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  • #31
    I sometimes hate wrong phonecalls. Especially the ones who DON'T GET IT. I once had a kid call my number. I didn't recognize his voice at all.

    Me: Who is this?
    Kid: It's Josh.
    Me: I'm sorry, you have the wrong number.
    Kid: No I don't.
    Me: Yes you do. I do not know you.
    Kid: Do you know Chris?
    Me: No.
    Kid: Do you know John?
    Me: No.
    Kid: Do you kn- *click*

    Another time I received messages from three different people looking for the same person. It ended up getting so bad that I had to change my answering machine message to " reached MELISSA'S cellphone. If you are looking for anyone other then MELISSA then you have the wrong number."

    It worked well.


    • #32
      One time there was a woman texting my mother many times a day, getting to the point where she started sending pictures of her children and herself, even one breastfeeding a baby ().

      I finally picked up the phone and texted back: "You have the wrong number. Beautiful children, btw".

      The texts stopped.
      Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill


      • #33
        Quoth Eireann View Post
        I changed the message on the machine to let callers know that she didn't live there anymore - and people STILL left messages for her!
        I had the same problem when I was in my first apartment. People just don't listen.

        Lately, I've been getting an occasional one on my phone from some doctor's office, and some on my work phone from people apparently trying to reach some newspaper. I never bother calling them back and letting them know, even though the number usually gets captured somewhere. That may sound mean, but I simply don't have time to call back every wrong number I get.
        Sometimes life is altered.
        Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
        Uneasy with confrontation.
        Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


        • #34
          Quoth BrenDAnn View Post
          I recently got a voicemail, on my cell phone, for someone named Janice. It was from a clinic, letting her know that her barium enema was normal (ewwwww). I deleted it. Hope Janice got her results anyway! Oh, and when I first got my cell, I had the same thing happen, except for a different clinic, and they were calling for a male patient. Weird!
          I realize that many users of this forum (myself included) aren't from the U.S., but if you are it might be worth a call to the clinic - giving test results (or even the fact that the test has been done) to someone they haven't verified is the patient (since it's a voicemail, they obviously didn't confirm the identity of the person they reached before leaving the message) is a massive HIPPA violation.

          Proper form would have been "Hello Janice, please call Dr. Welby at (555)123-4567. He needs to tell you something, but for privacy reasons he can't leave the information as a voicemail".
          Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


          • #35
            Quoth kibbles View Post
            I never did understand people getting mad at the person they called when it's a wrong number! How stupid LOL!! I understand someone politely asking the wrong number, would they maybe know the correct number..but if they don't they don't.

            Getting mad at a wrong number you called, makes the person sound really dumb.

            At the same time I don't understand people who get mad at people who dial the wrong number, as long as it isn't a repeated problem. Don't yell and hang up if I ask what your number is. I want to know if I hit the wrong button or have the wrong information.


            • #36
              Quoth elsporko View Post
              Don't yell and hang up if I ask what your number is. I want to know if I hit the wrong button or have the wrong information.
              Actually, as the party that initiated the call, it's usually better to just say, "Oh, hey, I'm trying to reach xxx-xxx-xxxx. Is that what I dailed?"

              Some people get overly twitchy about giving out info to strangers. Of course, you'll still have some people who'll yell at you, but not as many.

              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


              • #37
                Quoth elsporko View Post
                At the same time I don't understand people who get mad at people who dial the wrong number, as long as it isn't a repeated problem. Don't yell and hang up if I ask what your number is. I want to know if I hit the wrong button or have the wrong information.
                I always ask what number they were trying to dial, and either confirm or deny that they did get that number. I do try to be polite...unless and until the other end gets pissy.
                Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                • #38
                  Quoth elsporko View Post
                  At the same time I don't understand people who get mad at people who dial the wrong number, as long as it isn't a repeated problem. Don't yell and hang up if I ask what your number is. I want to know if I hit the wrong button or have the wrong information.
                  I agree with that too but on my part I wouldn't answer the question "what is your number" I'd rather ask the wrong number, what number were they trying to dial.

