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This is SO not a Kodak moment!!

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  • This is SO not a Kodak moment!!

    So, went to the grocery store today (are we REALLY surprised that this is where the events took place). It was the Kroger I usually frequent (Sweet flippin' jeebus, the sucktititude of parents in the place!!).

    surprisingly, few incidents of suck, actually, given what usually happens, but they all involved (lack of) parenting skillz.

    Shut up shut up shut up SHUT UP!!!
    Mother here has a toddler in the cart, and said toddler is. Not. Happy. In fact, toddler is expressing her utter displeasure with loud, eardrum splitting shrieks, punctuated by the occasional tornado warning siren wailing when said shrieks get tiresome. Now, does the mother DO anything? Nope, she's too busy talking to her friend next to her, discussing the pros and cons of Slim-Fast versus Special K. they're irritated, because the shakes are totally not working! I mean, look, they're buying them, right? They're sitting right next to the cookies from the bakery, the chips, the soda, and the ice cream! But they're not working. And little angel is still sitting in the cart, shrieking and wailing. Mom's friend finally asks if maybe she should get a sippy cup or a diaper change or something, and mother waves her off, saying.

    "Nah, she's just screaming to scream, she NEVER needs anything important. Just ignore her, that's what I always do. She'll shut up eventually. Hey, look. Weight Watchers makes chocolate muffins!"

    so many comments, too much of a headache, and they walked away while I was still trying to process what the mother said into some semblance of sense. I failed...

    Ok, seriously, put the camera phone AWAY!
    Throughout the trip, I saw this woman with a young boy, maybe 3-4. He'd be running around hellbent on causing distruction, and rather than stopping him, she'd whip out her cell phone whenever he did something "cute" or "adorable".

    Aw, lookit Jr! He just threw some canned tomatoes on the floor! How adorable! <takes picture>

    Aw, little Jr has stuck his hand in the bowl of free fruit samples and mixed all the toothpicks in with the fruit! How cute! <takes picture>

    Aw, little Jr just dropped a pack of yogurt on the floor and it's precious!! <takes picture>

    And finally, at the self checkout, woman is scanning items, and weighing fruit and little Jr decides he wants to climb on the scale! This is just so much adorable cuteness! She has to take multiple pictures!! AND weight him in as if her were APPLES...yeah...apples...

    Oh...lookit, if Jr. were a bag of apples he'd be over $100!! <picturepicturepicture> And I'd pay EVERY cent for it, precious, you're just too speshul!!

    Me: <To customer in line behind me, and he looks as irritated as I am> Seriously? I'd keep the receipt and contemplate returning that for store credit...

    Mother turns around and GLARES at me, because oops!! I forgot to use my inside voice. I smile, and hope she finally, FINALLY starts to notice how much she sucks. There are grumbles throughout the line at the holdup, because the SCO attendant had to go and void the "apple" transaction, and wait for her to finish.

    Well, damn, that was too much to hope for, because after the void, she decided Jr. could be a big boy...and scan ALL the items for mommmy...but it was just too much fun scanning it once, so let's scan an item 5 times, the nice attendant will just void everything before we pay!!

    I hate people. A lot...

  • #2
    Alright, Lupo, next time I'm in Houston, I'm shopping where you shop. The people here are just boring! XD


    • #3
      Don't you know you're supposed to think kids are as cute as their parents think that they are?

      Silly, silly lupo.

      *offers the usual cheesecurds and beer*
      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


      • #4
        I did the SlimFast thing for a month in high school. Never again!

        Seriously, if I was throwing cans of tomatoes and climbing on the scales in the grocery store, my mom would have spanked my a** right there. If I really kept it up, we'd have to leave before she got done shopping, and then I was in real trouble once we got home...

        When did parents stop parenting?
        Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.


        • #5
          Quoth bhskittykatt View Post
          When did parents stop parenting?
          About the same time the internet, cell phones, and tv obliterated our-ooo...cheeese...*drools*...err? oh yeah. our attention-SHINY!

          Coworker: Distro of choice?
          Me: Gentoo.
          Coworker: Ahh. A Masochist. I thought so.


          • #6
            And if the cashier had to void all of those items, he or she had to call a manager....Gah!


            • #7
              As a former Check Out Coach/Head Cashier/Front End Supervisor (whatever the various stores tend to call it) as well as a current self checkout attendant... I'd have pushed the little button that shuts down the terminal and told her to get her kid off the scale.

              I've noticed that there's a connection between the longer I work in retail and the shorter my fuse is when it comes to the mindless public. But the best part? Assuming I'm not fuming with having to deal with the lady (the picture taking is a no-no in my store too, so she's violating more rules), I can easily be the nicest person in the world while telling her off.

              And I'm rambling... Must sleep...


              • #8
                I've had a customer put their toddler on the conveyor belt...a toddler who was only wearing a diaper (and who knows what was in that ). I asked her to take her daughter off the belt, and she said "Oh she loves to ride it!"

                1) It's bad enough you've already put a baby diaper on the belt where other people are going to put their food, but

                2) LIABILITYYYYYYY. Conveyer belts are not meant to be ridden on. Who knows what could have happened?

                So I refused to start the belt or ring her order until the child was taken off.


                • #9
                  Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
                  Me: <To customer in line behind me, and he looks as irritated as I am> Seriously? I'd keep the receipt and contemplate returning that for store credit...

                  If that had been me when i was a kid, my mother would have returned me as damaged.
                  "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


                  • #10
                    Thankfully our scales have a limit of 15kg and ALL of our customers have the common sense not to stick their child on them. When we finally get our renovations (provided the store doesn't shut down first), the new registers have a scanner and scales all in one.
                    The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

                    Now queen of USSR-Land...


                    • #11
                      OH MY GOD I hate parents like this. Having a kid scream once in a while is normal, but to just sit there and let them do it nonstop and make absolutely no attempt to shut them up, drives me crazy. I had a customer sit there and actually EGG HER KID ON when he was throwing a tizzy. "Oh is that all you got? Why don't you scream louder?" "Really, I can't hear you, you should keep going."
                      Last edited by crazylegs; 05-13-2010, 10:02 AM. Reason: Removing fratching material.
                      Think. It's not illegal yet.


                      • #12
                        Quoth TravisRB69 View Post
                        I had a customer sit there and actually EGG HER KID ON when he was throwing a tizzy. "Oh is that all you got? Why don't you scream louder?" "Really, I can't hear you, you should keep going."
                        That's actually a fairly standard trick to get kids to stop temper tantrums. I was, however, apparently labouring under a misunderstanding, as I thought it was generally not used in public.


                        • #13
                          I'll quote 2 stupid dogs on this one (the camera phone mom) ....isn't that cute... BUT IT'S WRONG!!!!
                          Last edited by crazylegs; 05-14-2010, 09:09 AM. Reason: removed extra 'http://'
                          I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
                          Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
                          Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


                          • #14
                            When we were younger if we screamed threw fits made a mess we had to clean it and get in trouble. As for grocery shopping with my mom we lost that priviledge because older sister pushed the cart as fast as she could with me and younger sister sitting inside she let the cart go and it hit the huge ass wine display at the very end of the aisle. My mom didnt take too kindly to the mess or being paged over the store. Didnt go grocery shopping again with her for probably 5 years


                            • #15
                              About the worst thing I can remember doing while out grocery shopping with mom as a youngster was tossing a glass jar of peanut butter to the floor, where it shattered.

                              Yes, when I was a wee Irvling, peanut butter was still only sold in glass jars. Suddenly I feel old.

                              Now git off mah lawn.
                              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

