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  • neighbors...

    for once i think i'm going to have to talk to the main office about my neighbors.

    i'm pretty tolerant of stuff like noise but...

    now the guys next door are pretty much treating the apartment like a college dorm.

    and you know, if you want to do that to the inside of your apartment fine.
    but NOT to the outside.

    a few days ago I heard them yelling and went out to the balcony.
    I couldn't see them but I could hear them yelling about something... i think pushups maybe?

    And I could sure as hell see the beer can come flying out from their balcony
    followed by a broken plastic table.

    It's Monday and the crap's still there on the lawn.
    This place is pretty. I like how it looks, I like the fact that it's kinda quiet here.

    oh and yes, these are the same neighbors who were late with their rent last month too. (the notice was posted on my door knob by accident)

  • #2
    Sounds like you've got some real winning neighbors there. :/
    Hopefully they end up evicted sooner rather than later. Preferably before there is a hole in the wall somewhere due to drunken antics.


    • #3
      Luckily nice places don't seem to tolerate people like this long. Unfortunately crappy places attract them. Hope your apartment stays nice and gives them the boot


      • #4
        Quoth elsporko View Post
        Luckily nice places don't seem to tolerate people like this long. Unfortunately crappy places attract them. Hope your apartment stays nice and gives them the boot
        That's the reason I left my last apartment. I so-called "luxury" apartment that put up with that kind of crap and, when we complained, just asked if we were late on our rent! We moved down the road (literally, the only that changed on our address was the number) to a place that, when they heard about a problem, fixed it by asking all the residents around about it and promptly kicked the losers out.


        • #5
          Neighbors drive me up the wall..

          When i was living in apartments it never ceased to amaze me how they always knew how to be at their most screamy-ist just when you had to go to bed for work the next day.

          But the neighbor i have now takes the cake.

          He's been doing yard work for my landlady for years, because the tenants before us were 3 young twenty something girls who had zero interest in doing anything yardwork-ish. Which is cool.. I totally understand, it's a pain in the butt.

          However, my brother and I grew up doing yard work. And renovations on old homes and pretty much anything that involves a home and it's surroundings. My parents loved to buy distressed properties, move in and then transform them into something that stood out from the rest of the neighborhood. Which means we've all done everything from drywall, to electrical, to plumbing, to irrigation, to ...... etc.

          Anyhow... Our "helpful" neighbor across the street has been harassing us for weeks to sign off on his newest thing he wants to pitch to the landlady. Some new and improved irrigation system that will make sure to "get all those dry spots". It's important to note that we have the greenest yard on the whole block.. with the exception of two dead spots where the neighborhood cats pee, and you can tell pretty much as soon as you walk up that's what's killing the grass. (smells pretty bad)

          This new system was going to cost our landlady over 5x what the parts and even a reasonable amount for labor would run her. Basically this guy is trying to screw our landlady. He was able to get $2200 from her last year to mow once every week or two and put fertilizer down... I know.. When i heard that I was floored too.

          Anyways, we told him politely to get real and that we're taking care of it now so mind his own thanks much. We thought that was the end of the story... I just got a letter from the HOA (Home owners association) telling me that we have some dead spots in our yard and it looks "dry" and we should consider watering more or readdressing our irrigation system.

          I was like... "Really????" This guy has so much free time on his hands he has nothing better to do than complain to the HOA over his little scheme to rob my landlady?

          I'm honestly floored... Our grass looks freaking awesome and apart from shooting any four legged critter that walks on our property I'm not sure what they want from us.

          Maybe if we called the cops the next time he's trooping around in his open garage in nothing but his tighty-whities and a beer in one hand he'd have less time to create drama for me... I already work 60-80hrs on any given week.. I just dont have time for his nonsense too....


          • #6
            But... you're not SUPPOSED to water your lawn. It's not good for it! *whimper*


            • #7
              Every so often I'd swear my upstairs neighbors take up bowling or something. I hear crashes on the floor. Gah.


