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I can help the next person in line

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  • I can help the next person in line

    Whatever happened to even minimal standards of politeness? When a cashier says, "I can help the next person in line," it seem perfectly obvious that he or she means, "the next person in line." Not, "Okay, I can help the first person who pushes everybody else out of the way."

    It happened yesterday waiting in line at the service desk at an electronics store. I was next... but the customer in front of me managed to combine a complex transaction with an inability to understand any of it. The line rapidly got long.

    A woman behind the counter went to a register and said, "I can help the next person in line." It was like the starting gate opened... everybody headed towards to the new line, pushing and shoving to get there first.

    I just stood there and watched. Then I looked at the cashier... and we had a silent, "great minds think alike" moment.

    She waited as I slowly meandered over and went to the front of the line. Then, she did something brilliant. I was there to pick up something I'd ordered... instead of ringing up the order and then pushing me off to the side to wait for somebody in the back to send the item to the front, she went and got it herself. End result: I got out fast, while the line-crashers were left diddling at an empty register for a few minutes.

    I saw a manager type on the way out, which gave me the opportunity to get her some SC insurance... "She's very efficient," I said. "I was sure I'd miss my bus and have to stand outside in the cold and wind for a half hour. Thanks to her, I won't have to do that. I like this store a lot."
    I was neat, clean, shaved and sober, and I didn't care who knew it. -- Raymond Chandler

  • #2
    Good for you! When someone goes out of their way to provide service "above the call," that rarely gets back to their manager! (My wife and I did just that a few weeks ago, when she was looking for a dress for my company's holiday party. One cashier at Macy*s pointed out an out-of-the-way area of the store where we might find what she needed. We did, we came back to HER register to buy it to make sure she was credited for the sale, AND we sought out her supervisor to say how well she treated us!)
    I will not be pushed, stamped, filed, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own. --#6


    • #3
      That's awesome that they helped you out a bit extra. And it's hard to tell if someone rushes up to the line or is in line. People will try and rush in from the side while my head is down (putting the last transaction away in my drawer) and getting in front of the whole line. I hate that.

      Sometimes I notice, other times I am just cashing out whomever is there. I'm glad she caught that for you. It is crappy when people just run to the front. Pisses me off and if I see it I will tell them to wait in line.

      You two rock for talking to a supervisor for them. Trust me it probably brightened their day as to see that someone actually noticed them going above and beyond.


      • #4
        Ah hell no. When people try to pull that crap in my store, I make them form 1 queue. And it happens all the time. 1 register going. line gets really long. I come up to the next register, and a group starts to form, or someone NOT in line, comes over to me...they all get told... "the line is that way! please make ONE line!"
        I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


        • #5
          I was in a store waiting to pay in a very long line, this woman cuts in front of me. Whatever, I'm not really in a hurry and besides it's not worth it.

          So, another lane opens up and I go over to it, while the woman who cuts me off is still waiting and she has a fit about how people just cut in front of the people who were actually waiting, while glaring at me. I gave her my death glare and pay for my stuff while she is still waiting and glaring. I guess she didn't remember cutting in front of me in the first place or she missed seeing my 5 feet 5 inch self with a cart waiting when she cut in front of me.
          Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

          If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

          Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


          • #6
            Quoth Misanthropical View Post
            I was in a store waiting to pay in a very long line, this woman cuts in front of me. Whatever, I'm not really in a hurry and besides it's not worth it.

            So, another lane opens up and I go over to it, while the woman who cuts me off is still waiting and she has a fit about how people just cut in front of the people who were actually waiting, while glaring at me. I gave her my death glare and pay for my stuff while she is still waiting and glaring. I guess she didn't remember cutting in front of me in the first place or she missed seeing my 5 feet 5 inch self with a cart waiting when she cut in front of me.
            Wow. To cut in line is one thing, but to accuse other people of doing so is just.....Grinchy.....Grinchesque.....Grinchaliciou s.....
            What were we talking about again?
            "We were put on this Earth to fart around, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." -Kurt Vonnegut


            • #7
              on Monday, I was with my parents at Walmart, since I needed a few things. They took something back. While we were next in line, and there was a guy behind us. This woman cuts infront of us. That was a big NO NO. The 4 of us, was bitching about the woman who cutted in front. The cashier at the service desk, didn't know what happened. the woman went up, when it was our turned. So my family and that guy, all went up. I asked, if there was one line, for returns and what-not. The woman said, oh I didn't see you. The guy that was behind us, said "Yes you did, you looked right at us" The cashier told us she was sorry. My mom said it is not her fault, for the other woman being dumb and blind. The woman, was pissed off, because, she had to stand in a huge line. When, if she done right, she would have been the next one. I think Justice was served. oh that woman, was returning something, not cashing a check or doing a money order.

              Sorry for this post being long
              Under The Moon Paranormal Research
              San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research

