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It's a freaking WRITING CLASS!

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  • #46
    I hope so. I really do.

    I can't belive this though. I sent her an email. She's really pissed at the students and higher ups. She feels this is sexual harassment, and she's not being protected by the higher up.

    I wish I could help her more.
    Military Spouse Support.
    Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


    • #47
      Quoth Plaidman View Post
      I hope so. I really do.

      I can't belive this though. I sent her an email. She's really pissed at the students and higher ups. She feels this is sexual harassment, and she's not being protected by the higher up.

      I wish I could help her more.
      Okay, I re-read this thread and I am very confused. Why are the students upset at her? And where did I miss the stuff about her past life experiences?
      Dull women have immaculate homes.


      • #48
        In my first thread I made mention of the books she wrote. I even including a link to it, but I erased it after I got a call today from the Dean of my school. The students were making fun of her behind her back because of her books, as her books are based on her real life experences as a teen.

        The Dean wanted was asking me if the teacher was telling us, and showing us youtube videos about her books, as they are graphic. Apperently some students were lying to higher ups, stating that she was indeed telling us, and basically acting like her past self in class, which is a bullshit lie. My guess is because some of them are mad that she makes them write, or something. I don't get it ether. Its just so much stupid drama going off right now that I'm really pissed off at alot of the students.

        The first post making mention of this, is my last post at 41. So your not missing much. It just happened today.
        Military Spouse Support.
        Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


        • #49
          Quoth Exaspera View Post
          Okay, I re-read this thread and I am very confused. Why are the students upset at her? And where did I miss the stuff about her past life experiences?
          To put it bluntly, she was a teenaged slut. Many teens have sexual identity issues, and do things that they later regret and manage to change their lives. She simply wrote about her experiences by fictionalizing them, in the hope that teens would read the books and try and change their lives as well.

          Her jackass students are essentially treating her like she was a porn star and doing inappropriate discussions in class about sex, which she was not - trying to get her in trouble or fired.

          It is a pity that the OP didnt have a recording of the class [some students will record classes to make notetaking a bit more accurate in classes where there is more discussion than blackboard work]
          EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


          • #50
            Thanks y'all. I was wondering about my sanity. What a bunch of immature jerks.
            Dull women have immaculate homes.


            • #51
              Quoth Exaspera View Post
              Thanks y'all. I was wondering about my sanity. What a bunch of immature jerks.
              Pretty much.

              I am pretty disgusted with many of the youth of today ... I was over at a local university getting some information with an eye to getting back to school at the ripe old age of 48 involving a total change in direction. I had a bunch of young morons wondering why I was bothering to try and get back to school - i was too old, married and didn't have to work so why did I want to bother.

              I may be 48, but Dr Louis Leakey toured and lectured until he dropped dead at 69, he was 48 when they started the excavations at Olduvai Gorge, and 56 when they actually finally did find the skull that became the first zinjanthepus [later decided it was an australopithecus] so I have a few years left to try and get a degree and work in a field I have loved since I was 8 years old.
              EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


              • #52
                Quoth AccountingDrone View Post
                Pretty much.

                I am pretty disgusted with many of the youth of today ... I was over at a local university getting some information with an eye to getting back to school at the ripe old age of 48 involving a total change in direction. I had a bunch of young morons wondering why I was bothering to try and get back to school - i was too old, married and didn't have to work so why did I want to bother.

                I may be 48, but Dr Louis Leakey toured and lectured until he dropped dead at 69, he was 48 when they started the excavations at Olduvai Gorge, and 56 when they actually finally did find the skull that became the first zinjanthepus [later decided it was an australopithecus] so I have a few years left to try and get a degree and work in a field I have loved since I was 8 years old.
                Do they expect you, at {sarcasm}the ripe old age{/sarcasm} of all of 48 to just sit around and watch TV??? No one is too old to learn something new. Go for it!
                Dull women have immaculate homes.


                • #53
                  Basically they expect that the only reason anyone goes to university is to get a job that pays well. University is something you suffer through for five years so that you get paid. Courses are supposed to include only hands-on stuff, which will be directly related to what you do in the workplace. (Why they're at university when they could go into trades and make more money I don't know.)

                  Me, bitter? Nah .


                  • #54
                    Quoth Magpie View Post
                    Basically they expect that the only reason anyone goes to university is to get a job that pays well. University is something you suffer through for five years so that you get paid. Courses are supposed to include only hands-on stuff, which will be directly related to what you do in the workplace. (Why they're at university when they could go into trades and make more money I don't know.)

                    Me, bitter? Nah .
                    Trades? And do lowly PHYSICAL labor? You're KIDDING, right?

                    ...all sarcasm aside, I didn't know what trade schools really were until I was in college. I mean, I'd heard of them, but I was given the strong impression that they were schools for people who were too dumb for regular school so they could get jobs doing physical stuff where they didn't have to think too hard. And that a smart girl with grades like mine shouldn't worry her little head about places like THAT, I was going on to better and brighter places than people like THEM.

