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  • Neighborhoods

    Originally, I thought this neighborhood was nice. It's mostly full of families and older people. Usually we get along with our neighbors quite well. But, here lately, it seems not so much. These are stories from the past year that I've been staying here.

    So Halloween this past year was on a Saturday. We had a huge party planned for the evening. Costumes were a must, with 3 kegs and plenty of fun. The week prior, we went around and kindly asked our neighbors if it would be ok to have it. We warned them that it would get loud and there would be alcohol involved (with me checking IDs at the door since I am not old enough to drink either). Everyone within a 3 block radius told it was fine, that most of them would be out having fun as well.
    The party rolls around and goes off without a hitch. Couple of days later, our landlord informs us that the cops were called, twice that night by the very same neighbors who gave us permission to have the party. The cops then called our landlord before taking action and he explained that we asked and they consented, so the police didn't even come out, thankfully.

    St. Patty's Day
    Fast forward to St. Patrick's Day of this year. We have built a bonfire, to specs and regulations of the city. Even cooking hot dogs and marshmallows, as par with regulations for within city limits. Our neighbor behind us hates us apparently, because she thought we were trying to set fire to her fence, thus calling the fire dept. A truck arrives and we of course hide the booze. We then show them the small fire and various foods we've cooked. they hand us a paper, stating that we did everything to regulation, thus giving legality to have said fire. They leave and we party some more. Not even an hour later, another fire truck comes up. We show them the paper and they explain that the same lady called to say that our garage was on fire, which is was not. The firemen then drive the truck to her house and pretty much tell her, in a stern tone, not to call them unless there was an actual fire. she of course, then came out to yell at us "rowdy" kids to shut the fuck up and not bother her.
    I realize it's a tuesday night, but still. We weren't being loud, we made sure the fire never got out of the pit and what not and still she thought bitching us out was a good thing.
    So, we have a total of six people living in this house, all of them guys and go to the automotive school. Our neighbors right next door do as well. They like cars. So, of course they're each going to have their own. On top of girlfriend's that come to visit, mine and friends, we usually have a lot of cars parked on the street. But never once have we blocked traffic or made it difficult for anyone to get through. We still get complaints from neighbors a block away saying we have too many cars and should be kicked out of the neighborhood. Same neighbors who have countless times block traffic when they had parties, always park almost a foot fromt he curb, making two cars going through the same area impossible. the garbage trucks can't even get through there half the time, which means everyone's trash won't be picked up until next week. It's gotten so bad that the cops get called on us almost once a week and everytime, we're left alone because we are parked as per city regulation.
    Not to the mention, our cars keep getting fucked with everytime it storms. My bf's and friend's cars broken into and stuff stolen, another friend's back hatch window busted out with a brick for no reason, my truck getting mysterious dents on the sides and tailgate, and even one of our neighbor's tires were slashed.
    We really liked this neighborhood till all that, but there's really no where else to go. Because of some bad seeds from other college kids, landlords don't like renting to us, excpet for crappy apartments or houses with sky high rents. We can't afford a new place, nor would we have time to move. With everyone going through finals and trying to get a weeks worth of catching up to do on their summer breaks before coming back, my starting my 2 jobs a week after I'm done and my boyfriend going back home for 2 months, there is no way we can find and move into a new place. I seriously don't know what to do.
    Just because they serve you, doesn't mean they like you. And just because they smile and act polite doesn't mean they aren't planning to destroy you.

    "I put the laughter in slaughter."

  • #2
    File a complaint against your neighbors. They are clearly harrassing you.
    Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

    Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

    Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


    • #3
      Quoth Evil Queen View Post
      File a complaint against your neighbors. They are clearly harrassing you.
      Seconded! Jeez...


      • #4
        My parents went through that shit when I was growing up. Unfortunately they can call the city on you as much as they want. The ONLY thing you can do is make sure you aren't violating ANY city laws or ordinances. It's really sad that this was set up to serve all of the people, yet nobody ever thought about how it can be abused.

        With my parents they were constantly getting the city called on them for parking and dog poop in the yard. After like the twentieth time they told my parents were getting sick of having to come out there, but unfortunately, everytime they get a call they HAVE to respond, no matter what. The calls only stopped when they both died of old age.


        • #5
          Do I even have to mention the nuts that live next door to my parents? They just *love* calling the cops over supposed "violations..."

          For example, you're not allowed to park on the street in front of their house. That's a sure-fire way to get a nasty note under your wiper, or even the cops called if you're there "too long." It doesn't matter what type of vehicle--even the borough trucks aren't immune to complaints. But, they tend to leave me alone

          Then there's the time the family next door to them had problems. The nuts had a certified (official complaint) letter sent over an "unsightly" and "illegal" item in their yard. (Don't even get me started on the passive-aggressive bullshit...) The item in question? It was a blue plastic kiddie pool leaning up against the shed

          Not long after that, they managed to piss off the guy on the other side of my parents. At the time, he had a landscaping business, and kept his jeep and trailer in the driveway. Having a trailer (or motor home, boat, bus, etc.) is *technically* illegal in my borough. But, as long as nobody complains, it's not enforced. Anyone want to guess who was next in getting a certified letter? Never mind that the guy had the trailer for years, and up until then hadn't been a "problem..."

          While all this was going on, the random photography started. Seems the wife would sit on the porch and take random photos of people as "evidence" of supposed "crimes." People such as various neighbors, the mailman, delivery people. I'm sure my family is in a crapload of them, and I'm sure that some of us even flipped her off

          Lastly, they earned a place on my own "shit list" after attempting to get *me* into trouble with the law. For what? First time, it was because of the "abandoned" vehicle (the MG) on the property. During the summer, I'd roll the car outside to work on it. When done, I'd push it back into the garage. Since it wasn't visible most of the time, and I could prove that the car was titled and registered, the matter was quickly dropped.

          Sadly, that wasn't my only altercation with them--soon after I started working full-time, they threatened to call the cops on me. Seems that the 'big blue clouds' from my Tercel were "killing the plants," and that they were going to hold me responsible for replanting their garden. Needless to say, I told the husband to go right ahead and call the cops. But, if he did...not only would I be filing harassment charges, but trespassing (he was standing in my driveway at the time) ones as well. Ever since then, they won't even look at me, and leave me alone. Maybe they're scared that I'll hurt them, or maybe because I can take cars apart
          Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


          • #6
            Wow. Neighbor suckiness all around!

            I can't see them always involving the cops/firemen and I can't even see the huge deal if you went around the neighborhood and asked first, and it's not like you live in ancient, poorly built apartments with walls thinner than paper.
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


            • #7
              For your cars getting vandalized. Check your local laws on surveillance equipment, I would suggest getting a couple of surveillance cameras up in very obvious spots ((trees, etc)) looking directly at YOUR cars, and a few discrete ones watching your cars as well. That way you could at least scare off who ever is fracking with your cars.
              "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"


              • #8
                There shouldn't be any need to check into surveillance. If you have a camera and it only addresses your own property and neighboring public areas, then I'd be surprised if you could be cited for anything. Still, it never hurts to be certain.

                I would definitely put up some cameras.

                I would suggest an obvious fake as a decoy with something hidden behind that so that when they vandalize the decoy, you can get a really good shot of it happening. Just don't forget to give the decoy some wiring to make it look legit.

                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

