  • bitchy panhandler/scammer lady

    *thread title comes from my not having heard/understood exactly what this woman was saying she needed help with, and because she seemed to get pissy, I'm suspecting she was trying to scam something*

    Earlier this evening, I was walking to the library to dump some stuff in the bookdrop, and then pick up a few things at the grocery store, when I had a truck pull up alonside me on the street and the woman driving it motioned for me to come over.......I assumed she just needed to ask for directions somewhere.

    However, she said something along the lines of wondering if I'd be able to help, she wasn't from this area (said she was from Tucson), and something about needing help in getting her brother home - my hearing isn't that great, so I couldn't understand all of what she said. Anyhow, I politely told her that I didn't have any cash right now, to which she said "Well, I don't want cash." in a semi-irritated tone. I then told her that I didn't have anything on me, which got me a nasty look and a "Well, sorry then!, before she drove off in a huff. (I should probably mention that she had a guy in the passenger seat, who didn't say a word the entire time and was just looking down at his feet)

    Looking back, I'm not sure how I could've handled things differently, but I definitely wish that I could've said "Look lady, there's no need to get snippy - I've never seen you before, and have no way to verify that anything you might say is true." And, this sort of thing is one reason why I nearly always have my Ipod on when I'm walking anywhere.....I HATE it when people can see I have it on, but insist on trying to start a conversation with me anyhow.

  • #2
    That sounds like the opening to a really standard scam. Hell, the boyfriend got hit up in the parking lot of the store today by someone who "was from out of town and needed cash for gas to get home." Old scam is old.

    But since she got all huffy over not needing cash, I can't figure out what she did want.

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #3
      I can't figure that one out, either. Only thing I can think of is that maybe she was hoping to get someone to use a credit card to pay for gas or a motel room. (But that's going by a similiar story which our pastor told me about a guy who'd come into the office, and threw a fit because she wouldn't use the church's credit card to rent a room for him)


      • #4
        I've been hit up a few times with the "I just need a few dollars for gas" with no car in sight. Granted it could be anywhere, but I'm not about to drive someone to their car and risk getting robbed for the 57 cents I have in my wallet.

        I do remember one night someone asking me at the KFC when it was still open near our house for a ride to the metrolink station. Unfortunately, the closest metrolink station was clear across town and in the opposite direction to where I was going. I was called a bitch for refusing and offering to look up what bus went in that direction. Call me a bitch, you don't get any help from me. So I got in my car and drove off.
        Random conversation:
        Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
        DDD: Cuz it's cool

        So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.


        • #5
          Kinda like that scam in the movie "Falling Down"....


          • #6
            Quoth KellyHabersham View Post
            And, this sort of thing is one reason why I nearly always have my Ipod on when I'm walking anywhere.....I HATE it when people can see I have it on, but insist on trying to start a conversation with me anyhow.
            That's because they're speshul snowflakes that thinks everybody in interested in what they have to say! Had some guy start blathering at me when I was picking out tomatoes the other day. You would have thought the white things with cords coming out of them in my ears would have been a clue....
            It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


            • #7
              I had someone do this to me. It was a couple of teenage girls who said they didn't realize they were out of money before coming to the gas station so I thought it seemed legit and gave them the change in my pocket. When they drove off without getting gas I realized what was up. The weird thing is this was when gas was over 4 bucks a gallon. They must have been spending more to get around then they were able to pandhandle.


              • #8
                I had someone tell me his "Toyota Camaro" had run out of gas one night and he needed just a few bucks, and it was at the gas station down the street.

                I asked him "is it a Toyota or a Camaro?". He said "It's a Toyota Camaro!".

                I pointed out that Toyota makes Camrys, and Chevrolet makes Camaros, and he should come up with a better story. I still gave him a buck for making me laugh though.


                • #9
                  Scammers will get angry at you, genuine needy people dont.

                  My Favourite was a guy standing outside a fast food restaurant trying to get money out of passers by for food. Having been scammed before, instead of giving him money, I offered to buy him a meal at the restaurant. He said he wanted cash, I said "Well you cant be that hungry then" and walked off. (being cursed at by him as I did)

                  Someone truely in need would have accepted a free meal.

