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Accepted Forms of ID do not include 'Cross my heart...'

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  • Accepted Forms of ID do not include 'Cross my heart...'

    A pretty familiar story I guess.

    Dramatis Personae:
    OG1 - Obnoxious Guy 1 - lives in my building, I fear for his future offspring
    OG2 - Obnoxious Guy 2 - lives pretty nearby, he has little chance of not getting kicked out this year
    OG3 - Obnoxious Guy 3 - because they always come in threes
    C1 - the poor cashier checking them out
    C2 - the poor cashier checking me out
    Me - idiot magnet
    S - my friend

    S and I were buying some booze on Thursday for the weekend. We were in the supermarket and I saw several students all stocking up for various Friday night parties. I look old for my age, always have (mistaken for 13 at 9, mistaken for 19 at 12, mistaken for 25 at 16), so it's uncommon for me to ever get ID'd, nonetheless I carry it with me always.

    As the cashier was ringing up my bottles I noticed these really annoying guys from my course (they are, of course, god's gift to this university, how can nobody else get that?) buying some six packs. I think nothing of it, I don't want to talk with them so I don't make any attempts to attract their attention, but I can still hear every words the obnoxious dumbarses are saying, though not all of it was worth remembering.

    OG1: -insert random babble about football/boobs/beer-
    OG2: -insert moronic response-
    C1: Can I see your ID please?
    OG1: Aw, sh*t... Haven't got it on me. OG2?
    OG2: Nah, sorry, mate... OG3?
    OG3: Nah...
    C1: Well then, I'm afraid-
    OG1: But I'm wearing a uni hoodie! I gotta be 18, right?
    C1: If you can't provide me with adequate ID then-
    OG3: *has looked around desperately for a way to get his booze* Panda!
    Me: *just finished paying* What?
    OG3: You got your ID?
    Me: Yes.
    OG1: Aw, sweet, Panda, babe! Do us a favour?
    Me: I'm not buying your beer.
    OG2: Nah, nah, we got the money, we just need your ID.
    Me: It would be illegal for me to buy that beer for you because you can't produce any ID.
    OG1: But you know we're old enough.
    Me: But they don't know that and you can't prove that and my word isn't going to affect their judgement.
    OG1: But you know-
    Me: Hey, I wouldn't sell you this without an ID check. They'd have to pay some pretty heavy fines if they got caught. I wouldn't risk in it in their situation.
    OG1: But my hoodie-
    Me: Hoodies are not accepted forms of ID in this supermarket, to my knowledge.
    C1&2: *sniggering*
    OG3: You didn't get ID'd while paying, did you?
    Me: No.
    OG3: *to C1* So how come you ID'd us? That's not FAIR!
    C2: We operate Challenge 21 here. I didn't think she looked under 21, so I didn't feel the need to ID her.
    OG1: But she's younger than me!
    Me: No I'm not. (He's several months younger, but definitely of legal age)
    C1: Well, regardless, you guys DO look under 21, and without ID I'm not serving you.
    OG1: Aw, DUDE!
    OG2: God, Panda, you're such an uptight b*tch.
    Me: That's really nice. Y'know, under different circumstances I might have helped out at another shop or something, but announcing your plans to enlist me in illegal activities is pretty stupid.
    OG1: I just wanted some f*cking beer!
    Me: And I just wanted a hassle-free trip to the supermarket... and these guys probably just wanted a hassle-free shift... and these people *motioning to the massive line they're holding up* probably just want to pay for their items and go home without getting held up by some idiots who were too stupid to bring their IDs when buying booze in the full knowledge that you are going to get ID'd!

    A man in the queue gave a clap and the rest of the line joined in with some nodding and various demonstrations of their approval. The three little idiots swaggered off, as if they had meant for it all to happen. C1 gave me and smile and thanks.
    As we set off, S found her voice.
    S: You know you won't be getting invited to their party now?
    Me: What do I care? There won't be any booze at it anyway.

    I feel I should call up those boys' parents... tell them they're flushing money down the drain if they think a university education will help their sons.

    I long for the days that my appeared age is an asset.
    Fujoshi and Proud

  • #2
    Quoth panda View Post
    S: You know you won't be getting invited to their party now?
    Me: What do I care? There won't be any booze at it anyway.

    I look young for my age, so I always carry ID. And have it ready at the counter if I'm buying booze. I rarely get asked for it since I hand it over with the items.

    Hassle Free, people. Makes things happen faster.
    "For the love of all that is holy and 4 things that aren’t but feel pretty good anyway" ~ Gravekeeper


    • #3
      I have a solution that's worked for me most of my life: Don't buy liquor.
      Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


      • #4
        If none of them have their IDs, I'd like to know how they GOT there. Driving anywhere in the US without carrying your Driver's License is just stupid.


        • #5
          Quoth UncleImpy View Post
          If none of them have their IDs, I'd like to know how they GOT there. Driving anywhere in the US without carrying your Driver's License is just stupid.
          They walked, as did I. The supermarket is about 15 minutes from our halls. But it does astound me why any student, who might be called on at any time to require an age-restricted product, would leave the house without it.
          Fujoshi and Proud


          • #6
            I keep my ID in my wallet, which is also where my money is stored. If I have my money I have my ID. If I don't have my ID, then I don't have any money to buy anything.

            Works out well.


            • #7
              Regarding the "if you drove here you have ID" spiel, in some states (and even Australia), if you don't have your licence, you have 48 hours to hand it into the nearest police station if you're dinged for speeding.

              But these guys were inherently stupid
              The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

              Now queen of USSR-Land...


              • #8
                Quoth Kristev View Post
                I have a solution that's worked for me most of my life: Don't buy liquor.
                I'd love to do that, but liquor's too damn tasty!
                Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                • #9
                  Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
                  I'd love to do that, but liquor's too damn tasty!
                  and it makes some of the pain go away for a while.
                  I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
                  -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

                  "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


                  • #10
                    But if you need proof of my identity, I wrote my name on my underwear. Oh wait these aren't mine.

                    Quoth panda View Post
                    S: You know you won't be getting invited to their party now?
                    Me: What do I care? There won't be any booze at it anyway.
                    The only shame is that the SC's weren't around to feel this burn.
                    To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


                    • #11
                      If they wanted their "fucking beer" then I would have said..."Without ID, then I'm not going to sell you any fucking beer!" Too bad we can't be brutally honest with customers in the retail setting.


                      • #12
                        Quoth panda
                        OG1: I just wanted some f*cking beer!
                        Y'know, I'd like some fucking beer too. It might reproduce and then I'd have more beer.

                        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                        • #13
                          I was waiting for someone to connect those dots. Way to go, Irv!
                          I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


                          • #14
                            Connect the dots! La la la la!
                            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                            • #15
                              And here I thought that fucking beer was used to get members of your preferred gender buzzed enough that they'd agree to sleep with you. (Most of them won't press rape charges... it's reasonably danger-free... )

                              And frankly, I think that it's a good thing that those guys couldn't get any of it! Do you really want them reproducing?

