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  • #16
    Quoth Geek King View Post
    Don't say such things, just stick to what they did, and what you heard. It doesn't matter if the were residents or guests, in every lease I've seen, residents are responsible for their guests' behavior.
    I think the third person at least lives here, because he/she looked familiar........anyhow, I definitely wouldn't repeat my "physical description comments" to the rental office, but I do intend to call and leave a message regarding the day/time/location these incidents took place, and a general description of what was going on. This way, they will at least be aware that there is a potential problem with residents in this part of the complex, even if I'm unable to tell them who these people are/which apartment they live in.


    • #17
      I don't give any real details.

      "Oh, hey, Security, there's people screaming and yelling down here. Could you send someone by to check on it? Thanks."

      They send someone down and if it's something to deal with, then they deal with it, because that's what they're paid to do.

      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


      • #18
        Our property manager asked me if there is a problem in our court. I told her not that I know of. She tells me she is asking since one of the neighbors is saying she might move out because of all the police activity. I only know of the one time I called the police on the neighbors in the next court over, who was mad as hell that I had a problem with her son bullying mine and I had dared to call her son on it. I did not touch the child nor did I raise my voice. I was at least 5 feet away from him and he did not see me as threat, since I was calmly talking to him about what had happened. I was furious on the inside, but I did not show it. I would have talked to her, but I had no idea where she lived, but according to his mother, I did know since she has lived here for so long and starts screaming at me that I no right to "scream" at her son, who admitted I wasn't screaming, but she still insists I was. I told her to control her kid and I wouldn't have a reason to talk to him. She told me he isn't a dog to be controlled and starts screaming again saying she is going to get all "ghetto" on me and punch me, so I told her to shut up, which got her so mad that she calls her brother who lives in her court to come out which he does and he starts screaming at me and repeats the same threat she did including the threat of punching me. I asked them both if they had that much of a desire to go to jail. They told me they didn't care and the brother starts screaming at me again. I told him I wasn't his wife or bitch so watch how he talks to me, he starts screaming again, so I tell him to shut up too. He was speechless for about 30 seconds. I guess he wasn't use to a woman telling him to shut up when he is screaming and making threats.

        She pretended to call the police, but was just talking to the voices in her head and covering up the fact by pretending to talk on her cell phone. They both then told me to go home before I got hurt. I told them I would wait right there for the police, so they went inside piss off all to hell that I was not scared of them. I realize the police aren't coming so I call them and call my husband who is running some errands. The police officer and my husband arrive at the same time, which is good because my husband was ready to kill.

        The officer comes over with me, where we start talking to the brother, who is almost shitting himself when he saw one police officer and an irate Italian man who wanted to know why the asshole even thought of threatening me. The sister thought I was alone and comes over and stops short when she sees the officer and my husband. The officer is trying to calm my husband down and says "I am good at making peace between people" The hell? I don't want to make peace I want them arrested. They both admitted to threatening me, but the officer never once asks me if I want to press charges. Instead he talks to us because that always works, just ask him.

        Our police officers are very intelligent, so I guess the odds were that they would get an idiot. Anyway, the brother apologizes to me while my husband is giving him the look of death. The sister did not apologize nor did I. I did realize where her son got the idea that being a bully is no big deal.

        I have not since them since, so I concluded that they thought I was an easily frightened single mother who would be just terrified by them and when they realized I was not afraid of them in the least and I will actually call the police and I have a husband who does not take kindly to anyone threatening me with physical harm they went and hid. I could be wrong on that assessment, but I doubt it. I figure they have done the same routine before and the person was always terrified of them, so they were shocked when I stood my ground and showed no fear.

        The property manager tells me she knows who they are, in the tone of voice that told me she has had problems with them in the past. I also told her that I rarely leave my house, so if the police are always in my court I wouldn't know about it and it wasn't me that was causing them to come out all the time.

        My town was very nice, but now crime is picking up at a rapid pace, just like I predicted when a casino was forced on my town that 99% of the residence did not want, but we were not asked about our feelings on the matter and emails and letters went unanswered unless it was by the 1% who thought it was a great idea.
        Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

        If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

        Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


        • #19
          I don't think your police officer was an idiot at all. Arresting those two probably would not have resulted in any serious charges or punishment but may have prompted them to seek revenge. The problem got solved so I think he knew what he was doing.


          • #20
            I don't agree, since our laws aren't based on whether revenge will be taken or not or if the charges would stick. They admitted to making the threats while he was there. So, he should have asked me what if I wanted to press charges or just let it go. I was not given that choice, so those two will now think it's okay to do it to someone else and if the police do come out they will let it go.

            I do doubt they will ever do it to me again, since I didn't run home and hide under the bed, but I don't doubt for a second they will be doing it again to someone else just like they have to done to others before they ever met me.
            Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

            If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

            Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


            • #21
              Perhaps the cop should have given you the choice but think about it this way. Would you prefer to be left alone with them not being charged or would you prefer to have them put on probation or do minimal jail time and have your car keyed every other month for a year?


              • #22
                Quoth Misanthropical View Post
                So, he should have asked me what if I wanted to press charges or just let it go. I was not given that choice, so those two will now think it's okay to do it to someone else and if the police do come out they will let it go.
                Sometimes, you run into a cop that just doesn't want to do his job, for some reason, and you have to insist that what should be done gets done.

                My work ran into this when an employee stole a couple of checks and their friend tried to cash them. The cop who handled it tried to tell them that since they didn't get any money then, "there wasn't any crime." The bosslady wasn't going to accept that, and the person who attempted the check fraud ended up in jail.

                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

