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Definately NOT getting the Job

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  • Definately NOT getting the Job

    I was in gamestop with my fiance and it was getting a bit busy. We got his game and were waiting for the cashier to cash us out.
    There was this girl who asked for an application. If this girl knew anything about getting a job she wouldn't have been wearing something you'd wear if you worked at Hooters.
    While the cashiers were searching for the applications, the girl receives a phone call. That's where the fun begins.


    CG: WHAT!? I said a few minutes after five...

    Both cashiers are looking rather alarmed at the volume of her voice.

    I noticed the cashiers were still searching for the application. I laughed out loud and told them in a sarcastic-funny voice,

    V: Oh, yeah keep digging.

    CG: Are you kidding me!?
    She started to scream other things but by then I was laughing too hard to hear it.

    V: Wow, that's a great impression. Yeah, she'll have no problem getting this job or any other jobs in the future...

    The cashiers, all the kids and parents in the store are just staring at this crazy girl.

    She then screams, stomps off outside and proceeds to get into a car.

    C: Ookay...

    I looked back one more time and she is crying her eyes out, screaming and throwing a bit of a tantrum.

    My guess is she asked her parents for more time and got picked up early and threw a fit. I guarantee with that kind of immature attitude that she'll never get a job. How embarassing. I'd never do something like that in public.

    Then again I could be wrong. Maybe she had an emergency. Who knows. But I would've kept it a bit more under wraps.

    Everybody had a good laugh when she left.

  • #2
    IMAPseudonym I really hope you actualy told that to Applicant #2. People like that sometimes need a little jolt of reality that Mom will not always be there to help.
    "Magic sometimes sounds like tape." - The Amazing Johnathan


    • #3
      Quoth IMAPseudonym View Post
      Unfortunately I kind of got the impression that even if he had tried to speak for himself, she wouldn't have allowed him to. I wonder if she realises that she is probably costing him any job he applies for. By his age, he should be able to job-hunt on his own.

      When I was 16 my mom drove me around so I could look for a job, or drop off resumes and pick up applications, but she waited in the car. When I got inside, I was on my own.

      Overbearing parents like that make me a little sad. When the time comes for him to be on his own, that kid isn't going to know how to do anything for himself.
      See, I think this guy needed to see his resume get trashed more than applicant #4. His mom really needed a reality check that at this age, her son is expected to do things on his own.

      I have a real respect for my parents that, although very attached to their son, they didn't become overprotective, overbearing parents who wouldn't give me a moment's freedom.
      No good news is good bad news


      • #4
        Quoth IMAPseudonym View Post
        Unfortunately I kind of got the impression that even if he had tried to speak for himself, she wouldn't have allowed him to. I wonder if she realises that she is probably costing him any job he applies for. By his age, he should be able to job-hunt on his own.

        When I was 16 my mom drove me around so I could look for a job, or drop off resumes and pick up applications, but she waited in the car. When I got inside, I was on my own.

        Overbearing parents like that make me a little sad. When the time comes for him to be on his own, that kid isn't going to know how to do anything for himself.
        At least you realized that the parents were going to be pushy before the job process starts. I had one calling in to find out why his son was fired, "so he could teach him".

        Hello? I told you son why he was being fired when I did it. If he didn't pick it up from me, he's not going to.

        My favorite "NOT getting the job" story was the girl who at the start of the interview, when I asked "tell me about yourself", replied "Well, I'm basically a shy person"... when interviewing for an arcade! The sad part is, the interview went downhill from there... something I didn't think was even possible.


        • #5
          This reminds me of when I applied for my job back in late February.

          The English school here in Japan I was applying for was about to have an influx of students, because lesson packs were expiring after April. They basically would have hired a monkey if he could shake hands.

          Well, one interviewee out-sucked a monkey.

          For the first group meeting, we all got together at the headquarters, which were about 20 minutes off of Tokyo Station by train. We had our group interview, everybody seemed to do pretty well, and we were requested to go to the training studio near Tokyo Station for the second interview session.

          Now, everyone who was at that studio had made a good point to make sure of where it was. We all arrived and, when asked, we all said we had no problem finding the place (mostly because it wasn't a difficult place to find, by any extent). Everyone who was there, that is.

          During the interview, one of the receptionists at the studio came in and said that someone was complaining loudly on the phone.

          Hey, wait, wasn't there one more person here last time? Ohhhhhh......
          She was at HQ. some people need to listen.

          She finally gets to the studio, quite late. She had a look on her face. I had coming out of a thought bubble.

          Needless to say, having not put her best foot forward and complaining that it was the company's fault that she didn't figure it out--despite the rest of us doing quite well--she probably didn't get the job.

          On a side note, if memory serves, she was dressed "business slutty." Probably would have been a turn-off for the position right there.
          No good news is good bad news


          • #6
            That would have been the "organizational test"...She failed
            "I reject your reality and substitute my own"....Adam Savage-Mythbuster

            Must remember to stop using "brain of death" on slower morons.... I meant customers.


