
No announcement yet. about her butt some more

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  • #16
    canarr, i do see your point in which people do make comments about others bodies. this post was more along the lines of, it was rude of them to do it because they did it in front of the cashier. i think the reason they denied it the way the did was because they didn't want trouble. who does?

    i wasn't assuming they are rapists. my point, was that you had said there isn't anything sinister about it. but how do we actually know that? this is a bad area to be in. i live two blocks from this store, and i know what goes on around here. what i meant, is that it could have been sinister. not saying it was though. i have no idea what was going through their minds.

    i honestly have no idea how they saw her butt. she did lean over the register to grab the groceries to help bag, maybe thats when they saw it. other than that, i honestly could not say when they saw it.

    im sorry i called you disrespectful. lately, i have been in the mood where i speak before i think.


    • #17
      Hey, no problem; I'm not easily offended. Just wanted to make sure that there were no misunderstandings open - I don't condone talk like that in front of a person. Just seemed to me the two didn't do that on purpose, is all - and in that case, it's not really a big deal.

      You're right that you never know if someone is harboring sinister motives or not. But in my experience, the loudmouths are mostly harmless - for women, that is; for men it's a different thing. It's the quiet ones you should watch out for.

      Both are generalizations, of course, and not necessarily true.
      You gotta polish a memory like a stone. Chip off the parts that remind you it was just a game. Work it until it's indistinguishable from any other memory.


      • #18
        Quoth Canarr View Post
        However, I am of the persuasion that any woman wearing clothing that covers less than half of their bodies gives up the right to complain when men look at her. Look, not touch.
        What if it's a hot day, and she's just trying to be cool?

        I guess I don't understand the viewpoint: especially since it doesn't seem to matter what I wear. If the attention really was limited to when I was dressed for attention, I'd not mind so much. I'd accept it if it only happened when I was dressed in nice clothes, with my hair done and makeup on.

        However, I've worn safety gear (full overalls, or long-sleeved work shirt, slacks, steel-toed boots) and been doing the sort of work that gear is designed for, and had guys give unwanted attention.

        Quite frankly, when I'm halfway up a ladder trying to cut down a tree branch, I want to concentrate, not flirt! If anyone can explain why some men (no, not all men, just some) don't seem to understand that .. PLEASE! I want to know!
        Seshat's self-help guide:
        1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
        2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
        3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
        4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

        "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


        • #19
          Well, way I see it is this:

          If I'm wearing a baggy sweatshirt and a guy is staring at my chest, he needs to get out more.

          If I'm wearing Ren wear, and my girls are stuffed into a Wonderbra and hoisted up and laced into the miracle that is a 16th century ladie's boned doublet, and they are popping out all over the place smiling at people, then I expect they will get looked at.

          If I didn't want 'em looked at, I'd cover 'em up. Probably with a baggy sweatshirt.

          In any case, guy's need to show enough respect to at least PRETEND that they aren't looking. If they can't pretend to not look, they can at LEAST pretend to be marginally embarassed to be caught looking.

          If a guy is obvious about it, or does it while I am talking to him, I will embarass him and he will wish he had been a little better with his make believe.

          But I understand guys look. Many of them will look at just about anything. I've been catcalled while covered with dirt, grease, and paint, and dressed like a homeless person in baggy men's clothing (how they even knew I was a chick I will never know). They can't help it. But they CAN help how respectful they are about it.

          I am not offended at being looked at by men. I'm not offended at being hit on. I am offended at being disrespected. There's a huge difference, and doing one does not always mean that a guy's done the other.


          • #20
            it's a cultural thing here. most black (i refuse to say African coz i'm African too darnit!) men will whistle, yell and gesticulate when they see a pretty woman walking down the road. problem is they're normally in groups, which is most likely why they do it.
            like other posters have said - perv, but do it quietly and/or respectfully!
            The report button - not just for decoration


            • #21
              My husband always told me that men and women couldn't just be friends
              That's an interesting notion. By the same logic, though, a bisexual person couldn't have any friends at all
              Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed.


              • #22
                surprisingly enough, one of my best friends is a guy. we always joke that when i get married, he's gonna be my maid of honour...
                The report button - not just for decoration


                • #23
                  Quoth PorkChop View Post

                  Me: Good job on quitting smoking! Keep up the good work!
                  DOG: Thank you.
                  Me: Do whatever helps. Chew on gum, pens, pencils...
                  DOG: Chew on pussy.
                  DOG: Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't of said that.
                  Me: That was very inappropriate. I am a lady and I expect to be treated like a lady. I am a married woman and you trying to hit on me is not appreciated. If you want to treat women like a piece of meat, go next door. (There is a strip bar next door to the C-Store. The bouncers and most of the girls are nice, BTW.)
                  "Huh? You mean I should eat cat?"
                  Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                  "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

