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go ahead and hit me then!(long)

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  • go ahead and hit me then!(long)

    UGH! i made a mistake and went christmas shopping last night. i know...i know...but i had to wait until my paycheck, so last night was the best night. i sure the hell ain't going anywhere tonight.

    my mom and i went out together to finish christmas shopping. it seems the everywhere we went, whenever we were crossing the cross walk, people didn't want to stop! we were driving through the strip mall, when somebody pulled out from a lane of parked cars, and if a man crossing IN THE CROSS WALK didn't literally JUMP out of the way, he would have gotten hit!

    our first stop was kohls. trying to cross was the same way for us. having to run, because people want to keep on driving. now, something aobut my mom. she HATES shopping. no matter what time of the year, she hates it, and christmas is just a worst time for her. so shes already irritated. plus, my grandmother and uncle decided at the last minute they wanted to have dinner tonight, and literally called her as she got off work at 4 and got mad at her when she didn't want to break her plans tonight. so she was really irritated.

    Leaving Kohls, we again crossed in the crosswalk. this car kept going and stopping, going and stopping. we finally just stopped in the middle of the road cause we didn'tknow if they were really going to let us cross or not. now, as i said, pissy mom was there. she started yelling at the driver in the middle of the road!!!i mean full out yelling! "THIS IS A CROSSWALK! YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO STOP! THERE IS A SIGN RIGHT THERE THAT SAYS YIELD TO PEDISTRIANS! WHY DON'T YOU JUST GO AHEAD AND HIT US THEN!" i had to drag her to the car and calm her down. later, i told her i thought it was pretty fun to watch her do that. i guess she could have been considered an SC about that. but as she said,"somebody was endangering her family, and she was mad about it." my brother was with us, and im pregnant, so there was three members of her family 'in danger'.

    we then go to Target. not so bad, but my brother said something funny that probably offened a lady, but wasn't meant that way. we had just come out of an aisle, and stopped to look at something. we dind't realize we had stopped in front of a woman. we jumped out of the way, and apologized. my brother i guess, was surprised to see somebody behind us, because he then said really loud, "sometimes, people scare me!" im sure the woman heard and thought he was rtalking about her. which, he was, but he meant it that she really scared him, as in, BOO! haha i scared you!

    then we went Regency Mall. we crossed the crosswalk. this time, the freaking lady in her black SUV didnt even slow down. she almost hit us. we were extremely pissed. she was speeding in the parking lot. i mean, we were halfway across the crosswalk before she came around the corner, and then zoomed up to us and didn't want to stop.

    surprisingly, the only place we dind't have this problem, was at Wal-Mart. there, i saw somebody almost hit some else with their cart in th store, because she didn't want to stop walking. but other than the crowd, the trip to walmart was bad at all. i was surprised.

  • #2
    My dad has completely the opposite issue, when people are in his way (and I don't mean they happen to be picking out their groceries where he wants to be, I mean standing there chit-chatting with their long-lost second cousin and ignoring us), he will just stand there and not even ASK them to move.

    Me, I will elbow an old lady in the head if I know that SHE knows I'm trying to get past her and she doesn't even make a token effort to move. I'm not in the store to talk to people and get in the way, I'm here to get food for my family, give money to a store cashier, and go home. If you force me to hurt you in order for me to accomplish this goal, I feel no sympathy.

    That being said, I brake for crosswalks because if I'm ever going to run over someone, I'm not gonna do it with witnesses around. So far as when I'M in the crosswalk and the cars are coming, I'll walk in front of them, stop, and glare. I can make mall walkers turn tail and run so I'm not the least bit concerned about some soccer mom in an SUV. (Sidenote, I do this also because I know how to perform a bumper jump and hood roll. DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME.)
    "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


    • #3
      Had the same thing happen one time when I was in high school.

      I had to park my car roughly 3,629 miles away from the school building and walk because there was no parking lot for student's cars at the time I was there, and I didn't feel like getting up early to snag a spot closer to school.

      So I'm crossing the street, in the crosswalk, when somebody comes barreling towards me, then slams on their brakes and honks at me. Mind you, I was in the middle of the street, so it's not as if I just wandered out in front of them and they didn't see me until the last minute.

      Yeah, I showed them a finger.
      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


      • #4
        Had the same thing happen a couple months back. Hubby and I went to the computer store and us, along with two other people, were crossing the street. Some guy comes and tears ass down the crosswalk, and tries to swerve to get around us, but doesnt and has to stop.

        Hubby yelled he "needed to watch where the fuck he was going." I yelled "Are you gonna stop you asshole?" One woman laughed and said "I dont think he wanted to stop for any of us!"

