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  • #16
    You might be giving off some body language that tells the guy you expect to be stopped.

    Which you are, because you do expect t to be stopped. And he so he stops you.

    This is probably all completely subliminal.

    I never get stopped. Nor will I. I am giving off body language that says I am not going to stop. Because I am not GOING to be stopped. I have never even been confronted, which is good, because while I will maintain courtesy and respect to the elder they always have manning the door, I will do so with rolling wheels and walking feet.

    Try it.

    I'm one of those assholes, I'm afraid, but I am never an asshole about it. I have never had any sort of confrontation, either, because I don't stop long enough to have one.

    This is not Sam's Club. I stop in Sam's Club because I have agreed in advance to do so as a stipulation of shopping there. This is on the extremely rare occasion I find myself in Walmart. Don't pull this in a membership type store, that would be sucky.


    • #17
      Now see I have a whole different experience at WalMart. Having worked there myself, I understand that the door greeter/receipt checker has a job to do. So as I walk to the door, I pull OUT my receipt and offer to show it to them. 99% of the time, I get waved off. It's like "well she's gonna show me she bought that stuff, so I don't need to check". IF I was dishonest, I would definately use that attitude to stuff things into bags or even loose in the cart and then throw a fit when they wanted to check (to me ... a GREAT indication that someone has something to hide). But I'm not, so I don't :-)

      I will say, however, that there is one door greeter/receipt checker at my Walmart that consistently stops Hispanics and checks their receipt item by item, while letting all others pass. I have mentioned it to management, but it doesn't seem to be getting any better To me, that sucks, because my experience is that most Hispanics (for sure the illegal ones!) don't want any trouble and will pay for all of their items. And how dare you assume that just because someone is Hispanic LOOKING that they are a thief!

      Sorry, rant over ;-)


      • #18
        I never say anything remotely rude to the guy. But you're right, its probably me thinking he's going to look and does. Never thought of it that way. I was just curious. I'm not bitching but I wanted to know his motive. I always keep my reciept out too.

        Maybe its because that one guy actually cares about his job or is very rule orientated. I'm not angry at him, again I just kind of wanted to know maybe what he thought of me lol I hope I don't give off thief vibes or anything.


        • #19
          I will say, however, that there is one door greeter/receipt checker at my Walmart that consistently stops Hispanics and checks their receipt item by item, while letting all others pass. QUOTE]

          He must be related to the 9th East Wal-Mart's door greeter. Now, I agree with him that my former roommate was a sleezeball who should never be let out of sight while in a store, but what he said was completely unacceptable. My former roommate confronted him once and the door greeter, ignoring all the legit reasons to be suspicious of him (not the least of which being he really was a thief and had been caught at that store before), said "I just can't trust you fags... you clearly don't believe in the Bible so I have no way of trusting just what type of morals you have... that is if you people are even capable of having morals"
          Or at least that's what my former roommate told me he was told (I take that with the grain of salt that this is the same guy who borrowed my boyfriend's computer and reformatted the hard drive and tried to claim that my boyfriend had reformated it before giving it to him to borrow... yeah, my boyfriend asks me for help with email, there is no way he is reformatting hard drives).
          If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


          • #20
            Quoth Bright_Star View Post
            I work at Sam's Club & the door greeters are REQUIRED to look in ALL bags and/or carts that are covered. Let's say someone has a ice cooler. How do you know there's nothing in it without looking? So that's why they look. To prevent someone from walking out with stuff that they hadn't paid for.
            I don't know about the LEGALITY of doing that but if someone can quote a specific law brief that PROHIBITS stores from doing that then I'd love to hear it. I'd run to management real quick then with that
            Sam's, CostCo, etc. have requirements to submit to receipt checks as part of their member agreement. That's what gives them the right to demand to check, prior consent.
            Also, I have been told that I am sarcastic. I don’t know where anyone would get such an impression.(Gravekeeper again)


            • #21
              The rare chances we go to Wal-Mart, when we walk in we always wave and say hello to the door person, who looks bored out of their mind. They always seem to so pleasantly surprised that someone finally noticed them. I know, I'm suppose to hate everyone, but I refuse to take it out on a stranger who greets all kinds of people all day and 99% of those people ignore them.

              We have *knock on wood* only been stopped for our receipt once and my husband accidentally gives her our grocery store receipt. She looks it over and says "I LOVE shopping there too" but I still need to see your Wal-Mart receipt. It was kind of funny, even though my opinion was that we should have just kept walking.

              If I'm alone, I won't stop. I won't get into a huge fight or anything. When they say "I need to see your receipt" I tell them no and leave.

              We buy food in bulk for my house in a place called BJs, which still cracks me up! We agreed to have our receipt and groceries checked which is in the rules when you sign up.
              Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

              If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

              Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.

