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Grumpy Old Man Lives!

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  • Grumpy Old Man Lives!

    This past Monday was a Holiday in Canada, and in the city of Victoria they take Victoria Day kinda seriously. Biggest parade of the year, right down the busiest street in the city. Almost all the buses have had to be re-routed because of it.

    The parade starts in about 10 minutes, and I just want to go home and make some dinner, having finished my night shift. There's a ton of people waiting at the bus stop, all wanting to get downtown to watch the parade, and of course the bus is late.

    When it does show up, over 20 minutes late, it's almost fully packed. Grumpy Old Man at this point forces his way to the front of the line of boarding passengers and proceeds to scream and curse at the driver. He does not pause in his berating to allow the hapless driver to apologize, nor will he move out of the way to let anyone else on.

    Grumpy old man just stands there yelling and screaming, making everyone even later. Had he just gotten on, or at least allowed the bus to be moving while he bitches, it would have just made it in time for the start of the parade. Instead, Grumpy Old man makes everyone miss the beginning. I'm pretty sure if he'd given himself a stroke and died on the spot, people would have cheered and applauded.

    His tirade lasts so long the NEXT bus arrives, and those of us who were still on the sidewalk unable to board hop on that one instead. As we're boarding, police and a transit supervisor arrive, called by a passenger.
    Aliterate : A person who is capable of reading but unwilling to do so.

    "A man who does not read has no advantage over a man who cannot" - Mark Twain

  • #2
    Weird, I've seen this exact same scene before. Except in this case the bus was maybe 2 minutes late. The guy ranted and raved while passengers kept yelling for him to get off and get out of the way. Police helped that wish right along and now the bus was going to be 15 min late to the next destination.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      I'm surprised that nobody picked him up bodily and moved him out of the way.
      It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


      • #4
        "I'm surprised that nobody picked him up bodily and moved him out of the way. "

        Seriously, where I live he would have been thrown off with force.

