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Mexican Bell WTF.

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  • Mexican Bell WTF.

    So my mother and I went to "Mexican Bell" for lunch today. There's a huge line and only one person is working the cash and the drive thru while the rest are getting the food out as fast as they possibly can. the line for the drive thru is about 8 cars deep and the line for inside is about 4 people deep. For some reason the "Mexican Bells" in our area are always short staffed. But for tasty cheesy goodness I can wait.

    Background: This is a Mexican pizza (minus those tasty little green onions ), this is roughly what the new tostada looks like, except the tortilla isn't grilled, there's loads more lettuce, no sour cream and less meat.

    An order of Mexican pizzas and a couple tacos drop onto the counter. Old Guy # 1 toddles up and grabs up and goes to sit with his wife and chew loudly and nauseatingly on his food. (You know the type...) A few more minutes pass, Mom and I order and sit down. And wait.

    Old Guy # 2 comes up with his receipt after a couple minutes and says, "Where are my Mexican pizzas?"


    OG2: "My Mexican pizzas?"

    Manager: "*reads receipt* Guys! You need to make up a new order for this guy! Someone took his food!"

    Old Guy 1 toddles up with the second tray of food he had, that's been untouched. "Mexican pizza? This is what this is?"

    Manager: "Pepe, what did you do?"

    OG1: "Well I forgot my order and my number!"

    Manager: "Pepe you ordered a tostada. That's wrapped in a tortilla. This isn't the same at all."

    OG1: "This looks like a tortilla to me!"

    Manager: "Pepe, that isn't your order."

    OG1: "Bah, well, HERE then." *takes it and goes back to his seat muttering about how he forgot his order.

    The next order out was OG1's, he toddles up, shoots a look at OG2 and Manager and grabs it and then sits. OG2 waits while they prepare a new order, then takes it and goes back to his seat.

    On the plus side, no one dared to complain about the wait time or berate the manager or employees for anything.
    Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill

  • #2
    Also on the plus side, the employee didn't try to hand over the food OG#1 had at his table. Yeah, I've seen it happen.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      Oy. It had to have been what, all of 2 minutes and he forgot what he ordered?

      I just wonder what Mexican Bell is doing though. The Mexican Pizza looks like a tostada and the tostada looks more like a quesadilla.
      It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


      • #4
        Quoth Pagan View Post
        I just wonder what Mexican Bell is doing though. The Mexican Pizza looks like a tostada and the tostada looks more like a quesadilla.
        Yay it's not just me whose noticed that.