        The car took off and the stopped, and the car door opened and a woman yelled out (to us) "You need to tell your bitch to shut the fuck up!" and tried to close the door. My hubby and I taunted her, yelling that her boyfriend needed to be a man and do his own dirty work and for him to come tell us this ourselves. She yelled out something else (unintelligible) and I called her a "catch u next tuesday." (I really hate the word, but Ill use it if Im REALLY pissed.)

        We went inside and were waiting to be confronted by the psycho woman and her loser boyfriend, but, alas, they never came in. One woman who saw the whole thing came up to us and said "You guys rock, I saw the whole thing!" and she bought us lunch.


        • #5
          Quoth KamenRiderOsaka View Post
          ...One woman who saw the whole thing came up to us and said "You guys rock, I saw the whole thing!" and she bought us lunch.

          Dammit! How come nobody ever buys me lunch when I cuss someone out?

          At our store there's a stop sign in the crosswalks right in front of both sets of doors. People are supposed to stop whether they see pedestrians or not. They're just plain supposed to stop. But alas, not all of them do. You're taking your life into your own hands when walking into the store.

          One night when I was on 3rd shift I was sitting out in my car on my break. All of a sudden some idiot comes flying around some parked cars and ran into one of the stop signs (they're embedded in a huge, cement block). He pushed that sucker a good 6 - 8' before backing up and going around it.
          Retail Haiku:
          Depression sets in.
          The hellhole is calling me ~
          I don't want to go.


          • #6
            This is why, and I know I look like an idiot, but when I'm at stores like Wal-Mart and the grocery store, where the elderly and dumbass soccer moms congregate, I RUN into the store to avoid getting hit, before any cars can even come near me.

            I may be a baby 19 year old, but I feel I should start writing a will, considering I don't know how many dumbass senior citizens have tried to run me over and how many countless dumbass soccer moms in their Ford Excursions and Durangos have been too busy on the phone to stop at the crosswalk for me.

            The best memories that stick day I was walking into WalMart and I saw a car approaching. Well, too bad, there's a crosswalk, you gotta stop. Well, lo and behold, I see two little hands and a nose steering the car.....and it DOESNT stop! I had to jump back so this retarded granny didn't hit me. I should have let her run over my foot, most likely she had full coverage insurance and my injury could shed light on her family to TAKE AWAY HER KEYS....that and she'd have a hard time affording pea soup and catfood while she paid off what I'd sue her for. Sorry, that sounds extremely terrible, but that's the only way these dumb old people are going to learn to quit driving.

            That and the time a little old man was literally asleep at the wheel and rolled through the crosswalk at WalMart, nearly taking out me, two women, a BABY in a stroller, and a middle aged couple.
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


            • #7
              Quoth Ljt09863 View Post
              my mom. she HATES shopping. no matter what time of the year, she hates it

              So does my mom. Last weekend I was Christmas shopping with her and my little brother. When I asked if we could drop into Barnes and Nobles for a few minutes, while I had to ask if they something in. Well anyway, as the 3 of us is walking down the aisle, some jerk stops right in front of us, to talk to who ever the hell he knew. Well anyway, we said excuse us, they didn't move at first. Then my mother says loudly, that people are wanting to get by. He moves, and I said F***er's don't even know how to move, the guy told me to calm down, I told him to shut the f*** up, and move outta the way next time. I stood about 2 minutes after that just staring at him, because he said he should beat my ass. Now for the record, he pissed me off, when I was over at the magazine rack. He got in my way there, and just laughed at me, when I asked if he move. He is lucky, that I did not do any harm to him, besides just scaring him infront of his girl. Yes the guy was my around my age, and I have more muscle then him, and is a few inches taller then he was. That is why I just stared at him.

              Now whenever says something to me, I usually shrug it off as nothing, but then you have the asses who, royally pisses me off, and will get a ass kicking, if he took me to the edge.
              Under The Moon Paranormal Research
              San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


              • #8
                This season always brings out the best and the worst of people. The other day I was walking on the crosswalk from the parking lot to the store. No cars in sight so I just go across. I was halfway across when I look up and there is this woman in her SUV barreling toward me- I swear she must have been going 28mph. I was so frightened that I just yelled and signed with my hands for her to stop. She slowed down a bit and I ran across, but then she began to argue with me through her windows. I just waved her off and walked into the store. I don't care if you "saw" me, you don't drive at top speed through the parking lot where there is a 100% chance of pedestrians being there.

                The other dangerous area for pedestrians is school parking lots- you'd think in this area people would be more careful, but some parents are crazy. A few times I've walked right in front of a stopped vehicle at the crosswalk from the parking lot to the school. The timing seems perfect but as I'm right in front of the vehicle the idiot mother starts to go! I let out a small shriek and brace myself as there is no time to run, but thankfully idiot grows eyes and realizes I'm still in front of her car. I want to pound on their window and yell every curse word at them in the book, but there are too many innocent ears nearby. My fiance' tells me that I need to keep a supply of nickels handy to throw at these people- I think I'll take his advice.......


