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Co-worker dealt with a difficult customer on Monday

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  • Co-worker dealt with a difficult customer on Monday

    There is an entry on the Outlook calendar for this Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday for an Auto Cad class being taught at the university I work at as a contract parking attendant. The dept. reserving the spots bought tokens for the people attending the class & had the parking fee charged to their account.

    My co-worker told me what happend Monday & Tuesday regarding a difficult customer.

    The phone inside the Visitor parking booth rings. There is a car at the exit gate to Visitor Parking. My co-worker answers the phone, & the person at the exit gate tells her 1) she is supposed to get free parking, 2) she is here for a class, but did not tell her exactly which class, & 3) to raise the exit gate. My co-worker told the customer she had to go back to the dept. & get a token from them to exit. The customer told he she did not want to go back to the dept. My co-worker repeated herself. The customer told her she would not go back to the dept. & that she wanted her to raise the exit gate. My co-worker repeated herself. The customer told her she would not back up. So my co-worker calls the Parking office. "Nancy" answers the phone, & my co-worker tells her why she is calling. "Nancy" asks her what class was the customer here for. My co-worker told her the customer did not tell her that. "Nancy" told my co-worker the customer has to get a token from the dept. So my co-worker tells the customer what "Nancy" told her. The customer would not go back to the dept. "Nancy" calls my co-worker several minutes later to ask if the customer had backed up. My co-worker told her no. "Nancy" told her she would call campus police. Campus police arrive, & they speak to the customer. Whatever the customer told them made them tell my co-worker to raise the gate.

    Then when she get to work today, she told me what happened last night. The same customer did not have a token to exit. There are times when the tokens customer purchase & insert at the exit gate do not work *the token drops down & the exit gate will not go up. After pushing the yellow button to release the token, it drops down* So we collect tokens that do not work & keep them inside the booth. My co-worker gave her one of those tokens.

  • #2
    To hell with that. The second time I'd call the cops again and explain that miss high-and-mighty knew the rules. Hopefully this time they'd make her pay. I can be a jerk when you tick me off.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      But another example of complaining loudly enough will get you whatever you want. *sigh*
      Dull women have immaculate homes.

