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And so the war begins

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  • And so the war begins

    My sister lives in a neighborhood of homes that cost upwards of $500K. You wouldn't expect to have ghetto issues in that kind of neighborhood. Her house is on the end of a cul-de-sac. That is, she is at the dead end part of the cul-de-sac, though there is access to the main artery through the development via foot traffic through a gate in their front yard. Seems that this path is becoming well travelled lately by "guests" of a neighbor a few doors down. They park streetside on the main artery and run through the gate (and my sisters yard) to get to this lovely neighbor.

    The traffic has escalated to the point that the other neighbors are complaining and neighborhood watch is getting involved. And now the police. Seems the one neighbor is a drug dealer.

    The back yards in this neighborhood are small, and being on the end of a cul-de-sac, my sister's front yard (along with one house next to them) is larger than the others, and that's where the kids play. This is what my sister said happened last night: "{BIL} was outside on his Phone trying to call his mom while the kids were playing outside so his "customer" said it was {BIL} who called the police--- he was right its just {BIL} was calling from inside the house.
    [then the neighbor confronted BIL and said] "I aint botherin your kids" "I thought we were cool, I been in your garage" But he was outside his house waiting for us to get home like a psychopath."
    Needless to say, BIL was very threatened by the neighbor and contacted the police officer that has been working on this case. Sis said the war has begun.

    It will be interesting to see what comes next. I'll keep you updated.

  • #2
    Oooooh crap! This could get scary. I hope they're careful!
    The original Cookie in a multitude of cookies.


    • #3
      Here locally, the police just spent a week raiding homes in a very upscale neighborhood. Multiple arrests in an interstate heroine sting. Several kilos of heroine taken along with other recreational assistants. Hopefully this guy gets nailed and your BIL get his peaceful life back.
      The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
      "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
      Hoc spatio locantur.


      • #4
        When i lived in a trailer park, we had an issue with a neighbor that lived on a intersecting street dealing drugs, in which would cause all kind annoying traffic. This went on for a while, but it stopped when the sheriff's deputy living 2 trailers down from them started parking his patrol car out front.
        Just sliding down the razor blade of life.


        • #5
          Damn. Tell her to keep on the alert. I wish her the best and I hope her idiot neighbor ends up in jail where he belongs.


          • #6
            A little more of the story that I wasn't understanding: I guess BIL called the cops earlier in the day and they came. Sister's family left near the end of that visit when the "customer" pointed BIL out to the neighbor. When they returned, neighbor was outside waiting for him.

            Sis says police have been to that house with guns drawn. She also said: "this Guy really is small time-- unless he has something to sell he is completely alone-- no gang affiliates although he is conviced he is pretty "hood". I am more worried about this guys mental instability than his contacts. I understand the laws and know they can't just arrest this guy without cause, I was just hoping to get a strong enough police presence so his customers stop using my culd-e sac as a their personal drive through service and my kids can play peacefully."

            BIL said: " Tonight was a very scary moment for me. I did not know what this guy's intentions were but I knew they weren't good. I was trying to get my family in the house so what ever he had intended to do it was only to me and not my family. I know I diffenantly felt threatened by him. I talked to the watch commander after I got back inside. He is having me work with Sgt. G*****. I sent him an email tonight. I am more than willing to do what ever it takes to rid our neighborhood of this. We have too many kids this is affecting and do not want to see any on my block lean towards his example."

            Kind of makes me apprehensive about visiting them this summer. I wonder if they can chain the gate shut since it is on their property. I don't think they have an HOA, and if they do, it's not enforced very well.


            • #7
              Depending on how willing they are to do things, and how much of a risk they feel this guy is, there are some things they can do. If the gate is theirs, they can chain it shut. Also, put up no trespassing signs.

              This next one, though, is the most risky. Talk to the police about legal issues and risks that come from it. Put up signs that state that all activities are being recorded by cameras. Then put cameras up. And I mean a lot of them. Not just one or two. Put up a couple of very visible ones, and a few very invisible ones pointed at the visible ones. This way, when the visible ones get vandalized, you'll have recordings of who did it to turn over to the police.

