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Coffee Aisle Rudeness

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  • Coffee Aisle Rudeness

    This guy must *really* have needed his morning cup of joe.

    An older man was scanning the cans of flavored instant coffee and muttering to his lady friend about not being able to find the one he wanted. All the cans were neatly stacked to fill the height of the shelf, though some of the flavors only filled a third to half the depth of the shelf. What does this SC do when his favorite flavor isn't clearly displayed on the shelf?

    Yup. He shoves his hand amongst the cans and starts knocking them aside so he can make absolutely certain that those evil store employees aren't intentionally denying him his powdered coffee goodness by hiding the can in the back of the shelf. He not only puts the whole shelf in disarray, he knocks cans to the floor in his quest. When he finally realizes that his coffee isn't there, he gives a stack of cans a last shove, knocking one more to the floor and the rest of the stack into the depths of the shelf. He glares down at the cans on the floor and then turns to walk away. The whole time his lady friend is watching him, a flustered look on her face. She glances down at the cans on the floor and for a moment I thought she might actually pick them up... Nope. She just trudges on after her man.

    They went away from me down the aisle so I didn't get to make any pointed comments about rudeness before I picked up the cans and put them back on the shelf. If I'd been feeling better (or bitchier) I might have chased them down, but it was their lucky day.
    Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull

  • #2
    What a dick, plain and simple.

    I wonder if it was really lack of coffee that drove him to do that, or something else wrong with his day.

    He could have just popped-into a coffee shop if he was THAT desperate!
    "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga

