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My biggest pet peeve, twice in one day (part 2)

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  • My biggest pet peeve, twice in one day (part 2)

    Part one is here in roadkill

    Pet peeve: line cutting

    So I'm getting lunch at yellow arches burger joint and there's 3 people in line. Guy ordering, dude in front of me, and me. Then some guy comes up and says "excuse me" and just steps in line in front of me.

    Me: Are you waiting in line? (sc: nod)
    Me: Well, so am I (sc: rolls eyes)
    Me: (after no verbal response) well, as far as I know, lines usually form from the front, back. (using my teacher scolds student voice) This means when you get in line you usually get in at the back, and since I was in line, the back would be behind me. (guy in front of me just finished ordering)
    Cashier: Next (man walks up. Girl ignores him.) Next
    Me: Thank you, I'll have....
    SC: FINE!

    Now the other guy orders:
    SC: I'll have the chicken. Is it spicy?
    C: No
    SC: I want it spicy
    C: It's not spicy
    SC: (mumbles) I want it spicy
    C: (goes to make our orders)
    SC: (yelling) I want splenda! And mayonnaise! (sc continues to yell for his precious splenda and mayo.)
    C: (returning with food) The sandwich comes with mayo. (Hands over 7ish splendas)
    C: Well, I grabbed one for each time you asked. (lol)
    SC: This chicken better NOT be spicy!!!!!
    C:...I can assure you it's not.
    SC: (pushes me out of the way at the soda machine and fills his cup with sweet tea. Puts splenda in the tea.) THIS IS WAAAAAAAY TOOOOOOO SWEEEEEEEEET!
    Me: Sir, you just put SWEETENER into SWEET tea
    SC: This isn't supposed to be sweet tea
    Me: (points to label)
    SC:...I DEMAND A COUPON!!!!!
    C: Ummmmmm, no?
    SC: (walks away defeated)

  • #2
    Good on the cashier for ignoring him until the line got to his position, and for snappy comebacks to his dribbling.


    • #3
      Wow, what an annoying guy. I wouldn't have had the courage to stand up for myself, but I'm glad that you did. Kudos for the cashier too.

      What an ass. It sounds like he was just after a discount or a coupon. Jeez, the lengths people go to just for some free stuff and discounts.
      Sucky Customers- Have the ability to convert non-drinkers into raging alcoholics in one phone call or less.


      • #4
        And did anyone else notice that at first he was demanding that the chicken be spicy and then when he got his sandwich, he demanded that it better not be spicy?

        It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


        • #5
          Quoth Pagan View Post
          And did anyone else notice that at first he was demanding that the chicken be spicy and then when he got his sandwich, he demanded that it better not be spicy?

          Haha, yeah. that wasn't a typo

