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Numbers aren't that difficult...(Or, Lupo went grocery shopping. Again...)

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  • Numbers aren't that difficult...(Or, Lupo went grocery shopping. Again...)

    <Sigh> I need to figure out just what it is about me that makes me a magnet for stupid people and general insanity...and then destroy it!!

    Only one big tale from yesterday, but it's kind of a doozy...

    Cast of characters
    SC1: Trashy looking black woman (unfortunately relevant...) who looked and smelled like she'd been wearing the same clothing for the last month.
    Sc2: SC1's partner in crime. (husband? bf? no clue...)
    KE1 & 2: Kroger employee. Poor, poor Kroger employee...

    Now, I went to Kroger because it's fairly easy to get to by bus, I love the produce section and they generally have good deals. (Milk's usually cheaper there, too, AL the time!!. Ahem. Moving on.)

    This week, there were a couple of sales I wanted to take advantage of, and they were also, unfortunately, the impetus for the suck.

    Sale #1: 12oz blackberries, $2.88. For Houston (at least to me), that's PHENOMENAL deal. Usually its $3-4 for 6 oz of blackberries. Well, there weren't any out that I could see, so I waited near the display. SC1 and SC2 were nearby foraging through the strawberries. I saw KE1 wander past and politely flagged him down, asking if he worked in produce, and if not could he direct me to who did.

    He did, and I showed him in the paper where it said there were 12 oz on sale, but there were only 6 oz containers on display. He said he'd go look into it. Came back and told me that they were out, but a truck was out back and there might be some on it, if I didn't mind waiting. I said sure, I needed to grab a few more things from the produce section, and he could find me wandering around there, and if NOT there, check the in-store starbucks because I'd be trading recipes with the barista on duty, she had a couple I wanted and vice versa.

    Well, while this is going on, SC1 and 2 were mumbling to each other. I'm not paying attention, it's not really my business, but then SC1 says REALLY loudly.

    "They ain't got what we want! That's FALSE ADVERTISEMENT and it's ILLEGAL!!"


    And I head off to continue shopping, but she waves at me. Oh, gods, why, WHY didn't I IGNORE her?!?

    SC1: Hey, you're here for the berries, too?
    Me: Er...yes, they're checking in back for me right now to see if they have any.
    SC1: They should have them out if they're advertised on SALE, though. WE need to demand they give us a discount.
    Me: .....
    SC2: They should give it to us free if they have it, and if they don't we should get some of the little ones free.
    Me: .............

    Well, thankfully KE1 returns and he's pushing a cart of berries! Woot! He let me pick through them to get 2 tubs of sweet, wonderful blackberries and I put them in my shopping cart and TRIED to wander away. No luck.

    SC1: <Begins haranguing the employee about not having them out and blargleblargle, and then ends with> So you need to give her and US a discount!!
    Me: Um, not my concern, really. I asked, they had it, they brought it to me. That's providing customer service.
    SC1: But they should have had it OUT!
    Me: Shit happens. stock runs out and well, employees are only HUMAN. They're not omniscient beings, or robots that know the instant when something is out of stock and needs to be refilled.
    SC1: <Spluttersplutterrant>

    I ignore her and walk on.

    This should be the end of it...


    I make my way over to the seafood section. The other sale I wanted to take advantage of was for shrimp. "Freshwater Shrimp, 13/15 ct $7.99/lb" I like the big ones because I can toss a few into a stir fry. Mmmm...stir fry...

    ANYWAYS, who should ALSO be in the seafood section. Yeah, SC1 and 2. Greeeeeat. Well, I'm looking through the bins first, before going to the counter, and hey, look! Prepackaged shrimpses! 21/25 count for $5.99/lb. Better deal, AND they're in 3-4 lb portions already. Win!

    SC2: <coming up behind me, looking at packages> Hey, look, the shrimp's over here.
    SC1: <comes over to the other side of me> $18!!! That's not the shrimp on sale!!
    Sc2: Yeah, that ain't no $8!!

    I extricate myself, and head to the seafood counter, to see what the shrimp looks like over there. If it looks good, I'll probably just grab it there, rather than the frozen bags.. While I'm there, SC2 comes lumbering up and interrupts me while I'm talking to the seafood man, KE2.

    SC2: What the hell's your problem, man?? You're shrimp over there is $20, and it's supposed to be $8!!!
    KE2: Sir, I'll be with you in one moment, if you'll just--
    SC2: Nu uh!! You need to fix this because we came for the $8 shrimps and you don't have them!! Them bags should be $8!!!
    Me: <Muttering to myself> $8 PER POUND...
    SC1: What'd she say?!?!
    Me: <Oh, why do I even bother...> I SAID, it's $8 per POUND, meaning 1 POUND of shrimp is $8, as clearly advertised on the sign THERE. <I point to the sign in the case.> For the shrimp you were looking at over there, it's $5.99 per POUND, and the weights read anywhere between 2 to 4 POUNDS, so of COURSE it's going to be more than $8.
    SC: you saying we stupid??

    KE2 tries to explain it to them as well, but they're deadset on claiming it's false advertising, and they should get a 4 lb bag of shrimp for $8. Plus, again, a discount for their troubles...

    Me: I just shake my head, and ask KE2 for 1.5 lbs of the shrimp from the case, and if he could, portion it out into 5 oz portions for me. (If it's not busy, they'll actually do it, so I don't have to reportion it out when I get home. )
    SC2: No way you did NOT just cut in front of us!
    SC1: That's rude! And racist!
    Me: ... what did you just call me...?

    KE2 looks at me nervously and I, at this point am glaring at the two assholes.

    SC1: You heard me!! You think you can just jump in front, and treat us like trash cuz we're BLACK!!
    Me: Ok, ding ding, that's it, game OVER. First of all, I was here FIRST and HE jumped in front of ME!!
    SC2: No I didn't!
    KE2: Yes, sir, she was here first, actually.
    SC1: You stay out of this! I'm writing a letter to your manager! You're racist and you let racists shop here!
    Me: <While she's bitching at KE2, I'm rummaging in my bag and yank out my cell phone. See, I've had this problem before, and saved some family photos onto a microSD card and put it on my phone.> And, for the record, wanna see my daddy?

    I show them a family picture from Christmas showing my Italian, olive-toned mom with my black stepdad, his 4 kids and their 2 spouses, and his 2 grandkids, plus me and my sister who are quite glaringly white. Needless to say, we're a rather motley crew, and I don't make a distinction between calling my stepdad my stepdad. He and mama are my parents. Yes, I have a bio-dad, but stepdad's been there for me for a lot more.

    SC1: <Splutters>
    Me: See, that's my mom, and that's my dad, and there's my sister and--
    SC1: oh, FUCK YOU!!!

    I take my shrimp from KE2 and just walk away at this point. I'm done.

    I hate people...
    Last edited by lupo pazzesco; 04-11-2010, 12:35 AM.

  • #2
    I wanna go shopping with you, you find the fun ones.


    • #3
      Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
      <Sigh> I need to figure out just what it is about me that makes me a magnet for stupid people and general insanity...and then destroy it!!
      *Points at her shirt*

      Maybe it's....uh.....nevermind.

      *Dives back into the barrel of bacon and hides*

      I'm tempted to trot up to Houston just to watch you shop. But I nearly got ran over when I was in Houston so I'm not gonna do that mess again.
      Now a member of that alien race called Management.

      Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


      • #4
        You are the savior of poor clerks everywhere you go.


        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


        • #5
          Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
          <Sigh> I need to figure out just what it is about me that makes me a magnet for stupid people and general insanity
          I can answer for the general insanity part: You open your mouth. You stand up for employees and call people out on their dipshittery, and aren't afraid to do it at all.

          Not that you should stop doing this, of course. It makes for great stories, and it brightens the poor employees' day, even if only a little.
          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


          • #6
            Might I recommend you call the store and let them know that the sea food guy was awesome and helpful and warn them of the BITCH that may call and try and get him in trouble?
            "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"


            • #7
              Quoth RetailWorkhorse View Post
              *Dives back into the barrel of bacon and hides*
              Wait...there's a barrel of BACON? Where where where where? I swear the Texan in me is crying for good meat here in Utah. Criminy, back in Texas, my steak was still mooing when it hit the grill. Here, it expires 2 days after you buy it. :-P
              Coworker: Distro of choice?
              Me: Gentoo.
              Coworker: Ahh. A Masochist. I thought so.


              • #8
                Quoth Midorikawa View Post
                Wait...there's a barrel of BACON? Where where where where?
                Other there somewhere. *Waves hand in general direction of his last thread*

                What's a Texan doin' in Utah?

                ****Says the TN moron in TX and heading up to NM for the Summer.
                Now a member of that alien race called Management.

                Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


                • #9
                  Quoth RetailWorkhorse View Post
                  *Points at her shirt*

                  Maybe it's....uh.....nevermind.

                  *Dives back into the barrel of bacon and hides*

                  I'm tempted to trot up to Houston just to watch you shop. But I nearly got ran over when I was in Houston so I'm not gonna do that mess again.
                  ....for the last time, they're NOT that big!!

                  And I gave you bacon...

                  Quoth Midorikawa View Post
                  Wait...there's a barrel of BACON? Where where where where? I swear the Texan in me is crying for good meat here in Utah. Criminy, back in Texas, my steak was still mooing when it hit the grill. Here, it expires 2 days after you buy it. :-P
                  RW is referring to the distraction I attempted to provide to keep him from beating people to death using hot dog tongs after they kept making mention of his cart that looks like a taco stand and the resulting masses who came to him for tacos bad day at work today...


                  • #10
                    *Goes to chew on Lupo but stops*

                    You crossed it out. You's safe. FOR NOWS!

                    *Plots on ways to change the hotdog cart to look Less like a frikken taco stand and finagle more bacon*
                    Now a member of that alien race called Management.

                    Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


                    • #11
                      Quoth RetailWorkhorse View Post
                      *Plots on ways to change the hotdog cart to look Less like a frikken taco stand and finagle more bacon*
                      *offers RWh a slice of her freshly-delivered chicken, mushroon, ham, & bacon bits pizze*

                      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                      • #12
                        Quoth Red_Dazes View Post
                        Might I recommend you call the store and let them know that the sea food guy was awesome and helpful and warn them of the BITCH that may call and try and get him in trouble?
                        I second that remark. I've had customers offer to stand up for me whenever some stupid customer has tried to get me i trouble
                        The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

                        Now queen of USSR-Land...


                        • #13
                          Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
                          KE1 & 2: Kroger employee. Poor, poor Kroger employee...

                          (Milk's usually cheaper there, too, AL the time!!. Ahem. Moving on.)
                          Yeah we have REALLY cheap milk. And it's good too!

                          "They ain't got what we want! That's FALSE ADVERTISEMENT and it's ILLEGAL!!"
                          I've heard this quite a few times more than I should. People really need to learn a thing or too about what IS and ISN'T legal...

                          And I head off to continue shopping, but she waves at me. Oh, gods, why, WHY didn't I IGNORE her?!?

                          SC2: Nu uh!! You need to fix this because we came for the $8 shrimps and you don't have them!! Them bags should be $8!!!
                          Me: <Muttering to myself> $8 PER POUND...
                          Yeah people don't ever see the "per pound" on the sign. EVER. I have to explain why the shrimp is more than $8 ALL THE TIME!. In fact that reminds me, I actually have a story today. *goes to the SC section*

                          SC1: You stay out of this! I'm writing a letter to your manager! You're racist and you let racists shop here!
                          Hey lady FUN FACT: Pretty much ALL retail establishments let racists shop there. In fact they'll let just about anyone shop there. Why? Because they have MONIES! Who cares if they're racist or not when they are buying your product?

                          I hate people...
                          So do I Lupo. So do I......


                          • #14
                            This is now bringing back memories of the idiot who confused our crappy no-name bread, with our half-crappy company bread.
                            The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

                            Now queen of USSR-Land...


                            • #15
                              Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
                              SC: you saying we stupid??
                              The shoe fits, I think...
                              ...and she's cramming the thing on to make it fit. Geez-louise, some people. *gives Lupo some gummy worms and some herb tea*
                              Last edited by RootedPhoenix; 04-11-2010, 01:10 PM. Reason: fixing
                              1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
                     (A blog about everything and nothing)