                  Also, years ago when I smoked, I got stopped by a woman who asked for one. I held out my pack to her and she got the biggest catbut face and said "Eww!! Those are *generic crap brand* smokes, I aint smoking that shit" little did she know I kept my *high end brand smokes* in a generic crap brand box for just that reason
                  "When did you get a gold plated toilet?"
                  "We don't have a gold plated toilet"
                  "Oh dear, I think I just peed in your Tuba"

                  -Jasper Fforde


                  • #10
                    Quoth raw456 View Post
                    My Favourite was a guy standing outside a fast food restaurant trying to get money out of passers by for food. Having been scammed before, instead of giving him money, I offered to buy him a meal at the restaurant. He said he wanted cash, I said "Well you cant be that hungry then" and walked off. (being cursed at by him as I did)

                    Someone truely in need would have accepted a free meal.
                    Heck, I've had people accept my boxed up leftovers (no spoon) gratefully. I felt bad, because here I was going to a restaurant and claiming I had no money. It's just that expense accounts don't normally cover guilt donations. And no, I don't know why on earth I thought that I should take the leftovers back with me to the hotel. (I did have a fridge though).


                    • #11
                      Quoth raw456 View Post
                      Someone truely in need would have accepted a free meal.
                      We have a pretty good number of legitimate homeless people in my area, along with a goodly number of professional panhandlers. I have, more than once, given a part of my lunch, or a drink or something bought for the purpose to people at the side of the road.

                      The most memorable was the guy at the freeway offramp that I gave a Capri Sun juice pouch to. The way he reverently set it aside for later consumption gave me the distinct impression that such a thing was a rare treat for him. I'm just sorry that I didn't have any food to hand him.

                      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                      • #12
                        Came out of Fred Meyer's one day with my groceries and loaded up. Had some random gal come up to me asking for money, trying to get enough together to pay for gas for someone to come pick her up, or to get a cab. Oh really? Where do you live? She frikkin names off the little town where I live, and when I offer her a ride, cause its on my way home, makes the catbutt face and wanders off.
               do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

                        Chickens are Asexual!


                        • #13
                          The worst I've ever had to deal with was a lady who was standing outside a CVS harassing everyone who went in and out for change. On my way in, I told her I didn't have any small bills. On my way out, she POUNCED me and DEMANDED money, because I'd TOLD her on the way in I didn't have any small bills. I told her I still didn't, and she started accusing me of...I don't know what...and asking me how I'd paid for my stuff then. I told her "Credit card!" and walked off with her shouting curses at my back.

                          The saddest I've ever heard was my dad's, not mine. He said he was filling up his gas and a woman was wandering around the station begging people for money for gas. He said "it looked like she had all her possessions in the world in her car" (I still remember how he said it) and he suspected she was running from an abusive situation with how she looked and was acting. He put $5 worth of gas in her car, all the cash he had on him, before he left...then spent HOURS that night kicking himself for not thinking to use his credit card to fill her tank instead. (My dad is an awesome guy.) Heh, it's probably been fifteen years and sometimes that story pops into my head and I wonder if that woman's doing okay now.
                          It's little things that make the difference between 'enjoyable', 'tolerable', and 'gimme a spoon, I'm digging an escape tunnel'.


                          • #14
                            She got angry? It's a scam. And you handled it well.

                            One thing, though. I wish you wouldn't walk everywhere with your Ipod in; it's dangerous. My aunt works for the fire department and she's drilled it into our heads not to go places without paying attention to where we are and what's happening around us at all time. Listening to music makes things that much harder. Please be careful.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Marszenka View Post
                              One thing, though. I wish you wouldn't walk everywhere with your Ipod in; it's dangerous.
                              Good advice. I know I occasionally walk around where I live with my iPod in, mainly because it is so quiet, but if I am in the city for whatever reason, as soon as I get off the train, my iPod is switched off, because I want to be able to hear things going on around me.

                              Nothing in this world will ever be truly idiot-proof as long as they keep making more effective idiots... -EricKei