                • #9
                  Just the other day, some idiot in a white Jaguar nearly hit I was driving home from shopping. I was on the access road which runs behind the local plaza. There's no stop sign for me, but there is one for cross traffic. As I'm about to head through the intersection, the Jaguar suddenly ran the stop sign, and nearly took out the front of my car. As if that wasn't enough, the dumbass driver gave *me* the finger when I laid on the horn Screw you, lady...I hope you get hit by a bus!
                  Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                  • #10
                    Ahh the Airport where I work got complaints from people that cars were not stopping for them while they were in the crosswalk. Me, maybe I would have called the local PD and had them step up patrols or whatever. The brainiacs at the Airport admin office instead decided instead to send out a memo stating the complaint to each company/vendor at the airport. Yeah, that went in my favorite file, the circular one.
                    Yup, must only be the 100 or so airport employees not stopping @ crosswalks, not the general public, or heaven forbid, the tourists.
                    If watermelons are made up of water, what are kumquats made up of?


                    • #11
                      Oh yes, the infamous drivers. We who have immigrated to peterborough have a saying "Damned Peterborough Drivers!" I think the retarded and/or elderly driver population per capita is higher here than anywhere other than Quebec (don't get me started.) I was driving down a minor road (thank goodness) going to Wally world, and in front of me was the dreaded elderly woman in the green ford escort wagon. The road had 4 way stops at every intersection. Did old Maybelle stop at any point, or even blow through the stop signs.... nope! She did a steady speed of 35 KM/h (around 10-15mph, not too sure on the conversion) all the way down the street. I would stop at the sign, catch up, stop at the sign, catch up... it was priceless!

                      One thing, to play devils advocate, in Canada, we have the most ignorant J-Walkers in the developed world! on the street that I love on, it is only about 20 feet per cross walk, can they just walk the extra 10 feet to a cross walk? No, that would be around 2 minutes that they would never get back (we are talking the elderly here, so make it more like 5) so they decide to traverse the street with retard drivers doing 70 in a 50 zone (again, metric, I can only do conversion when I am in my car looking at the spedometer )

                      In short I think the world is a dangerous place to live for pedestrians and drivers, and if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get mor life insurance
                      At least Adam and Steve don't have to worry about leaving the toilet seat up


                      • #12
                        A few weeks ago, I was driving to work, and was at a stop light, behind a couple of cars. When the light turned green, the first car went, but not the second one. Nooo he was talking to some ladies on the street. So I honk and honk the horn, and I got the finger . SO I cocked blocked you, big deal. He followed me to work, and pulled up next to me,and said he was going to kick my ass . Whatever. I told him, if he doesn't want to be honked at, then he should go, when it is time. He drove off, giving me the finger
                        Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                        San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                        • #13
                          Reminds me a few weeks ago, early December. It was probably 6-7ish at night and dark, but the street's well lit. I had just done some shopping/browsing at the mall and was crossing Prospect street. I was at the lights and the crosswalk signal was for me. The light had been red for a few seconds.

                          So, with hte crosswalk signal in my favor, I started across. Next thing I saw, an SUV roared through in front of me. I don't think the driver even slowed down. There was a car in the intersection waiting for me to finish crossing, and they laid on the horn. As for me, I was shaken up, though I just glared at the rear lights and shook my head in shock with the driver who was waiting for me. Just glad I wasn't hit.

                          Since then even when I do have the walk signal and the lights red, I double check to make sure no one's running the light.


                          • #14
                            around here, we usually have the opposite problem, pedestrians are blind and stupid, especially if they're on a bicycle.

                            we have alot of crossings that is under the road, i can't remember what the're called in english, and they're everywhere, some places even as a bridge instead of a tunel under the road, well, the genious pedestrians, just NEED to jump into the road ABOVE the tunnels, they go around the tunnels just to get to play in traffic... genious, just freaking genious.

                            and on Bikes, they just have to stay in traffic instead of on sidewalks, going slower than a pedestrian, and thier rule seem to be "stay in the middle of the road, do not let cars pass" yielding for traffic? pffft! their bike is a tank! obviously, if they just peddle infront of a moving car when the car has the right of way... the car is going to get smashed, and they will just peddle away like nothing happened, or so they think...


                            • #15
                              A couple of days ago, a woman walking to work (in the same building I work in) was hit in the crosswalk outside the building. The very clearly marked crosswalk. The one I use about three mornings out of five.

                              I make a habit of just standing at the sidewalk edge until I can *see* that the approaching drivers are going to stop, before I step off the curb. Because about half of them don't. I've seen drivers miss pedestrians by inches, but this is first time I've actually seen anyone hit.

                              She survived, fortunately; and yes, she's suing.

