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What's a Paper?

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  • What's a Paper?

    I often find myself unintentionally eavesdropping on a particular co-worker's phone calls just because her desk is only a few feet from mine. She must get some odd callers! I can only hear her side, of course, but here's part of one from today I found highly amusing.

    [background] State government agency. State residents have to submit some paperwork in certain cases to avoid various financial and/or legal penalties. Some details in this post have been changed to mask real people, places, and organizations. [/background]

    CW: ... No, I don't know if we'll be receiving that form tomorrow. I'll have to wait and see. Would you like me to call you back when I do receive it?
    CW: ... Did you send it?
    CW: ... Oh, your lawyer sent it. Let's hope she remembered our requirements. If it's an eight-and-a-half by eleven, we can't accept it.
    CW: ... Yeah, it has to be the [regulated size].
    CW: ... An eight-and-a-half by eleven? It's a piece of paper.
    CW: ... No, that's the size of the paper.
    CW: ... The paper with the [name of form] form on it.
    CW: ... The form your lawyer is sending to us for you.
    CW: ... No, I don't know when we'll ge- Look, why don't you call up your lawyer and ask her when she sent it. If she used UPS or FedEx or something, she can give you the tracking number, and then you can look it up and see where it is.
    CW: [Finishes the call, turns to other co-worker in the next cubicle, vents a bit, then adds:] You want to know the best part? Apparently he runs a small business called Superior Framing and Cabinetry--'cause that's how he answered the phone. You'd think that would require some degree of precision and, oh, I don't know, intelligence, maybe?
    I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
    - Bill Watterson

    My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
    - IPF

  • #2
    And knowledge about measurements and whatnot.


    • #3
      Apparently not about paper.
      Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill

