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Waiting room follies...

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  • Waiting room follies...

    I was at my heart doc in the waiting room, awaiting my husband to come and pick me up and I was witness to the following:

    *Background: this is a HUGE practice, with about 20 docs. Theres no less than 6 receptionists staffed at all times with a huge sign that says WAIT HERE and the receptionists call over the people waiting in line, one @ a time/BG*

    So, im sitting in a rocking chair, rocking... And i see a woman walk in. She walks over to the wheelchairs they have lined up, sits down...wheels to the middle of the room..and proceeds to do wheelies and go in a circle.. Like literally, doing wheelies in the middle of this lobby. Everyone is staring @ her...finally one of the receptionists stands up and asks her what shes doing...her response "Waiting for my husband"...she does a few more, then her husband walks in and he wheels her into an elevator and up they go...

    As im still sitting there, a man walks in, ignores the line of people waiting to see receptionists and walks up to the first one he sees and starts trying to talk to her...while shes with a patient. She asks him to go to the line....and does he comply? Nope, he goes to the next receptionist...who tells him the same thing....and repeat this four more he just leaves. guess it wasnt that important.

    Last one:

    Im sitting in a rocking chair that happens to be by a vending machine. Theres absolutely NOTHING in front of me or in back of me but open space. I stand and lean over a bit to look out the window to see if I spot hubby in the car and I feel something behind me, I turn around and this lady is trying to squeeze in the 4 inches or so I have between me and the chair to try and get to the vending machine..Theres NOTHING in front of me and NOTHING behind the chair but she chooses directly behind me to try and make it to the machine. I cleared my throat and go "Really?"..and she kinda looks at me sheepishly and makes her way behind my chair to get to the machine...IDK maybe she was really hungry?

  • #2
    Quoth Amina516 View Post
    IDK maybe she was really hungry?
    She was probably a cannibal; you felt her breath on your neck just in time, your you might not be here!
    "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


    • #3
      Quoth LillFilly View Post
      She was probably a cannibal; you felt her breath on your neck just in time, your you might not be here!
      She was probably trying to steal the chair, and detoured to the vending machine when she was caught.

      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


      • #4
        Quoth Amina516 View Post
        As I'm still sitting there, a man walks in, ignores the line of people waiting to see receptionists and walks up to the first one he sees and starts trying to talk to her...while she's with a patient. She asks him to go to the line....and does he comply? Nope, he goes to the next receptionist...who tells him the same thing....and repeat this four more he just leaves. guess it wasn't that important.
        Maybe that was ShadowTiger's screw thief?
        Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull

