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Gym = Country Club

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  • Gym = Country Club

    For some of the old Yuppies (I didn't even know we had Yuppies in this podunk farming area of Wisconsin, but I guess we do!), the gym is the place to socialize and be in everyone's way and chat all day. Forget BK and McDonalds, the gym is the place to be!

    There's a movie theater at the gym, where they have several treadmills, elypticals and bikes set up in front of a big screen so you can do your cardio and watch a movie. It's the same movie that plays all day, and it's usually newer movies, although sometimes they throw in a classic here and there. I love it, it's dark, no one can see me working out, and I can focus on something else and time goes by so much faster.

    For the record, it even says right by the door that it's DARK in there and that patrons are not supposed to fuck with the lights. It basically says that if you can't see, bring a cell phone to use to program the machine to what you want, or just don't go in there.

    The other day after work, I was watching Iron Man and happily treading my way to a smaller butt and thighs, when a group of Golden Oldies open the door and walk in. There was about 5 of them.

    "Ooh my, it's so dark in here!" proclaims Captain Obvious old lady.

    "Well here, there's a light right here!" proclaims Sucky old man.

    So he turns the lights on, all the way to the brightest they could be, and they all seem satisfied with it that way. Not like I expect people to read signs, but for crying out theater = DARK.

    So then they all hem and haw for a few minutes over what machines to use, and whatever other chitter chatter they were talking about before they walk in (oh how glorious it must be to be retired and never have to work or abide by a schedule). Then they started making dumb comments about the action and actors in the movie.....well, you guys are the fucking morons who walked into Iron Man. There's a nice marque outside the theater that says what is playing. What do you think Iron Man is about?!!?!

    Sure, I should have said something, but of course, I didn't. After a few minutes, I got off the treadmill, wiped it down, and just went upstairs onto the cardio deck to watch CNN and work out instead.

    I did say something on my way out, though. But the way I figured, it's an athletic club, I don't need to be getting into arguments with other patrons, why not just say something to a trainer or an associate at the front desk.

    As I walked out and the nice girl said "Bye now!" I turned around and said "Just so you know, a bunch of old people went into the movie theater and turned all the lights on, I don't think anyone is going to want to go in there now."
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

  • #2
    i would have gotten up and turn the lights off.... but thats me.


    • #3
      Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
      i would have gotten up and turn the lights off.... but thats me.
      Ditto, but then I'm mean like that.
      "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
      - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


      • #4
        Quoth Kogarashi View Post
        Ditto, but then I'm mean like that.
        that's not mean, that's logic.
        movie theater = dark
        when movie theater =/= dark, fix it
        if the old people say something, tell them to use the treddies that aren't in there. i'm sure there are some somewhere else.
        i just can't abide theater rudeness. pisses me off in all sorts of ugly ways.
        If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

        i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"


        • #5
          There's an entire floor of cardio equipment with proper lighting and all kinds of TVs showing CNN, Weather Channel, and local programming.

          But if course, that would mean that they would have had to take the stairs or the elevator and it just would be so much more fun to go into the theater and turn all the lights on and ruin it for someone else!

          If it wasn't for the shift I work, I wouldn't always be at the gym so early in the morning, but it's really the only time I can go. And it's when I'm the most ambitious. If I were to go home, sleep, then get up and go to the gym, I wouldn't be able to do it. Plus, since I usually have to go in early for OT, I can't do it that way anyway. If you haven't guessed, I LOVE Fridays and Saturdays at the gym because I tend to go there later in the afternoon when almost no one is there.

          But, with going to the gym in the early AM, that will always mean having to deal with the Golden Oldies.

          It's a huge gym and not hard to find stuff to do, but there are times when there is only one type of machine that I want to use, and I'm on a time pinch, but someone is just sitting there and chatting with pals on the machine I want to use. It irritates me to no end.

          Other than the Oldies, everyone else who goes to the gym in the morning usually goes that early so they can work out before a) work or b) school. So that would mean that everyone else is also on a time pinch and it just really sucks when the gym is full of them just sitting on equipment and chatting, while they are actually people there who want to work out. It's mostly men because the women are generally in water aerobics classes or other swim classes. A friend of mine used to be a trainer there part time, and she couldn't stand teaching water aerobics because the old ladies didn't want to do anything but talk and just bob up and down and up and down in the water for the entire hour.
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


          • #6
            Quoth blas View Post
            It's a huge gym and not hard to find stuff to do, but there are times when there is only one type of machine that I want to use, and I'm on a time pinch, but someone is just sitting there and chatting with pals on the machine I want to use. It irritates me to no end.
            "excuse me, but if you're not going to be using this machine, can i?"

            it's a gym, not a coffee shop. if they aren't going to use the machines, they can move. it's just rude to take up machines like that. it's just as easy to stand in front of the machine and talk to their friend.
            If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

            i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"