                    Please don't hurt me. That is actually what I was told in early high school and I didn't know any better. I've since learned the truth.
                    It's little things that make the difference between 'enjoyable', 'tolerable', and 'gimme a spoon, I'm digging an escape tunnel'.


                    • #55
                      Quoth Exaspera View Post
                      Do they expect you, at {sarcasm}the ripe old age{/sarcasm} of all of 48 to just sit around and watch TV??? No one is too old to learn something new. Go for it!
                      I could do that ... what I am *trying* to arrange is a minor in enough writing and english to be a proficient copy editor and research assistant, to give me work while I go for a doctorate in archeology. I also want to take some german so I can chat with my german friends, and access some spiffy stuff I am interested in at several museums in Berlin.

                      I figure that I may not be able to get down and grub in the mud, but I am a whiz at documentation, conservation and I can help with the publication issues. Then I can work on writing for magazines freelance, research and fact check for documentarians and work on a book or two of my own =)
                      EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


                      • #56
                        So while I was waiting for the class to open, one of the apes (The same ass that got upset that I gave him wrong answers) was going off how he wished she was still like that in her youth so that all he would have to do is give her a hard F*** to get an A. Some snicker. I made no remarks, just doing my damnest to remember what I could with a lousy memory. They started talking about some sort of sex tape that may or may not be out that she appretnyl made for her ex. (Some were trying to find it to no aval).

                        Door open, I went in, sat down when my partner in every class asked me silently if the Dean called me. I said yeah, and it was for same reason. Partner thinks its stupid and ridiucles whats going on. I wrote what I heard down in the hall and gave it to teacher who thanked me.

                        Once class started, and most of the students came lumbering in late and hung over, she started by saying she has something to say. (I don't remember word for word so please, this is the gist).

                        "We are all adults here, and I know that there are alot of rumors going around about my past. But that's in the past, and it really needs to stop. We know that it started in the class, and we do know who start it. We'd like this person to talk to the dean about it, if not we'll talk to them soon. If this doesn't stop, there may be legal repricussions, ok?"

                        Some people snickered. A few of the people that skip alot were confused, but no-one made any move in class to explain.

                        Yeah. They know who started it because I told the higher ups. I talked alittle to her after school, and she thank me for trying to defend her. It really looks like the higher ups are just going to try to sweep it under the rug.

                        Bunch of fucking bullshit. Those assholes shouldn't be in this school, let alone the class where they now look at her with sex-crazed eyes.

                        On the other side: I bought a copy of said book that has the class in an uproar over her past. So far, I'll admit the count was far higher then I thought, and even higher then what the /researchers/ thought it was. But she still a sweet and caring teacher who has been trying her best to teach us. I'm hoping she'll sign my copy.
                        Military Spouse Support.
                        Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


                        • #57
                          Wow. Thats wrong on so many levels (for the teacher.) I hope the people in your class, GROW THE F* UP and let her be. If we all stayed the way we were when we were young, what a f'ed up place this world would be. They need to recognize people mature and grow (usually). I hope she gets some bastards in trouble.


                          • #58
                            Chicken Dean! Academics can be awful about this sort of thing.

                            This is when you wait patiently for karma to occur, which it will in some wonderfully awful way for the perpetrator, eventually. In the meantime, there's lots of seething about it on everybody else's part.

                            My ex is a great example of karma getting in good in the end.
                            Dull women have immaculate homes.


                            • #59
                              Hey, its good you have the want to even go to college. Hell, I left community college and have been working at a job without school ever since. Long story but it was out of necessity. And just now I am getting the urge to go back and make something of myself, so I think you're awesome.

                              My favorite class was creative fiction writing. And what is in the title? WRITING. Those idiots lol Once those kids get out into the real world, they'll realize that you have to listen and if you don't you're fired. Well, as far as a job anyway but damn four out of thirty... That makes me cringe.


                              • #60
                                Quoth LadyAndreca View Post
                                ...all sarcasm aside, I didn't know what trade schools really were until I was in college. I mean, I'd heard of them, but I was given the strong impression that they were schools for people who were too dumb for regular school so they could get jobs doing physical stuff where they didn't have to think too hard. And that a smart girl with grades like mine shouldn't worry her little head about places like THAT, I was going on to better and brighter places than people like THEM.

                                Please don't hurt me. That is actually what I was told in early high school and I didn't know any better. I've since learned the truth.
                                Lots of people get told stuff like that. And you end up with all sorts of people who would make great technicians or mechanics in engineering because they're good with their hands and fixing stuff, but because they're good at academics they go to university. And they're miserable. A cousin went and did a technolgists diploma instead of getting an engineering degree (despite getting accepted) because he realised that he'd never get to do hands-on stuff with a degree. I admire him SO much for that.