            • #7
              Quoth IMAPseudonym View Post
              Not to rag on high school kids, but out of all the people I've taken applications for or interviewed, they seem to be the worst.
              I'm guessing that either their school(s) don't offer classes about job hunting, or the kids aren't interested in such a thing, thinking that they don't need help with it. Or they just plain don't really care.
              Unseen but seeing
              oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
              There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
              3rd shift needs love, too
              RIP, mo bhrionglóid


              • #8
                When I was working across the street from where I am now (same company, dofferent building) I could see the applicants that came in for job interviews. Some of them dressed nicely. Some...weren't so nice. I remember one guy was wearing a hat, backwards, and looked like he was homeless. I mean ripped pants, stained t-shirt, dirt on his face and arms.

                I saw a lot of girls dressed like business skanks. Tight pants, tight tank tops, no jacket. Very short skirts, one girl...was very obviously NOT wearing underwear. I saw a lot of guys dressed like they were "thugs" with their pants around their ass, dressed in one color, hats on backwards with doo-rags. I just cant believe what people wear for job interviews. I'll admit, I didnt dress up very much when I interviewed there...but I act least looked nice!


                • #9
                  Quoth KamenRiderOsaka View Post
                  When I was working across the street from where I am now (same company, dofferent building) I could see the applicants that came in for job interviews. Some of them dressed nicely. Some...weren't so nice. I remember one guy was wearing a hat, backwards, and looked like he was homeless. I mean ripped pants, stained t-shirt, dirt on his face and arms.

                  I saw a lot of girls dressed like business skanks. Tight pants, tight tank tops, no jacket. Very short skirts, one girl...was very obviously NOT wearing underwear. I saw a lot of guys dressed like they were "thugs" with their pants around their ass, dressed in one color, hats on backwards with doo-rags. I just cant believe what people wear for job interviews. I'll admit, I didnt dress up very much when I interviewed there...but I act least looked nice!
                  When I applied at Best Buy, it was basically my first real interview. It didn't dawn on me that I should dress especially nice until I saw one suit and some ties. And there I was in jeans and a red jacket.


                  Still got the job though!
                  No good news is good bad news


                  • #10
                    Quoth Cedophile View Post
                    When I applied at Best Buy, it was basically my first real interview. It didn't dawn on me that I should dress especially nice until I saw one suit and some ties. And there I was in jeans and a red jacket.


                    Still got the job though!
                    Most places I've seen (especially in retail) will take things like experience into consideration when it comes to interviews. Few people seem to expect someone just entering the work force to show up for an entry level position in retail while wearing a three piece suit. As long as the person is neat, clean and receptive to whatever the dress code is.

                    Last week I interviewed while wearing a long sleeve tee-shirt and jeans. Of course, the interview was scheduled during my lunch break at the call center and they knew I was coming straight from work for it. I did feel out of place with all the other interviewees in business casual and giving me snooty looks. The fact that I walked out less than two hours later with the job really helped make up for it, though!


                    • #11
                      Heh - our invitation letters for the group stage interviews always state that the interviewees are going to be shown around a warehouse, so they should not dress in their finest.

                      It helps to work out who reads instructions.



                      • #12
                        Whenever I would have an interview someplace, I would always dress up but not to much. I guess you could say, that I would dress casual. Now with me, when I interview someone, I don't exactly mind how they dress.....But I do not want to hire someone that is dressing like a thug or a skank. I think that dressing nice, will make a better impact on your part, and also on the company's part.
                        Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                        San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                        • #13
                          Teenage girl.........She, too, and her friends, were all dressed like skanks in miniature."

                          Where I live, we call this type of girl a prosti-tot
                          If watermelons are made up of water, what are kumquats made up of?


                          • #14
                            Quoth Cedophile View Post
                            When I applied at Best Buy, it was basically my first real interview. It didn't dawn on me that I should dress especially nice until I saw one suit and some ties. And there I was in jeans and a red jacket.


                            Still got the job though!
                            lol. I know when I was younger, I got my jobs because I was cute. I mean, I had 3 managers come right out and tell me "I'll hire you because you're cute." I always wore jeans and a nice top until I got older. Ill admit, I went to an interview in baggy jeans, holey shoes and a hockey a sports store. Got the job though!

                            I guess my whole problem is where I work, its become more relaxed. We just started being able to wear t-shirts again. All I ask is that you at least take a bath before you interview. And not in cologne or perfume. I cant tell you how many times my old managers would comment on how funky someone was or how doused in scent they were. One of the managers said one time "Ugh, I can taste the funk on the person I just interviewed and I think I have to barf."


                            • #15
                              Quoth Cedophile View Post
                              When I applied at Best Buy, it was basically my first real interview. It didn't dawn on me that I should dress especially nice until I saw one suit and some ties. And there I was in jeans and a red jacket.
                              I got the job I have now by showing up in a suit. I was expecting questions about my capabilities, and she's talking about 401Ks... all the more confusing because at the time, I had no idea what a 401K was.

                              I didn't understand the "show up in suit = get job" until I stood on the other side of the counter for a while.

