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House-Building Suck All Around...

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  • House-Building Suck All Around...

    The guy that owns the place and all the contractors together on this one!

    If anyone remembers late winter last year, there were some idiot overgrown frat boys living in a house across the street and one down from my parents. One of the guys' dad lives in the house next door to them, directly across from my parents. The idiot boys were the ones who drove drunk one night and smashed their truck into a pole or something, then continued driving it with the horn blaring, unable to stop from blaring. The one guy's dad is the moron who took all the embers from a campfire in his backyard and scattered them all over the rest of the backyard causing a huge fire that could have been worse if my Dad hadn't seen the flames and called the fire department as quick as he had.

    Anyway, the idiots' house was in really rough shape (some of it because of them, some of it because of its age and previous owners)....really, it should have been condemned. The dad owns both homes, so he decides he's going to demolish the house and rebuild.

    First note of idiocy. As soon as the boys found out they needed somewhere else to live for a while (dad's house is way too small, but I think the son may have just moved in with him for a bit), they punched out all the windows and bashed in all the doors and left it that way for everyone in the neighborhood to see until FINALLY they demolished that dump to the ground.

    So the house is coming along being built, but they had to put in new water pipes and other stuff. As you can imagine, this means a lot of contractors and a lot of extra vehicles.

    Could they just park in the dad's driveway and make it easier? No. They park all the way up and down the first half of the street, making it hard for anyone to get in and out of their driveway without taking a risk....and they aren't parked very well, either.

    Next, they got the digger to dig up and put in new pipes.

    I knew from the moment I got home the other morning and I saw those giant dirt piles that there'd be problems. The piles of dirt were starting to go into the street, if they kept it up, soon only one vehicle would be able to get through at a time on the street.

    My parents tried to tell me I was just being cranky after work, and they knew what they were doing, but trust them, if that happened, they'd call the city and complain.

    Wouldn't you know it, by afternoon, the dirt piles were halfway into the street taking up an entire lane....Dad called the city and complained. I don't know why the city people didn't stay or make sure they cleaned it up.....

    Because as my mom came home from work, she could barely fit her PONTIAC G6 (not a big car by any means!) through the tiny gap in the road left and the giant piles of dirt that were now taking up over half of the road!

    They called the city, again. This time, something must have been done, because when I came home this morning, the dirt piles didn't go beyond the curb.

    I wish they'd just finish that house and be done with it. These people all suck.

    The best part of all is I think my landlords are pretty dumb, yet I doubt if I smashed all my windows and bashed in my door, they'd ever let me rent from them again. And this effing idiot is dumb enough to let those guys live there AGAIN, but now in a brand new house! Oh well, shouldn't give him any credit...he's dumb enough to start a huge fire.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

  • #2
    I feel your pain.

    The people 3 doors down from us are doing the Knock-down-rebuild thing so we have been experiencing issues with vehicles blocking the street. What makes it hard for us is that our street is quite narrow to begin with (if there is a car parked on each side, you can only just get 1 car between them) and we live in the end of cul-de-sac, so we only have one way out which makes life very interesting some days

    In regards to the father, why is he not moving into the new house himself? sounds like he has a screw or two loose there.
    "When did you get a gold plated toilet?"
    "We don't have a gold plated toilet"
    "Oh dear, I think I just peed in your Tuba"

    -Jasper Fforde