              • #8
                Quoth Magpie View Post
                But... you're not SUPPOSED to water your lawn. It's not good for it! *whimper*
                The yard gets water once a week right now... Technically we're in a drought so that's our our county allows anyhow.. But I live in FL.. it's raining here fairly regularly as it is... so i really dont get where this guy is coming from.

                Guess he's just trying to get his hustle on...


                • #9
                  Quoth lwb View Post
                  That's the reason I left my last apartment. I so-called "luxury" apartment that put up with that kind of crap and, when we complained, just asked if we were late on our rent! We moved down the road (literally, the only that changed on our address was the number) to a place that, when they heard about a problem, fixed it by asking all the residents around about it and promptly kicked the losers out.

                  I was browsing Something Awful and there was a thread on bad neighbors. One story that stood out was about a family that moved into an apt and literally drove all the neighbors away. The property manager refused to confront them and eventually everybody else left. As the poster put it, the only people who could stand to live near that family were families just like them, none of whom could afford the rent. So the rental prices had to be lowered and the property went from being nice to a complete slum.

                  And thats why you kick out trouble making tenets.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Magpie View Post
                    But... you're not SUPPOSED to water your lawn. It's not good for it! *whimper*
                    Combine summer temps in the low 90sF, non-existent humidity, and an average yearly rainfall of about 9.5 inches, if you don't water around here, just about all you'll wind up with is brown, dead everything. Even xeriscaping requires some water.
                    It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                    • #11
                      A few years ago, I lived in an apartment with 3 girls downtown Iowa City. My roommate was turning 22, it was Thirsty Thursday, the weekend before fall semester started, so we walked the 2 blocks to the bars on the ped mall and had ourselves a good time. Now, we had only been living in this apartment for a little over 2 weeks. We get home at about 2am (I'm not really sure, I just know it was after bar close) and our upstairs neighbors were having a raging party. We have an after party, during which we heard some things crashing into the parking lot below. After a while, we hear glass breaking, so we figured they were now throwing beer bottles. All of a sudden we heard the loudest freaking crash ever. We thought that they had busted something in their apartment.

                      Finally pass out around 4am and at 8am there is someone pounding at our door. A lovely IC police officer asks us if we have a couch missing. The dumbasses above us got their couch to fit through the sliding glass door, and threw it over the edge of the balcony. There were also beer bottles, plates and a really nice TV that got tossed. The businesses that were in the building next to our apartment building were not impressed.

                      I still haven't figured out how they didn't get evicted.


                      • #12
                        I'm sorely tempted to call the police (or at least, notify the rental office) about some of the people in my apartment complex. They apparently live in the same area as I do, and last night and this morning, the guy and his girlfriend/wife got into a really nasty screaming match involved cussing, threats of physical violence, and ended with him stomping off in anger. (not sure how the third person was involved in the situation, only that he/she resembled a slimmer Chaz Bono and looked a bit older than the couple)

                        Anyhow, I guess it's not really any of my business, except that these people have been having their fights right in the area where I need to walk to exit my apartment, and it's just annoying.


                        • #13
                          If it's in public, it's everybody's business.

                          Our complex has a security crew on retainer, so we call them any time someone gets all screamy.

                          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                          • #14
                            Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                            If it's in public, it's everybody's business.

                            Our complex has a security crew on retainer, so we call them any time someone gets all screamy.

                            Well, part of my hesitation about calling the rental office is that I know little about these particular neighbors, and I'm not sure how helpful it would be to just say things like "the girlfriend/wife was giving off trailor-trash vibes", or "there was a third person involved/standing around, but I couldn't tell if they were male or female."


                            • #15
                              Quoth KellyHabersham View Post
                              Well, part of my hesitation about calling the rental office is that I know little about these particular neighbors, and I'm not sure how helpful it would be to just say things like "the girlfriend/wife was giving off trailor-trash vibes", or "there was a third person involved/standing around, but I couldn't tell if they were male or female."
                              Don't say such things, just stick to what they did, and what you heard. It doesn't matter if the were residents or guests, in every lease I've seen, residents are responsible for their guests' behavior.
                              The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                              "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                              Hoc spatio locantur.

