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Classmate suckery: an epic tale of college

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  • Classmate suckery: an epic tale of college

    Stoner Friendly
    Me and a friend of mine are sitting in class one day, being very active and speaking alot, like we always do in class (cuz it seems no one else will "humor" our grad student prof). Well, I made a comment that made her and rest of the class laugh to try to get rid of the tension that settled over us after watching a very graphic video about male and female circumsision (sp?) (comment did not include either of those procedures btw). One of our classmates then turns around and glares at me.

    CM: No one cares what you have to say you fucking dumbass stoner.

    Alright bitch, it's on.

    Me: Excuse me?
    CM: You heard me. Or is your head too filled with smoke to understand simple words?
    Me: Ok, one: the sheer fact that I'm a stoner has nothing to do with what we're talking about or my intelligence. two: obviously I have some semplence of knowledge since I'm in college and doing well.
    CM: I don't count c's as doing well.
    Me: You know what, fuck you. I have got nothing but b's and a's in all my classes. And if you don't consider c's good, why did you look so relieved when you got one on your midterm last class?
    CM: *stuttering, making fish-face*
    Me: Wanna guess what I got? B+ bitch. And yes, I will stick that in my pipe and smoke it. You, miss, need to smoke. Maybe it would make you less of fucking bitch. For a few minutes at least. Now, if you will kindly STFU and turn around, the rest us might learn a little something, high or not.
    She then of course turns around and gives the teacher the, "aren't you going to do something about this?" look. Teacher just shakes her head at her and returns to teaching.

    My proff. actually high fived me at the end of class. So far, no one has been able to stand up to this smug bitch. Apparently, she does this in every class she's in. Gah I hate people like her.

    The Talker
    There is always one person who is so vastly annoying, that even the teachers feel like strangling them in their sleep. They are, of course, the talkers. The students who talk constantly through the class, about nothing. They go off topic so much, that even the proff, with slides, doesn't know where the hell they are in the class. Or, they speak to the proff. as friends instead of teachers. Ex: interupting them constantly and saying to students that complain, "It's cool, I know him. He doesn't care" even though it's obvious that they do. Or they don't listen to a word they say and do the complete opposte and then get mad when the teacher yells at them.
    Had one such girl in several past classes, and unfortunetly, in a current class. Past classes, she'd laugh out of nowhere, really loud, and never apologized. She interupted our prof. so many times, we didn't even cover everything we were supposed to for the course because SHE WOULD NOT SHUT UP! She thinks she's all high and mighty because she works for school as well. Hey, hon, guess what? SO DOES HALF OF THE STUDENT BODY! This does not make you special in anyway! Please turn off Rush Limbaugh and stop harassing students and teachers with your crazy rambling or I will be forced to shove your laptop up your ass! *sigh* Sorry. She is that annoying.

    Anti-Smoking, Smoking Section
    I smoke. Alot. I will admit that, but I will also admit that I am a "safe smoker", if you will. Our campus is smoker friendly. Anywhere outside is a smoking zone. Now, when outside, I usually stand around with other smokers, so as not to disturb the non-smokers who hang outside (which who can blame them, our campus is actually very nice). I there is no escape, I will blow the smoke away from them. If they complain still, i will gladly move, so as not to pollute their space. Apparently that wasn't enough for this girl
    I'm standing outside, waiting for my class to start and smoking since it is a 2 hr class and we only get a 5 min. break. Girl comes outside and instantly starts harping on me about the smell.
    Girl: Second hand smoke kills. Why are smoking out here?
    Me: *scratches head* Because, it's outside.....and I can't smoke inside?
    G: Well I don't like it, go smoke somewhere else.
    Me: Well, I'm sorry but seeing as how this a free country, I can't do that. I was here first, not to mention I'm over here, on the other side of the patio. Far away from you. Also, I am almost done. If you can wait maybe a minute, I will be done.
    G: Well that's not good enough! I'm going to the dean and complaining about you smokers and getting smoking banned.
    Me: Good luck with that. Someone tried pulling that one about a year ago and everyone, even the non-smokers voted against it.
    She leaves in huff while I finish my lovely death stick and head to class.
    More to come, sadly.
    Just because they serve you, doesn't mean they like you. And just because they smile and act polite doesn't mean they aren't planning to destroy you.

    "I put the laughter in slaughter."

  • #2
    Ugh..I hate those peeps in my class that talk on and on!! I admit that I ask a lot of questions during class (always on topic! ) but man, every year I have that one person in my class that loves to take the discussion and throw a tangent in there! The last semester I attended I had this guy in my gov't class...I wanted to throw my book at his head daily! He would raise his damn hand and spew out crap every 5 minutes! Some days we couldn't finish the lesson due to him.
    Now, if you smell the roses but it doesn't lift your spirits, you're either allergic to rose pollen or you need medical intervention. ~ Seshat


    • #3
      Oddly enough, the people in my classes who do well generally don't make a big deal out of it... they're more likely to be the ones who freak out about not getting something. What a surprise. They also tend to be humble when asking for help, be it from a classmate or the TA.

      And you're my favourite kind of smoker! The number of people who seem to think that 10 metres is the same as 10 centimetres when deciding how from the doors they should stand to smoke The stale smoke smell in the hallways makes me ill.


      • #4
        There was actually a really good comment I saw on IB once about a smoker who was being harassed by someone else.

        Middle aged balding man approaches the OP and says, "Why are you doing that to yourself?"

        The OP says, "Why do you comb your hair over your bald spot and think you're kidding anyone?"

        Man was SPEECHLESS.
        Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill


        • #5
          Quoth ralerin View Post
          There was actually a really good comment I saw on IB once about a smoker who was being harassed by someone else.

          Middle aged balding man approaches the OP and says, "Why are you doing that to yourself?"

          The OP says, "Why do you comb your hair over your bald spot and think you're kidding anyone?"

          Man was SPEECHLESS.
          Couldn't be more....perfecter!!!!!! (that a word...? B/c it is now!)


          • #6
            Q: Why does anyone do anything to him/her-self?

            A: Because it feels good.

            Why would anyone need a better answer?
            Why do they make Superglue but not Batglue?


            • #7
              they tried to ban smoking at my community college too but i believe it wasn't just voted down... it was determined that it wasn't legal. might be because the campus is public (state university of new york affiliated vs being a private college).

              however state laws do apply and you can't smoke within x feet of buildings. so as long as the smokers stay outside that radius they're fine.

              and yeah i've had similar students in some of my classes... sounds like yours are worse than the ones i've had... cos the ones in my classes at least have medical excuses for it. (as in legal accommodations pertaining to various mental conditions). but it sounds like the ones in your classes are selfish prats.


              • #8
                Quoth Spork4pedro View Post
                Ugh..I hate those peeps in my class that talk on and on!! I admit that I ask a lot of questions during class (always on topic! ) but man, every year I have that one person in my class that loves to take the discussion and throw a tangent in there!
                The only thing I hate worse than the people asking tangents, are the ones who are asking legit questions, but they ask so many of them and are asking questions where it obvious that they should not be in the class and that they must have missed a prereq somewhere.
                Last semester there was a guy in my algebra class who, giving him credit, he worked his ass off and gave it a good effort, but he was asking questions about ARITHMATIC... yes, he was confused about things like order of operations and addition and subtraction... I'm sorry, algebra is not the class for you to be taking. People who go into classes well beyond their comprehension aren't doing anyone a favor, they aren't doing themselves a favor sense they definitely won't get it because they don't have the foundation for it and they aren't doing the rest of the class a favor as the instructor is having to divert time away from the rest of the class to try to get that one student to have even a basic understanding of the foundation material so they can proceed with the course material.
                Last edited by smileyeagle1021; 05-18-2010, 01:39 PM.
                If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                • #9
                  Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
                  The only thing I hate worse than the people asking tangents, are the ones who are asking legit questions, but they ask so many of them and are asking questions where it obvious that they should not be in the class and that they must have missed a prereq somewhere.
                  Last semester there was a guy in my algebra class who, giving him credit, he worked his ass off and gave it a good effort, but he was asking questions about ARITHMATIC... yes, he was confused about things like order of operations and addition and subtraction... I'm sorry, algebra is not the class for you to be taking. People who go into classes well beyond their comprehension aren't doing anyone a favor, they aren't doing themselves a favor sense they definitely won't get it because they don't have the foundation for it and they aren't doing the rest of the class a favor as the instructor is having to divert time away from the rest of the class to try to get that one student to have even a basic understanding of the foundation material so they can proceed with the course material.
                  Quoted for TRUTH!

                  I usually try to trim quotes sown to the relevant phrases, but this whole thing is relevant!

                  I also hate it when I explain something, and immediately someone asks about what I just explained, because they were too busy talking to their friends to pay attention.
                  Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Primer View Post
                    Quoted for TRUTH!

                    I usually try to trim quotes sown to the relevant phrases, but this whole thing is relevant!

                    I also hate it when I explain something, and immediately someone asks about what I just explained, because they were too busy talking to their friends to pay attention.
                    Or they are busy reading their emails. Or texting.
                    Dull women have immaculate homes.


                    • #11
                      Or just physically weren't there. (Showing up later to ask).

                      The opposite is annoying too though - you leave the class behind, and no one will ask, because they don't want to slow you down.