              Also make sure note to point the cameras into any home. Point them at the street, point them at the gate, but not into a home. Make sure that everything is either covering your own property or public property only. Anybody else's private property is strictly off limits.

              Finally, when someone does do something illegal, file charges, and carry through.

              But, before doing any of that, talk to the local police. You need to know what you can legally do, and you need their assessment of the risk level involved with it being done. It might be too high for you to bear.


              • #8
                I was thinking sprinklers with motion detectors. And I'd seriously be concerned about liability. What if a "customer" scraped their knee on the property? That's a headache you don't even want to think about.
                A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                • #9
                  Quoth Pedersen View Post
                  Depending on how willing they are to do things, and how much of a risk they feel this guy is, there are some things they can do. If the gate is theirs, they can chain it shut. Also, put up no trespassing signs.
                  That may not be as cut and dried as you think.

                  Based on the information here, it sounds like the gate and path are either an actual easement, or a de facto easement. It would be a good idea to get the legal situation nailed down before just closing off the access.

                  Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                  • #10
                    Quoth Geek King View Post
                    Multiple arrests in an interstate heroine sting.

                    they were trafficking in female heroes?

                    Heroine-female hero-aka wonder woman

                    sorry pet peeve-back to your regularly scheduled thread......
                    Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


                    • #11
                      Is the gate their own? is it an easement owned by the property, whether for access or made one from continuous use? Thats what needs to be settled first. Like someone else said, if its your Sis and BILs gate, shut it, lock it whatever. If not, they need to talk to someone, preferabbly in the HOA.


                      • #12
                        I believe it's an easement.

                        No word on anything happening lately. However she did find it amusing when he was in his yard arguing with a census worker. I joked that I hope he didnt forget any of his crack babies and she said there would have to be a willing woman for that, even if she was on crack.

                        Something tells me this guy is short with an inferiority complex.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                          That may not be as cut and dried as you think.

                          Based on the information here, it sounds like the gate and path are either an actual easement, or a de facto easement. It would be a good idea to get the legal situation nailed down before just closing off the access.

                          Depends on how long they've owned the property, and whether or not the "path" was there before Sister and BIL moved in. If the path appeared after Sister and BIL bought the property, then they need to shut off access or it WILL become an easement. They should check their local laws.

                          If they put up no trespassing signs, and a "customer" hurts himself, then there should not be any legal liability. It's not the same as failing to shovel your walk in winter for the postman.

                          Good luck!
                          They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


                          • #14

                            i may be wrong, but as far as i know, as long as your equipment stays on your property... it's not actually illegal to record someone else's house. though you might want to verify that with the police.

                            and when the you call the police you can tell them that you don't want them to come around to your house at all.

                            lastly... if you feel it's unsafe there but cannot move, you may want to consider checking out the regs on getting a CCW permit. (if you're not against them that is - if you are, i understand and respect that decision)


                            • #15
                              Quoth PepperElf View Post
                              lastly... if you feel it's unsafe there but cannot move, you may want to consider checking out the regs on getting a CCW permit. (if you're not against them that is - if you are, i understand and respect that decision)
                              if you are against concealed carry (or firearms in general) then there is a plethora of nonlethal options out there. I am fond of the pepperspray keychains (which is actually a three in one, mace, pepperspray, and a UV dye that can only be washed off at a hospital, thus making identifying a perp very easy). There are also pepperspray guns, pepperspray pens, and several other variations for ease of carry or concealment. If pepperspay isn't your thing there is also pepperfoam, which is pure pain in a bottle (the foam sticks to the face and any attempt to remove it only grinds the pepper deaper into the skin... unless of course it is being properly treated at a hospital, which makes the perp once again, very easy to track). Moving up there is short range stunners and long range tazers. All of the above can be obtained at most law enforcement supply stores and a multitude of online websites, all perfectly legal to purchase.
                              Why yes, I have done a lot of research on the topic, why do you ask
                              If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song

