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Iced Granny

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  • Iced Granny

    There's a restaurant here, that has wonderful food, called Olga's. Not sure who has the restaurant..

    Anyway, to make ICED tea, you have to first heat up water, and pour it over ice, yes? While my friends and I were enjoying our lunch, the waitress brought this lady and her hubby tea. Then the lady argued that the tea wasn't cold and they had to take it away, it wasn't ICED.

    The poor waitress went and got another cup of tea and the lady still threw a fit that it wasn't cold enough either. So she told the waitress to "Bring me a glass of ice water, least you can't screw that up."

    By this time, the poor waitress (Who we talked to and said she was supposed to be at her sister's wedding, so her day was ruined anyway) looked like she was going to cry.

    When she walked away, the lady started bitching again. This time, not about tea or food, but where she was staying. "First the hotels juice turns off at ten, then the fat front desk clerks says there's no more breakfast and that manager was a bitch.." me to B, my friend and co-worker. "Hell, that's our hotel."

    Breakfast at the other two chain hotels ends at 9. I knew it was us.

    We finished our meal after granny dearest had gotten her food, and thankfully for a few minutes, was silent. I left the waitress 10 dollars as a tip, for dealing with the granny and just seeming to have a bad day all around. I wanted to make her feel a little better. B left 5 bucks, A left 5 bucks.

    We were leaving, and my two friends were ahead of me (I'd walked away without my food. Duh..) and the granny saw we'd tipped her. "She doesn't deserve a tip."

    Me: "For putting up with you. She does. Consider your waitress feelings before you shoot off your mouth and act like a five year old. She's missing her sister's wedding and already having a bad day, and you acting like a child didn't help."

    She comments then I look like the manager at the hotel, and I sighed. I KNOW not to turn around, but I did (Cause really, the worst she can do is throw food at me, and I'd have laughed.)

    "Oh, and the hotel, has policies like this restaurant. I look like the manager because that's my mother. You're staying at my hotel. And for MY sake, I hope to gods you're gone before I get there saturday." When I said gods, I pulled out my necklaces from under my shirt, smiled and walked off.

    The manager and waitress gave me and my friends discounts on our meals for standing up for the waitress and being nice to her.

  • #2
    Great ownage on granny! What was her face like after that???

    And, I know that's a way to make iced tea, and iced coffee, but I don't like it because then you get watered-down, luke-warm liquid. I make the tea or coffee, add the honey/sugar/creamer/whatever, put it in the fridge, then pour it over ice when it's already cool. Unless it was the way they make it is the restaurant's signature way?
    "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


    • #3
      I think they'd run out of refrigerated tea. As far as I'm aware, they do it that way too. But I feel bad. they were trying so hard.

      And her face.. Hmm.. I bet there's a smiley for this..
      & work pretty well.


      • #4
        Quoth LillFilly View Post
        Great ownage on granny! What was her face like after that???

        And, I know that's a way to make iced tea, and iced coffee, but I don't like it because then you get watered-down, luke-warm liquid. I make the tea or coffee, add the honey/sugar/creamer/whatever, put it in the fridge, then pour it over ice when it's already cool. Unless it was the way they make it is the restaurant's signature way?
        at the box we use to (i think they changed it) make the tea extra strong (2 tea bags per serving instead of one) then pour it over ice in the container which made it about regular strength. i was told it was good.


        • #5
          That's probably something close to what they did, but he tea is ALWAYS good at Olga's. I love it.


          • #6
            unrelated : every time I go to the USA I forget that "iced tea" down there isn't the same as it is here in Canada.

            in Canada when you order "iced tea" you get Nestea, Brisk, Lipton...ect So imagine my surprise the first time I got a glass full of cold tea lol

            You would think that I would had learned my lesson by now haah


            • #7
              Superhotelworker, you absolutely rock. Totally.

              On a side note, what kind of boss makes somebody work on her sister's wedding day? I've never pulled a NCNS in my life, but I would be sorely tempted at that point!

              Wait a second, Pony_Boy, how do they serve the tea in Canada? You mean like a little teacup? I know people that would be seriously ticked off at that. People drink it like water where I'm from and sweetened until you could just about eat it on your pancakes! (Them, not me. I hate tea of just about any description.)
              The original Cookie in a multitude of cookies.


              • #8
                You get it in a glass, like a soft drink. They'll generally be in the fountain. And some people make their own iced tea, but "iced tea" at a restaurant will get you the artificial stuff every time. Places that carry regular tea brewed double strength poured over ice and chilled (what else do you call it when "iced tea" is taken ) tend to describe it on the menu in some detail.


                • #9
                  To me, iced tea means cold tea with ice in it. Here they have sweetened tea and brewed tea, you have to specify or run the risk of sweetened automatically (blech). I prefer my brewed tea, with a frosty-cold glass and ice.
                  A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                  • #10
                    Wow, that old hag was lucky she wasn't wearing her iced tea! Kudos for standing up for that waitress!
                    I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
                    Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
                    Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


                    • #11
                      Maybe it just wasn't made the way that SHE makes it? Bring your own next time!!
                      Dull women have immaculate homes.


                      • #12
                        Ya know, I wish she would have.
                        The boss didn't make her. I found out today (The waitress is my friends cousin, learned something new!) that she couldn't have made it out of state in her car and didn't have enough money to get to her sister's place by train. So.. she went to work (With sissy's blessing for a good day, too bad that didn't happen.)


                        • #13
                          Quoth Pony_Boy View Post
                          unrelated : every time I go to the USA I forget that "iced tea" down there isn't the same as it is here in Canada.

                          in Canada when you order "iced tea" you get Nestea, Brisk, Lipton...ect So imagine my surprise the first time I got a glass full of cold tea lol

                          You would think that I would had learned my lesson by now haah

                          Don't feel bad, i keep ordering it too and then remember at the first sip.


                          • #14
                            To me Iced Tea is brewed hot tea, then add sugar if you want Sweet Tea, and then out that on ice itself, or put it in the fridge to cool down, then add ice to your cup if you're one of those people that like ice in their drinks (I'm not)


                            • #15
                              Don't feel bad, i keep ordering it too and then remember at the first sip.
                              I second that!
                              “Bad taste creates many more millionaires than good taste.”

                              -Charles Bukowski

