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Parking lot assholes.

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  • Parking lot assholes.

    I needed to make a quick purchase at Target. I pull into a row in the parking lot and am stuck behind some asshole in an SUV (redundant, I know) waiting for a woman to get baby and cartload in the car. Now, anyone who's been on this planet for more than an atto-second knows that this takes a while. The worst thing is that there was an opening about five stalls down.

    Naturally there was someone behind me and soon there was a line of five or six cars, all because someone couldn't walk something like an extra thirty feet.

    AAAAHHHH!!!!. It's not pitching pennies. You don't get points for being closer to the store than anyone else.
    Proud to be a Walmart virgin.

  • #2
    Bah lazy people. Walk a little.

    Though my dad's car was stolen once, and he regularly parks far from the store because (obviously) it's easier to find a spot.

    Catch-22. Either you risk losing your car out in no-man's-land of parking, or you never get a spot at all.
    No good news is good bad news


    • #3
      At the mall, I've noticed some people would rather waste half a tank of gas to get the closest spot to the door than to walk (and god forbid get some exercise) a few hundred feet to the door.

      On a very busy day, I ended up just saying "f it" and parking way back close to the exit. As I walked the nearly half mile (lol) to the door, I watched the van who had been behind me go up and down then up then down then up then down every parking aisle. When no one was getting in their car or no spots close to the door were available, the van took off to the other side of the parking lot. Not sure how lucky that person got then.

      I've also been out on a slightly chilly winter's day, walking back to my car, and seeing a line of cars, thinking "wtf?". I saw a vehicle with a woman in it, tapping her steering wheel with a very frustrated look on her face. I figured for a second that maybe she was waiting for someone to back out. Nope. She had just said "f it" herself and decided she wasn't going to move until SOMEONE came out and left. So everyone behind her was stuck waiting. What a bitch.
      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


      • #4
        i make a point of parking far away from the mall. we have car guards at all the malls here, so that keeps the car safe. plus i get a little sunshine (i'm corpse white!) and some exercise

        but parking lot dumbos are all around us. When i was walking back to my car the one day, a luxury car was tailing me, probably hoping to get my space. no worries there, but when they saw how far away i was parked, i was given a "WTF?" look and they went to look elsewhere.
        The report button - not just for decoration


        • #5
          If I know I am going to buy something small (or a few items) or do some window shopping (i.e. price checking for the deals) I always do the same thing. I just go on my motorcycle and park by the door.

          I always get the best parking spot in the lot.

          I'm tolerant of everyone and everything except for assholes. - Mongo Skruddgemire


          • #6
            I had to do some last minute Christmas shopping on the 22nd last week, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the mall near me simply did NOT have enough parking. I'm into hiking, so I don't mind parking at the end of the parking lot and walking a third of a mile to the entrance, but when there isn't even parking at the END of the lot, I know this mall needs to rethink it's parking situation.

            I actually had to do some things I'm not proud of to get a spot after twenty minutes of being the nice guy. Natural selection accelerates to nasty, head-spinning speed in the Annapolis mall parking lot during the holidays.

            Oh, and it's not that I waited until the last minute to do my Christmas shopping...most of my shopping was done before Thanksgiving. My little brother surprised us by showing up at the last minute for Christmas holiday, so I wanted to get him something (just in case you were thinking "lack of planning on your part").


            • #7
              The day of December 16th, I was supposed to have a day off from work, but I decided to be nice (and earn a few extra bucks) and went in. Worked my shift, got out about 5:15 and decided to hit Target on my way home. (As a backstory, I got my license in September, and I don't have my own car...I borrow one occasionally, so I'm still not 100% comfortable driving. Anyhoo...) I went into the Target parking lot, and wandered up and down the lanes, trying to find a parking space. Why did I do that? I'm not comfortable trying to wedge my car between two others... So I did the smart thing and parked in no-man's land underneath a liight. Plenty of spots there!!!!!!!
              Unseen but seeing
              oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
              There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
              3rd shift needs love, too
              RIP, mo bhrionglóid


              • #8
                I can't see a reason for wanting to park as close as possible. Well, if Grandma's with me I try to, since she doesn't walk very well. Me, I'd rather park out in the boonies--less chance of an idiot denting up my car that way. There are already dents up and down both sides where idiots have dinged the doors
                Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                • #9
                  Quoth protege View Post
                  I can't see a reason for wanting to park as close as possible. Well, if Grandma's with me I try to, since she doesn't walk very well. Me, I'd rather park out in the boonies--less chance of an idiot denting up my car that way. There are already dents up and down both sides where idiots have dinged the doors
                  I'm in that same situation a lot. When possible, I try to drop my parents or grandparents at the door and go find a spot. I don't mind walking at all (walking from the far end of the parking lot to the door is STILL less distance than if I had walked from home to the door), but both my grandparents have bad knees now and have to walk with canes.


                  • #10
                    Same here, I tend to park a little ways out. But if my grandparents are with me, then yeah, I will try to park closer
                    Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                    San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                    • #11
                      Some drunk chicks tried to talk my uncle out of his spot in the line to get out of the football stadium parking lot. They tried joking, pleading, yelling, finally, they just tried to snatch it in their SUV. My uncle was driving just a normal-sized Cadillac, and he blocked them.
                      It was awesome.
                      "We were put on this Earth to fart around, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." -Kurt Vonnegut


                      • #12
                        One year two of my brothers and I went to one mall here that has two underground parking garages on a Saturday during the shopping season. We went to the one that is usually less full than the other, sice it's farthest from the three entrances into the mall parking lots. Drove through the entire garage and did not see a single space. My brother who was driving was about to leave when I noticed a Ford Escort taking up two spots in the far corner. Told him to go over there and myself and my other brother would move it. It was one of the smaller 2-door hatchbacks, can't weight more than 1500-1700 lbs, so each of us got on a wheel well, and would lift/push it, till we moved it over into one spot.


                        • #13
                          I park far away everywhere, be it school, the store, work, home, etcetera. Not only for the exercise and the sun but usually I'm closer to the exit anyway and sometimes pedestrians tend to be idiots near store entrances. It's nice and everything but the only time I park close is if I know that I will be carrying something that will be heavy and would not risk losing my back.

                          Cedophile said:
                          Catch-22. Either you risk losing your car out in no-man's-land of parking, or you never get a spot at all.
                          I drive a 1998 Saturn and it looks like junk and it looks even worse inside. My car is my own personal locker room when it comes to road races and there is pretty much clothes, shoes, and water bottles lying around. Back in August, 4 buddies and I competed in a 40 mile relay. We all had to run twice for the race and it happened to be a very hot day, 88 degrees in fact. It stunk in there for a while and the day after the race I was on my way to the store to pick up some food, I had the windows open when a person next to me told me he wouldn't steal my car if he was paid to do it. I kept it stinky as long as possible to deter theifs.
                          The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.

