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Psychos dining out

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  • Psychos dining out

    Disclaimer: this is not a bash on mentally ill folks, just on the out of control folks who hang about and are nasty as hell to employees and customers of fine retail establishments: HEY! That is all SC's.

    Last night, I wandered over to buy a pizza for dinner. Mmmm Pizza! When I picked up my tasty pie, I was greeted with the siren sounds of a person off their meds. She sat with her bags all around her (nothing wrong with homeless folk bless their hearts) screaming at the customers. I got my pie and was leaving when I heard this psycho B*&ch address me: "Fat (race deleted) bitch ." I managed to activate the brain to mouth filter just in time to avoid the words "I would rather be fat than ugly, ignorant, psychotic and destined to die in a toilet with your head in the bowl." I also managed not to use a racial slur right back and felt very bad for the nice employees that had to put up with this "customer." I think the guys need cookies and after that charming customer.
    Last edited by csdrone; 12-21-2006, 12:11 PM. Reason: add disclaimer

  • #2
    Although, if you complained to the manager, that might have been enough ammo for him to toss her dirty ass out, saving the rest of the employees any more of her shenanigans.


    • #3
      Unfortunately the owner was not there. I may mention something to him. I do honestly feel bad for the homeless and mentally ill but draw the line at verbal abuse.


      • #4
        Okay, this is a situation for the police. She was behaving in a manner that was threatening and abusive.

        I've run into quite a few homeless crazies where I live, and I've never had to call the police on them (so far). But someone in a restaurant, screaming and yelling and swearing, has earned a visit from the cops.
        Labor boards have info on local laws for free
        HR believes the first person in the door
        Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
        Document everything
        CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


        • #5
          Do try to be understanding, 40% of the homeless ARE mentally ill with no way to get treatment....and cops dont help the situation, they'll just jail the person for being in a state that they cant help and wont get help for.


          • #6
            Ah, but my dear DarthRetard, in some situations, that is the best thing to happen to the general population of that city that have to deal with people like that.

            I've been meaning to post a war story about a....mad man (not homeless, though) who used to terrorize my town and every establishment in it. Unfortunately, no one has seen this weirdo for quite a while. I think the reason no one is persuing finding out why is because everyone (most of all, shop owners and their employees, and helpless women like my mother and her coworkers) is so damn happy he's probably locked up and gone for a long time.

            Trust me though, as soon as I find out exactly what happened, everyone will hear the store about Crazy John.......I just want it to be factual (although the names of stores and people will be changed).

            Most of the time, just arresting these people and then setting them free to do it again is a bad idea, and most of the time, leaving these people to grow even more crazy is an even worse idea.......but locking some of these people up permanently, if it makes the town more safe, is the best idea.
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


            • #7
              Thanks, blas. As I said, I don't expect them to all be locked up. But when you have someone who is threatening and could easily become violent then you need to do it.

              I've seen people walking down the street, holding their heads, screaming and moaning. Did they bother me or anyone else? Nope. So I didn't do anything.

              We've got the regulars I pass nearly every day as I walk to my office. Do I report them? No, and sometimes I give them some cash.

              It's a sucky world, and we all need to work together. But someone dangerous, for whatever reason, needs to be where they can't hurt anyone. Here in California, the cops may pick them up, but they're usually turned over to a hospital for physical and psych evaluations. Often, that's the only way that anything will be done for them.
              Labor boards have info on local laws for free
              HR believes the first person in the door
              Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
              Document everything
              CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


              • #8
                yes, when it's a situation where the needs of the whole are better served, then the one is better locked up. we have a few like that around our store; one assaulted a bus driver and the other tends to carry around a rather large knife. both are banned from the store and are occasionally seen wandering the area.

                i'm sorry they're homeless; i'm sorry their minds don't work right, but i'll be damned if i'll risk the saftey of anyone in the store just so people like this can be free to wander around.

                the knife wielder tried to come in to use our restroom, in spite of the fact that he has a warrant out for him; he tried to play it off, but i told him in no certain terms that he was to leave and not return. i fully expect him to try it again, but the next time, we'll call the cops and make it clear-leave and don't return, period.
                look! it's ghengis khan!
                Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                • #9
                  *political point-scoring post snipped* - R
                  Last edited by Rapscallion; 12-27-2006, 07:09 PM.
                  I will not be pushed, stamped, filed, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own. --#6


                  • #10

                    Political posts are not allowed on here. Kindly cease. Take them to, where they would be welcome, but not here.



                    • #11
                      Quoth Rapscallion View Post

                      Political posts are not allowed on here. Kindly cease. Take them to, where they would be welcome, but not here.

                      I humbly apologize for my mis-posting.
                      I will not be pushed, stamped, filed, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own. --#6


                      • #12
                        I don't know how it is in the US, but my ex had schitzophrenia, fairly normal person most of the time. But there is a law that protects someone in canada who is very obviously mentally ill, I think it's called Brian's Law, it also provides the mentally ill with a safe haven in a hospital even if there are no beds. Anyway, in Canada, if a mentally ill person is picked up by the police, they are immediately taken to a mental health facility on an emergency basis. Due to healthcare cut backs, they are normally out in a week, but at least if they are doing something, the police are able to handle it properly.

                        This story reminds me of a time in college, I was using the payphone to call my guidance councellor to make sure I had the appointment time correct. This woman started yelling at me that I was using her phone and I needed to ask her permission. Anyway, after a hurried conversation with the guidance councellor, I hung up the phone and turned to walk away, and the woman hi8t me in the head with the receiver, really hard. the guy in the office saw what had happened and the security was there in a second. I saw her a week later when I was visiting my ex in the mental hospital.
                        At least Adam and Steve don't have to worry about leaving the toilet seat up


                        • #13
                          Quoth anode_probe View Post
                          I don't know how it is in the US, but my ex had schitzophrenia, fairly normal person most of the time. But there is a law that protects someone in canada who is very obviously mentally ill, I think it's called Brian's Law, it also provides the mentally ill with a safe haven in a hospital even if there are no beds. Anyway, in Canada, if a mentally ill person is picked up by the police, they are immediately taken to a mental health facility on an emergency basis. Due to healthcare cut backs, they are normally out in a week, but at least if they are doing something, the police are able to handle it properly.
                          It's supposed to happen that way, but it certainly doesn't all the time. Especially here in the Downtown Eastside (Vancouver).


                          • #14
                            An update: I saw one of the managers and mentioned my experience. His response: "Yeah I know who that is and I kicked her out after she tried picking fights with customers." YAY Pizza guys!

