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"I don't speak English" wtf

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  • #16
    Quoth yomiko View Post
    As a native Montrealer, I can tell you that there's a resurgence of 'French only' demands with respect to retail.
    Oh my. Gonna hafta relearn Quebec French before I head up there (Flea-Bit's wanting to move to Canada and wants to DRAG me with him).

    Quoth Juwl View Post
    Whenever someone starts talking in a language I don't know, I immediately respond, "Sprechen Sie Deutsch?" because, hey, at least I'm being polite, and it usually confuses them long enough for me to make my escape, and retain enough ink for the next time I run into a shark.
    Been there. Done that. Never got a response. Also did it in Russian and Japanese (Su'PRISE! I met a little boy here in Corpus Christi that actually knew what I was saying but he couldn't say much else). EQ does it in French, I think.
    Now a member of that alien race called Management.

    Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


    • #17
      I went to montreal with a group of friends last year and friggin hell the number of people that would randomly go apeshit over the fact that 'you don't speak french? the country is billingual that's horrible etc. etc.'

      just drove me crazy with the rudeness. (as in these weren't people we were talking to just random passerby, who upon hearing us talking in english would assume the right to be the french language nazis and berate us all for not speaking french :P).

      maybe it was cuz we were downtown montreal for alot of the trip but christ i'm never goin back again. i'll just skip over quebec from now on lol.

      anyawys point is i've heard of people getting the 'sorry dont speak english' card. i didn't get it from anyone in montreal... actually the sales people etc. were teh nicest and most helpful out of ANYONE i encountered.
      Common sense... So rare it's a goddamn superpower.


      • #18
        It would be great if that little twit decided to go for a holiday in France. He'd probably find out fairly quickly that he doesn't speak French either.

