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Panic at the WalMart!

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  • Panic at the WalMart!

    I know, I know, I should have known better than to go to Wal-Mart this close to Christmas.

    However, upon leaving my parents house after doing laundry, I realized that I'd left my work badge and some money there, so I decided to go back. And there's a much cleaner, better staffed, better run Wal-Mart where my parents live vs where I live (and much newer as well). I figured well, since I'm down to one can of pop and one pack of Ramen Noodles, I need to get some food. And since when I go grocery shopping I tend to need hair/makeup/medicine/etc, I pick WalMart. I know how bad WalMart is, but I, just like millions of other people, have no choice. WalMart is the cheapest and it has everything.

    Now, the past week, on the radio and on the news at night on TV, the meteorologists have been forecasting a "Round 1" and "Round 2" of bad weather. Round 1 was supposed to be yesterday. It was supposed to be a day where it rained like hell all day, then froze to glare ice at night. Well, that sort of happened, but not really. The road was kind of crunchy last night, but I managed just fine. I LOVE how the weather people tend to over dramatize things like that. Not only that, but they forecasted, "Round 2" for today, meaning up to something like 8 inches of snow............hahaha, we don't even have an inch on the ground yet. It's all melting.

    But I digress.....back to WalMart now. I don't know if it's Christmas soon approaching or the Round 2 or both or what, but oh my gosh, WalMart was a damn foresaken ZOO today.

    Deserted half full carts everywhere. Carts scattered all over the parking lot. People just STANDING next to aisles and freezer doors. People having their class reunions in the middle of the aisles. Children running around screaming in every direction. Old people gathered like a flock of snails, blocking any way around them, pushing their carts at a rate of......really slow. All 30some checkout lines and self checkout lines buried, lines going into the clothing department. All sorts of merchandise where it didn't belong. People not able to maneuver their carts around anywhere!

    I thought I was going to have a heart attack. It took me almost an hour and a half to get groceries and shampoo and conditioner. And I didn't even have that much. 10 minutes of that time was spent waiting for a woman to stop staring at the freezer and just pick what she needed (like always, just the door I need!!). I felt rude, I hate when people do it to me, but I kept bumping her cart with mine. It didn't help.

    Oh, and the milk and bread thing is true. I needed a half gallon for this coming week......there were only 3 left. Well, almost all the skim milk was still there, lol. But all the 2% and vitamin D milk was obliterated, and the chocolate too! I didn't even try to go in the bread aisle (I don't make sandwhiches very often anyways). What a mess. What a mess.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

  • #2
    Me, my mom and sister are planning to get up and go to Wal-Mart tonight about 1 a.m. We figure by then the population should be down to it's "off-season" level of activity. I was going to go out to the local one during my lunch rush just to buy a money order, but then I decided the chances of my murdering someone were way higher than normal.
    "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


    • #3
      My mom and I were lucky Wednesday morning when we went to the Wallyworld near our house (the new one that opened this past summer.) We got there around 10, after her appointment with a dietitian (which was a wasted 1 1/2 hours at least, but that's a different topic) and luckily there was an electric scooter right outside the door (Mom's leg is worse not only b/c of the arthritis and nerve damage, but also neuropathy now and she can't even walk far enough from the front handicapped spot to the doors.) Got in and got what we needed (cat food/dog food/litter/few groceries) and fortunately for us, the lines weren't long at all. I pulled up to one line and had 2 people in front of us (which at WM is a rarity.) Got home right at 11, seeing as I had to get to work by 1. I had to double check the calendar. Yup, Dec. 20 - just a few days before Christmas.

      I'm not going anywhere near there Sunday . . . even though I'm off (yay me)

      Of course, I was hearing a different tune two Saturdays ago when my dad called (he was at the WM near him, which opened in 2005.) We were on the phone for at least 15 minutes and the line he and my stepmom were in apparently did NOT move much. They had been in there at least 2 hours (and part of that time was spent chatting with their neighbors and church folks that they kept running into.)

      Stark difference in our town.
      Last edited by DGoddessChardonnay; 12-23-2006, 12:44 AM. Reason: paragraphs didn't separate
      Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


      • #4
        Quoth blas87 View Post
        Oh, and the milk and bread thing is true. I needed a half gallon for this coming week......there were only 3 left. Well, almost all the skim milk was still there, lol.
        Who'd want to kick ass over SKIM?!?? If I'm gonna have a fight over milk, it'll be chocolate, thank you very much.
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #5
          Quoth blas87 View Post
          And I didn't even have that much. 10 minutes of that time was spent waiting for a woman to stop staring at the freezer and just pick what she needed (like always, just the door I need!!). I felt rude, I hate when people do it to me, but I kept bumping her cart with mine. It didn't help.
          It's hard when you've worked retail, because you're forced to be self-effacing, but I'll only wait a minute in this situation. If the person still isn't moving after that minute, I step up, say, "Excuse me, I just need something in there," open the door (they can move out of the way), get what I want and move along.

          If someone were to bump my cart I would get pissed. Just tell me what you want. If I'm blocking what you need to get to, tell me. I may have spaced out trying to remember everything I have to get after having forgotten my shopping list or getting a last minute call from my husband for a "couple of items" that gets longer and longer.
          Last edited by wagegoth; 12-25-2006, 05:28 PM.
          Labor boards have info on local laws for free
          HR believes the first person in the door
          Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
          Document everything
          CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


          • #6
            I swear, where I work it is like that far too often. And of course, when I am running late and need to run to the back to punch in, that's when the old people herd comes out and moves slower than is humanly possible. It's not fair!

            And can anyone tell me why it is such a hangout here? I mean, yes, we're in the sort of west/sort of midwest, and it's flat and there's nothing to do here except get drunk, make babies, or watch tumbleweeds, but seriously folks! Stop hanging out in the store! Go get a hobby! But preferably not making babies because I don't want all 10 of your children roaming the aisles, destroying stuff and screaming. o_O

