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Evidently, I will never be free...

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  • #46
    Turn the question back on 'em. When someone asks "When are you having kids/more kids?" come back with something like "When are you and your Significant Other having sex?"**

    When they get stunned/offended and snap "That's none of your business!", respond with "There's your answer to the kids question." And walk off.

    Never ceases to amaze me how the whole world seems to believe that one woman's uterus is their business too...

    ** = Will not work on shameless individuals. Substitute some other personally invasive inquiry instead.
    ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~


    • #47
      Quoth draftermatt View Post
      My mother has "given up on us" ever having kids (I told her if she wanted a baby that bad go make one herself).
      I said the same thing to my mom out of sheer frustration after she pestered us one time too many at a family dinner. My wife thought that was pretty rude, and maybe it was, but so is pestering people about having kids when they don't want to.

      Another time she did that, I didn't say a word. I just got up from the table, threw up my arms and walked out of the room.

      And then, after a pregnancy scare, I ended up getting snipped. She finally stopped bugging us after that.
      Sometimes life is altered.
      Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
      Uneasy with confrontation.
      Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right

