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rent woopsie

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  • rent woopsie

    almost had a heart attack last wednesday when i found an envelope hanging off of my door.

    i opened it and read it and found it was a notice that i was behind on rent and was going to owe even MORE than what the base rent is. and i had 4 days to pay it or it went to collections.

    and more importantly what happened to the rent i DID sent them? sure i cut it close but i did send it in time, or so i thought... but this notice was for the full amount plus late fees. and even if i had credit for the base rent there was no way i could pay the late fees

    i talked to my boyfriend about it and then... i re-read the notice.

    and read it again.

    it was for apartment # **3.... I am in **4.

    yes. they posted it on the WRONG door.

    Wooo boy.

    I thought about telling my neighbors but decided not to - they don't need the extra embarrassment of getting the bad news from me. i did however bring it to the office thursday morning. they were somewhat dismayed cos apparently the landlady had told the worker posting it to make sure it went on the right door.... and they failed at that one.

    this of course might also be why my neighbors are being very noisy tonight, with going up and down the stairs and pounding on something. they may be moving out.